Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow well done Jenn! That's great burning you've done there. I hope the scales behave for you tomorrow, regardless, you have had a great week! Hope you have a wonderful birthday.

    Well done to you too Tami, that's some fantastic burning!

    It's tuesday morning here ... I have just under 1000kcal to burn, which would be a struggle anyway ... today my Mum is playing golf, so I have to exercise with my little girl ... so we're going to cycle everywhere, and see how we do! I have my Te Reo (Maori language) course this evening, so I have to exercise during the day.

    How's your 3500kcal burn going Claire?

    I think the calorie burn is a great aim to have every week, even if I don't make the total I've really enjoyed the challenge.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I have about 124 cals to burn tomorrow to reach the 3500.... Should be easy as I've got a gym session (a date with the dreaded elliptical!) and my penultimate EA active session (can't believe I've nearly completed the 30 day challenge!!)

    Weighed this morning for another challenge and have lost so will be interesting to see how much more i lose by Wednesday weigh in!

    If you want to keep going with the 3500 cal burn then go for it! I'm tempted cos I like the loss at the end of the week but I think my body needs a little rest! Needs recovery time.... But the thought of having a day off scares me that I won't get back into the groove the following day - if you know what I mean...

    We should all be VERY proud of ourselves this week - whether we make the 3500 or not - the point is we've all given it our all...
  • Woohoo I made it!! 3502 kcal burnt in one week. didnt look good there for a while, but i am proud of myself. My week looked like this:

    wednesday: 538
    thursday: 137
    friday: 755
    saturday: 497
    sunday: 308
    monday: 729
    tuesday: 538
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well done Hanna! I missed it by 240 Kcal, but was pretty impressed with myself burning 730kcal yesterday. I did consider going for a run at 10pm last night when I got in from my Maori class, just to do it ...!! But that seemed a little excessive!! A whole new week starts today, and I'm going to aim for it again.

    It's wednesday here and I've just weighed in at 92.5kg or 204lb which is a 2lb/ 1 kg loss. Which is all good, but crazily I feel a bit disappointed as it's up slightly from my sneaky peek mid week!! I think the moral of that may be no sneaky peeks, as I know I would have been very happy without that!

    Right what's our new challenge going to be for this week? I was thinking of making sure we eat our protein allocation. I'm vegetarian, and rarely eat my protein allocation, my hubby thinks that's part of my problem. I eat too much carbs and not enough protein ... so my aim is going to be to eat my protein allocation, and stay under my carbs ...

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks Rach for your weigh in - I've added it to the chart...

    I've completed the 3500 challenge - and done 3799!!

    That means Hanna and I have a combined 7301 calories burned! Woweeee!

    Wonder how the other pairs have got on!

    Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow... Hoping to have lost a little more since Monday - fingers crossed eh!

  • I know i have gained - don't know how much though. That we'll see tomorrow. Now it is tuesday evening and i'll try to sleep off like 2 lbs, but i don't think that is possible even in my dreams :( Doomsday tomorrow. See you then!
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Wow, I really did not pay attention to the 3500 calorie challenge in the old thread :(

    I'll try to make this my goal every week at least ^_^;
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok my GRAND TOTAL was 3816 calories burnt. My weight loss was a weight gain of 700gms. My measurements no different. But I'm ok with this. I know I worked hard and I ate properly. So 1. Scales were wrong (lol blame the machine not the operator). 2. Hormones - I'm 51 and for some reason feel hot when others don't :wink: 3. I have built some dam fine muscle or 4. if it keeps going up my doctor and I have a long talk. But I feel great, stronger and fitter. And will keep going with this great life style, plus I just love you all out there and would miss you. So am about to start another week with 3 days away, yahoo. So my challenge this week is to first get through 3 days of eating out. We are off to Canberra, our capitol city, about 3 hours drive away, mostly to see the Ballet Russes exhibit at the National Gallery. The rest of the time is to rest and relax. Maybe the odd walk. I hope to be able to still log in while away to keep inspired by everyone else's activities. I don't have one of those fancy phones so relying on the old laptop.
    Have a great day, everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • I missed the old challenge also. So are we still doing new challenges each week, or are we just shooting to burn 3500 calories each week? And I have absolutely no idea who I was paired up with, so I'm very sorry to my partner, to whom I have been pretty bad apparently :embarassed: For those of you that have the EA active or the wii fit or anything...does it work, do you get a pretty good calorie burn? I've been thinking about getting one but didn't really know if it would be any good?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Jenni - Have a great break away... I'm sure you'll manage to do just fine...

    alw2007 - Sorry You missed the challenge chick! Not sure who you were paired with either but not to worry... I have the first EA active (with the view to getting the second one) AND the wii fit and I find both are pretty effective with my HRM... EA I find more structured - I've been following it's 30 day challenge and am 2 days from finishing... I've enjoyed it actually! And the Wii fit you can do and it just feels like you're having fun... I can burn a couple hundred cals doing 30 mins or so, so you can get a good burn out of it...
    If you get the EA active Sports 2 you can go online and set challenges with friends which is one of the reason I'm going to get it... Maybe if you got it we could pair up our wiis and challenge each other?!

