aw8899 Member


  • Ok.... To answer some of your questions Yes I am loosing weight, I cook and make all of my meals myself. Also, I have opened up my food journal so you can take a look at what I eat. I am currently cringing because I hate being criticism in any form but, have at it.
  • 1/2 cup sugar - Instead I would use stevia or splenda 1/2 cup light corn syrup- Maybe try using honey (it's about the same consistency I think) 3 tablespoons butter or margarine- I am not sure what this is for in the recipe but I guess margarine would be your best bet. Or, if you're brave try olive oil. 3 tablespoons…
  • Courtneymal17: Thank you and congratulations!!!!! That's amazing and I am proud of you. I can't wait to get to that point. It seems so far away but it will get there one step at a time. Keep up the amazing works and thank you for your encouragement.
  • Thanks everyone! It's amazing to see how many people actually use the c25k app. It is amazing and I do feel more energized and happy. It's a great way to start the day!
  • Ok everyone! I Just started my first week of C25K..... wooooooow. I have some mixed emotions but most of them are good. Thanks everyone for the support and advice. I appreciate allof you!
  • Welcome!!!! I am trying to loose 80 lbs. This a great place to start. Everyone is really friendly and helpful and encouraging. Have a great day!
  • Wow! Thanks everyone for the advice. There seems to be so many raves about C25K. It sounds like a good plan so I will give it a go!