Uk based female with 70lbs ish to lose

JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
Hi all,

I've been lurking for a couple of weeks, using the calorie counter a few days and finally thought I'd pop in to say hi...

I haven't been meeting my calorie goal and I'm under eating which I need to target. I'm also not sure if I'm supposed to eat my workout calories? That's a hell of a lot of food if I do...

I find that my weight comes from alcohol, chocolate and moderate portions of high calorie foods. I don't have a huge appetite so when I cut out things and eat 'well' I struggle to get the intake I need... Ideas?

Anyway thanks for reading, feel free to add me


  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    Hi, I am not aiming to lose quite as much (though could lose more than I am aiming for and still be within a healthly bmi!) but have similar problem to you really. Red wine has been my real downfall and is what got me here in the first place. Not too bad on the chocolate front but do have the odd mad binge. I have found this counting thing weird and it has been a real eye opener how easy it is to go over if you eat certain foods (or drink wine lol) and yet, if eating only very healthy stuff (salads etc...) then I am under and have to go and eat something not so good! I have started to get a grip in the last week or so and find my way but not actually losing that much. :(
    Feel free to ad me.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    sorry should have added, I was a full time mature student at one point (aged 25-28 and 29-30)when my kids were little (I had them young) but now they are grown up however I do remember how hard work it is.
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member

    My loss would take me to 10 stones which is at the top of my healthy weight range really... Im not aiming for tiny, I'd still like some curves :)
    It is difficult juggling studying and family but it's also a great opportunity to get myself sorted during the summer. When I was in my placement I was so exhausted I was in bed by about 7pm most nights haha!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    yep, you're supposed to eat your workout calories.

    If you set it up right your "Goals" have the calorie deficit included to lose weight, excluding exercise.

    As you add exercise the eating goal calories goes up.

    A nice piece of meat with two veg and no starchy things would be one calorie source to consider.
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi feel free to add me, Ive lost 70 odd pounds so hopefully might be able to give you advice.

    Feel free to look at my diary.....for ideas or what not..I would still try and net 1200 calories a day so your weight loss doesnt stall. Eat back some or all of your exercise calories-maybe try protein chakes if youre struggling to reach 1200 net per day. Use olive oil to cook in. Lean minced beef, pork and salmon are quite calorific but still healthy as are bananas.

    Emma xx
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    10st is my top healthy range too, although I would really like to get to about 8st eventually.

    Portion size was my downfall and snacking. I have two children under 5 and some health issues which make this a little harder but I have lost just over 40lb already so it is doable :P

    Please feel free to add me, I hope I can be of support to you?
  • aw8899
    aw8899 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome!!!! I am trying to loose 80 lbs. This a great place to start. Everyone is really friendly and helpful and encouraging. Have a great day!
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    Hi sent you a friend request x
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    yep, you're supposed to eat your workout calories.

    If you set it up right your "Goals" have the calorie deficit included to lose weight, excluding exercise.

    As you add exercise the eating goal calories goes up.

    A nice piece of meat with two veg and no starchy things would be one calorie source to consider.

    Thanks for that advice I'll give it a go then :)
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi feel free to add me, Ive lost 70 odd pounds so hopefully might be able to give you advice.

    Feel free to look at my diary.....for ideas or what not..I would still try and net 1200 calories a day so your weight loss doesnt stall. Eat back some or all of your exercise calories-maybe try protein chakes if youre struggling to reach 1200 net per day. Use olive oil to cook in. Lean minced beef, pork and salmon are quite calorific but still healthy as are bananas.

    Emma xx

    Thanks for that advice I will add you :)
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    10st is my top healthy range too, although I would really like to get to about 8st eventually.

    Portion size was my downfall and snacking. I have two children under 5 and some health issues which make this a little harder but I have lost just over 40lb already so it is doable :P

    Please feel free to add me, I hope I can be of support to you?

    Hi I'd love to friend you :)
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome!!!! I am trying to loose 80 lbs. This a great place to start. Everyone is really friendly and helpful and encouraging. Have a great day!

    Thanks, you too :)
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Hello hun - just sent you a friend request xx

    I struggle to get enough protien in... Being a vegetarian it can be interesting!! I have 23lbs to go and am strength training 2-3 times a week as well as running twice a week, however I have just ordered Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.. :frown:

    Only want to be 9st7 - 10st but not skinny fat....

    Theres some great people on here with great advice xx :flowerforyou:
  • mookirat
    mookirat Posts: 3

    I'm aiming to lose 56lbs to get to about 10 stone. I find it difficult to work out how many calories i burn exercising as i do boot camp gym sessions which involves a variety of stuff, as i usually do double sessions I burn around 600 - 700 calories a time but thats just an estimate. Theres no way I could eat that on top of my daily calorie allowance.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Have a look for Team UK in the groups - lots of other UK users on there.

    Eat to your calorie limit, and then add in at least some of your exercise calories.
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and advice folks. I love it here already :)
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have over 100lbs to lose which would also take me to 10 stone (right at the top of my chart too) as I still want to be 'womanly' rather than too skinny. Curves are good!

    I'm really good during the day but it gets harder at night after work. Things like a glass of wine or a treat have a lot of excess calories. I haven't started exercising properly yet, just trying to stay motivated for now, but I'm going to take up jogging in the next couple of weeks starting slow.

    My advise is to use some of the exercise calories as that's the way it should be done to keep your metabolism balanced (IMO).

    Always looking for new friends and advice.

    I'm 27, based in NE England.


    Feel free to ask for any tips or advice or just general nattering :)
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for that Debbie, I'll add you now :)

    I'm in the North East too and im gonna be 29 on the 15th of may. Had hoped to be a LOT slimmer by then but I've messed about since Christmas to be honest.
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    I've been doing that for years. Finally decided in January that enough is enough. No more excuses. I'm not happy with the way I look? Do something about it. My family history is terrible and I'm getting ever closer to 30 (I know, not a big deal but if I don't do something before then, I don't think I would ever bother). My partner keeps bugging me to marry him and although I don't want a big wedding, the idea of photos horrify me.

    I hate leaving the house and have been bullied pretty much my entire life. For some reason people think they can judge a stranger in the street. Well no more.

    I'd be interested in any exercise tips you have!

  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    Oh Debbie I totally understand the photos thing, I run if I see a camera.

    It's my birthday may 15th and I really wanted to have lost a substantial amount because I wanted a pic of me and my dude together. That's not gonna happen now

    Both children and adults can be so cruel. Don't forget to work on your self esteem as well as your body <3

    Exercise wise... Generally I throw myself into whatever and don't consider what others think. I've had really poor self esteem in the past and then I reached a point when I thought, actually who are these people?! They are nothing (then I list any faults I can find) and it helps me to take no notice/ look at them with disgust.

    Have u got any equipment at home? I've got an elliptical thing and I made myself do it from the beginning of a tv show to the advert break to start off with then extended the time

    I have found that exercising really makes me happy so it's important to find something you enjoy x