    Winterbreeze - again, sorry you missed the 3500 challenge... I think I may make it my personal challenge every week, only this time I think I'll give my body a rest day every now and again - or do something lower impact on some days!

    Everyone ready to weigh in today??
  • Good morning! It actually is a better morning than i suspected it to be :) My current weight is now 99.5 kg or 218.9 lbs. Hope it is getting better for all of you losers out there :tongue:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Good morning! It actually is a better morning than i suspected it to be :) My current weight is now 99.5 kg or 218.9 lbs. Hope it is getting better for all of you losers out there :tongue:

    Well done Hanna! I've added it to the chart!

    Anyone want to put forward a challenge for this week or does everyone want to pick their own mini challenge?
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Hi All

    Calories burnt 3517 this week, and another half inch off the bust! Just off to Sainsburys for some new batteries for the scales - so hold that thought!!!

    Have just looked at my inch loss since November 2010 and I'm really happy I did the measurements back then, definately a motivator when the weight loss is not going as quickly as I'd like it.

    Inches lost so far:
    Bust 3.5
    Neck 1.3
    Waist 4
    Hips 3
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    That's great V! Measurements are important too! Will wait and see what the scale says later too!

    My weight is the same as Monday so will put that on the chart.. 286.4lbs
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Not sure if this interests any of you but I found a % weigh loss calculator...


    On this challenge I've lost 3.24%....

    Hanna - you've lost 2.75%
    Rach - you've lost a massive 4.23%!
  • Not sure if this interests any of you but I found a % weigh loss calculator...


    On this challenge I've lost 3.24%....

    Hanna - you've lost 2.75%
    Rach - you've lost a massive 4.23%!

    Even though it's awesome to lose weight in kg or lbs it's even better to realise you lose a percentage of your beloved body. Will be really interesting what we will end up with... Sad thing is that i have started to doubt myself. Maybe its just the time of the month, but i'm not sure if i will make it, losing 15 lbs that is... I'll have a pep talk with myself and we'll see if i work this one out. As far as new challenges, it would be awesome with a new mini challenge but for now i have nothing in mind. I long for my birthday and with some luck i'll get a new bathing suit (otherwise i'll buy one) so next week i'll be swimming off my weight.

    AND i just realised if I lose my 15 lbs in this challenge i've lost a total of 6.66% of my body weight. Maybe it's a sign ;)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    You are all fantastic. Well done Hanna getting under 100kg. That is my next goal. I really enjoyed the challenge and maybe after these days away will try and do some serious calorie burning. I am pretty happy with my food choices for today but than I have to sort of guess at food sizes etc and hope to choose something similar in the food diary. Saw the movie Black Swan tonight, that is a serious movie but it was good, I asked my daughter to get me a choc top (chocolate covered ice cream), she asked are you sure. YES I WAS. She came back with nothing queue was too long, we hate queques. Thank you Higher Diet Being you saved me.If anyone thinks of a new challenge, I'm in. But I can't think of any either.
  • You are all fantastic. Well done Hanna getting under 100kg. That is my next goal. I really enjoyed the challenge and maybe after these days away will try and do some serious calorie burning. I am pretty happy with my food choices for today but than I have to sort of guess at food sizes etc and hope to choose something similar in the food diary. Saw the movie Black Swan tonight, that is a serious movie but it was good, I asked my daughter to get me a choc top (chocolate covered ice cream), she asked are you sure. YES I WAS. She came back with nothing queue was too long, we hate queques. Thank you Higher Diet Being you saved me.If anyone thinks of a new challenge, I'm in. But I can't think of any either.

    Thank you Jen! You will get under 100 before you know it!
  • Well my weigh in for the week is 258.2, so another 2 lbs! And finally I can start to tell that my pants are getting loose.

    Chili- that sounds like fun with the EA 2, I hope to get it in the next couple months, and being able to do challenges with friends would definitely keep me motivated!

    Good luck this week everyone! I love being a loser!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Well my weigh in for the week is 258.2, so another 2 lbs! And finally I can start to tell that my pants are getting loose.

    Chili- that sounds like fun with the EA 2, I hope to get it in the next couple months, and being able to do challenges with friends would definitely keep me motivated!

    Good luck this week everyone! I love being a loser!

    Woo hoo! Way to go! Yeah I'll be buying EA too sometime soon so we'll have to keep checking with each other and then we can start a group maybe...
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