Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)


Thought I'd start a new thread so we all know where we are....

Weigh in's still on a Wednesday I guess unless any of you want to change it to a Monday? Would be easier for me, but i'm easy with with Wednesday if you all want to stay with it...

Will try and sort out a new chart thingy if I can work out how to do it!

Hope everyone's happy that the 2 threads have been amalgamated into one...



  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I'm as happy as a clam :) i think it's good we have ONE thread...makes it a lot easier. For me wednesdays works great. I usually weigh in sundays so it's kinda mid-week for me. Makes me keep off the scale during the rest of the days....
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Yay I made it to this one!!! Thanks Chiliflea for organizing this!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm here. Weigh in Wednesday or Monday suit me. But not today feeling bloated :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    We'll stick with a wednesday weigh in then.... Can I also suggest we change the end date to March 23rd? As this is a wednesday. Currently we end on Sunday the 20th so this would not give us a full final week!

    Much love Losers!

    Claire x
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Monday or Wednesday is all good for me, thank you Claire for setting up a new thread ...

    On the 3500kcal challenge, I need to up the exercise a bit ...

    Wed: 667
    Thur: Day of rest
    Fri: 138
    Sat: 839

    Total: 1644 for 4 days

    So tomorrow is a swim day, I'm going to swim and run! I really need to start doing some strength training ... might do something else too!

    Hope we're all doing good. I had a sneaky weigh in today, and all looks good ... though I've been out for dinner tonight and have eaten ALL my 839 extra Calories!!

    Have a great weekend evryone

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Doing good Rach!

    I'm going to have to try and get some more exercise done later - it's so hard to get it in on the weekend when my son's home! He wants to "help" when i'm doing the EA sports active... It's like having a really annoying trainer shouting "faster, mummy, faster" and "you're not doing that right you should be squatting like the picture on the telly"....

    He's off to a birthday party this afternoon (dressed as batman) with his dad so I think I'll walk to my parents house with my daughter in the pushchair to bump up those cals burnt....

    Not done too bad on it though

    Wednesday - 550
    Thursday - 752 - I found the joy of kara-t-robics on fitness tv - LOVE IT!! AND it burns just under 500 cals in an hour!
    Friday - 624
    Saturday - 246 so far!

    1328 cals to burn by Wednesday... EASY!!!

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I have no idea if I've done this right but I've started a speadsheet...

    The link for this is


    I hope it works!

    Can someone check and let me know!
  • alw2007
    I was able to see it. And I think I need to revise my original goal, when Texas first talked to me about it, she originally said 20 lbs, then I didn't see it was changed to 15 lbs until after I'd already started. So can I switch my goal to 249 lbs by 3/23? Please please please? :happy:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Yup!! No probs! I'll get it done for you.... Just this once though! Lol :op
  • summer_angel
    summer_angel Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for doing this chiliflea! I wasn't aware there were 2 threads. I agree with whoever said March 23rd so it will be a full week.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am new to this group and so excited!! Thanks again chiliflea for the quick response to my message!!
    Okay so here's my info....

    Name or name you would like to be called: either Tami or Idaho girl
    Age (only if you want to): 39
    Location: North Idaho
    Height: 5' 2 1/2"
    CW: 356.4 (was 362.3 before I weighed in Thursday)
    GW: 135
    GW by march 20th : 345
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I got married December 6th and am loving it!

    chiliflea, you asked for my weigh ins so here they are: Jan 14: 375 (starting weight) Jan 18: 362.3 Feb 11: 356.4
    Wasn't sure which weight to base from for the 15 pound by March 20 challenge so I went with the weight prior to my way in on Feb 11. If I need to change it just let me know.

    I also definitely want to do the calorie burn challenge! So if anyone needs a partner please let me know. I would love to team up with someone. Have a great day ya'll.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I am new to this group and so excited!! Thanks again chiliflea for the quick response to my message!!
    Okay so here's my info....

    Name or name you would like to be called: either Tami or Idaho girl
    Age (only if you want to): 39
    Location: North Idaho
    Height: 5' 2 1/2"
    CW: 356.4 (was 362.3 before I weighed in Thursday)
    GW: 135
    GW by march 20th : 345
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I got married December 6th and am loving it!

    chiliflea, you asked for my weigh ins so here they are: Jan 14: 375 (starting weight) Jan 18: 362.3 Feb 11: 356.4
    Wasn't sure which weight to base from for the 15 pound by March 20 challenge so I went with the weight prior to my way in on Feb 11. If I need to change it just let me know.

    I also definitely want to do the calorie burn challenge! So if anyone needs a partner please let me know. I would love to team up with someone. Have a great day ya'll.

    Great! thanks Tami and Welcome!

    I've put your start weight as 362.3 and your weigh in for the 9th Feb as 356.4. Hope this is ok with you... You've done amazingly well since you started! x
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    That works for me...thanks

    So far I have burned the following calories this week....
    Wed 902
    Thurs 773
    Fri 1341

    Just want to be sure the week is from Wed to Tue with weigh in on Wed or is it Thurs to Wed? Sorry for all the questions just want to be on the same page as everyone else :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    ooo i'm not sure! weigh in is on a wednesday so i guess it's wednesday to tuesday....
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Hi all, I'm taking my god son to see tangled at the 3D IMAX tomorrow. Does anyone know the nutritional info for cinema popcorn?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hi all, I'm taking my god son to see tangled at the 3D IMAX tomorrow. Does anyone know the nutritional info for cinema popcorn?


    This article says "A large bag of sweet popcorn bought at a Cineworld in Haymarket, Central London, weighed 375g and according to the calculations of The Times nutritionist, is likely to have contained 1,800 calories. These bags are intended for sharing but it is not unusual to see cinemagoers treating themselves to one each."

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok I've nearly done it. One day to go and only 89 calories to burn to reach 3,500. Can't believe I actually did it. A couple of big days in the beginning helped. Hope you are all also doing well.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Ok I've nearly done it. One day to go and only 89 calories to burn to reach 3,500. Can't believe I actually did it. A couple of big days in the beginning helped. Hope you are all also doing well.

    Wow Jenni! That's fantastic! That's a whole pound exercised off! I've got to do a work out this morning and then another tomorrow... tomorrow will be a biggy again as I'm going to the gym AND doing my EA so I can be a bit gentle on myself today... Haven't had a rest day all week!

    Weighed myself this morning for the 60lb by halloween challenge I took on last week - and I've lost 4.4lbs since last monday!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok I've nearly done it. One day to go and only 89 calories to burn to reach 3,500. Can't believe I actually did it. A couple of big days in the beginning helped. Hope you are all also doing well.

    Wow Jenni! That's fantastic! That's a whole pound exercised off! I've got to do a work out this morning and then another tomorrow... tomorrow will be a biggy again as I'm going to the gym AND doing my EA so I can be a bit gentle on myself today... Haven't had a rest day all week!

    Weighed myself this morning for the 60lb by halloween challenge I took on last week - and I've lost 4.4lbs since last monday!
    Claire, you are doing so well. I went for a 30min walk tonight (129 calories). So YAY, I've done it and still have tomorrow, Tuesday, which is my Birthday. I will still try and do some exercise, as not sure what I will be eating. Lunch with my mum. Dinner at home with hubby and daughter. I requested to eat at home so maybe a little more control. I am a little nervous about weigh in on Wednesday after my birthday :/ But I'm always nervous about weigh in.:tongue:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm sure with all the work you've put in this week the scale will show it...

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday!