summer_angel Member


  • Hey gang! I only lost one pound this week, but that's 4 sticks of butter gone forever! I didn't know about the 3500 challenge so I apologize for not staying on top of that. I will aim for that this week. I need to get up and move more for sure. Congratulations to everyone on their successes. My stats: SW: 260 CW: 259 GW:…
  • Thanks for doing this chiliflea! I wasn't aware there were 2 threads. I agree with whoever said March 23rd so it will be a full week.
  • Wow! Great job everyone that lost! I stayed the same at 260. I shot myself in the foot by attending a Super Bowl party with a huge spread. Unfortunately, I didn't have the will power to say no to all the tempting goodies. I haven't been around tempting food in so long and that was more than I could handle. It reminded me…
  • Hey LOSERS!! (haha, I mean that nicely). I don't usually get on the board during the week, but just wanted to check in before Wednesday and see how everyone is faring. Jen, I am so glad your family is ok. Even though there may be damage, that can be fixed. A lost life cannot be replaced. (hugsss) As for me, I'm struggling…
  • My weight is 260. I expect a loss next week. Congrats to everyone who lost! It's great to see so much success!
  • I just found this thread two days ago, so I may not lose anything by tomorrow. Nonetheless, it's nice to have a group of "losers" in the same boat. I look forward to seeing less of you all!!!! Jenny, keep us updated about your family! Prayers and good thoughts go out to your family and others facing the storm.
  • Yay! Thank you SO much for letting me join this thread! I need something to kick it into gear and this sounds just like the thing. Here's the info you asked for to add me to the chart: Name or name you would like to be called: Stephanie or Steph. Age (only if you want to): 42 Location: Nashville, TN Height: 5'2' CW: 260…
  • Do you have room for one more? Oh nevermind! I see now all the spots are taken. DARN!! Well I may just follow this thread anyway for motivation if you don't mind. Onward and downward!!