Too much protein, sodium, and sugar

aw8899 Posts: 13 Member
I am having a really hard time right now with the food that I eat. I eat a lot of healthy food and am always under my calorie allotment but I am always over my daily allotment of protein, sodium and sugar. I eat fresh fruits and veggies all the time as well as lean proteins like chicken, raw nuts, eggs and fish. I pick multigrain breads and whole grain breads and I stay away from desserts. If I want something to satisfy my sweet tooth I will eat the 40 calorie sugar free fudge pops or frozen yogurt with no toppings. I like to make smoothies with frozen fruits with no added sugar, Dannon fat free vanilla yogurt, milk and Dole pineapple, banana, orange juice. I do really like cheese but not just any cheese I like fresh mozzarella and string cheese. Any suggestions as to what I can do or changes I can make to help me with daily numbers? Maybe substitutes or recipes that might help?


  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Your diary is not public so I can't take a look but if you are using MFP standard settings the protein is very light. It will not hurt you at all to eat more than the default number. Fruit is great but it does contain sugar so you may want to monitor that.
  • anitadhey
    anitadhey Posts: 10
    There are conflicting opinions on consuming too much animal based protein. I just watched an intriguing documentary (It's on Netflix instant viewing) called Forks Over Knives. Worth watching once all the way through. :)
  • dannomein
    dannomein Posts: 6
    I too was always over my sugar allotment. I found that juice was the biggest contributor. I love juice - especially grape - but I've cut it out of my diet. Even after that, I am always slightly over on sugar. My personal opinion is the recommended limit is a bit too tight. Danno
  • bejuled74
    bejuled74 Posts: 191 Member
    I've been told by a nutritionis that you don't have to worry about getting too much protein. It just passes through you, I wish I could figure out a way to get too much protein, lol.
  • erikapereira
    erikapereira Posts: 196
    I am concerned about my sugar intake specially with so many family members with diabetes. I am looking to make some changes, most of the sugar comes from fruits. I dont know what to do about it. I drink juice often.
    Does anyone knos how much sugar intake is good or bad?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I am concerned about my sugar intake specially with so many family members with diabetes. I am looking to make some changes, most of the sugar comes from fruits. I dont know what to do about it. I drink juice often.
    Does anyone knos how much sugar intake is good or bad?

    If you have a family history of diabetes, I'd lose the fruit juice! Like, now! Some fruit is fine but monitor it.
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    Take a deep breath, add a thick skin and open your diary up for public view for a week. That way your friends can give you realistic support. But based on what youve said so far...... Up the veg and drop the juice. Drink loads of water, nothing sweetened. Protein is filling and good, as long as its lean so dont fret about that.
    Sodium is tricky, certainly dont add any to your cooking and watch the processed food, home cooked really is best, you get control that way. You are welcome to check my diary anytime you like.:drinker:
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I wouldn't worry about the protein....I eat between 120 to 150 g a day of protein. I also wouldn't worry too much about sodium, unless you have health issues. I have too low blood pressure, so the sodium intake is good with me. Everyone is different.....are you losing weight? If you are losing and staying within a good calorie range, I wouldn't worry much about sugar, sodium or protein. I personally watch carbs, protein, fiber and fat. My diary is open if you want to look at it....yes, if you open your diary we can look at it and give you better opinions. I have friends who eat like 80 g of protein a day and tons of carbs and then I have friends who eat 30 g of carbs and 100+ g of protein! They all are losing as long as they stay within a calorie range and exercise almost daily. Good luck!
  • aw8899
    aw8899 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok.... To answer some of your questions Yes I am loosing weight, I cook and make all of my meals myself. Also, I have opened up my food journal so you can take a look at what I eat. I am currently cringing because I hate being criticism in any form but, have at it.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I am concerned about my sugar intake specially with so many family members with diabetes. I am looking to make some changes, most of the sugar comes from fruits. I dont know what to do about it. I drink juice often.
    Does anyone knos how much sugar intake is good or bad?

    You need to watch all carbs and not just sugar. If you are concerned, speak to your physician and they will let you know what is a healthy amount of carbs to be at. Sugar is only one part of carbs and it is all (except insoluble -- Fiber) that affect your blood sugar.

    As far as too much protein, if you have not health issues it should be fine. My experience is MFP sets protein too low to start with.

    Sodium you should try to keep reasonable if you are in high risk group (
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    I am concerned about my sugar intake specially with so many family members with diabetes. I am looking to make some changes, most of the sugar comes from fruits. I dont know what to do about it. I drink juice often.
    Does anyone knos how much sugar intake is good or bad?

    With a family full of diabetics, then you should be aware that sugar intake is a completely irrelevant factor when it comes to diabetes.