Losers! (BBW/BHM thread..)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Nice work ladies!

    You guys are doing awesome. Jenn you sound like your head is still in the right place, so I think you'll be fine ... just have to keep on keeping on. Days away have been my absolute downfall in the past. I go away fro a few days, don't track what I eat, and then it takes me weeks to get back on track, but you sound totally on to it! GO YOU!

    I'm doing good, managed to run 3km without walking a few days ago, which is just massive for me! I have another mini triathlon next weekend, this one has a 5km run, so I'm going to attempt to run 5km one day next week! Then I can attempt to run the whole of my triathlon, which will be a first! I'm feeling great atm.

    Happy Sunday everyone

    Wow rach!! I couldn't even contemplate a 1k run let alone a 3 or a 5!!! It's all I can muster to run the whole track on my ea active!!! Think I'll try my biggest loser wii game this week.. See how that goes before I buy ea active 2...

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Wow rach!! I couldn't even contemplate a 1k run let alone a 3 or a 5!!! It's all I can muster to run the whole track on my ea active!!! Think I'll try my biggest loser wii game this week.. See how that goes before I buy ea active 2...

    Not sure why my post ended up in your quote Rachel! Damn IPhone!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Rach, running is something I look forward to doing. You are amazing. I have decided to try and aim to burn 3,500 calories again this week. My goal today is to get some good food back into the house.
    Have a great Sunday everyone.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok so while I was out getting in the good food, decided to hop on the scales for a mid week weigh in and get a sneak peak at what sort of damage I did with the 3 days away. Up another 300grams. So I have a lot of work to do now before Wednesday weigh in. Back to weighing and measuring all my food, no more guessing.
  • Ok so while I was out getting in the good food, decided to hop on the scales for a mid week weigh in and get a sneak peak at what sort of damage I did with the 3 days away. Up another 300grams. So I have a lot of work to do now before Wednesday weigh in. Back to weighing and measuring all my food, no more guessing.

    I'm not trying to say that you shouldnt work your *kitten* off, but 300g could be just a normal peak during a week. I havent been counting at all for like three days and on top of that it is that awesome time of the month were i gain like 500 kg. Gonna drink water like a maniac to try to feel less like a manatee ( by that i mean bloated not like a happy water animal)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Had to weigh in this morning for the 60lb by halloween challenge I've joined and I've lost another 3.2lbs!! So happy! Will try and get a little more off by wednesday!

    Happy Monday to all!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    That is awesome!! Good job Chiliflea. you are doing great!

    Not sure if I will beat the 3500 + 2 dog walks. I am at 2026 burned and that includes the 1 dog walk I have done. I have been doing finals this week for school so have slacked off on my calorie burning. Time to get back at it.

    Happy Monday everybody.
  • Well since i'm leaving my scale at home for the coming daysyou guys will get my weight today as well. My weight is 100.7...I have gained 1.2 kg. I blame ovulation, alcohol and cupcakes but most of all i blame me. How ever. Time to get focused all over again... I guess you guys want my weight in lbs as well so here it goes... 221.5 That SUCKS! gonna be a good girl now ;)

    Good luck to all of you!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well since i'm leaving my scale at home for the coming daysyou guys will get my weight today as well. My weight is 100.7...I have gained 1.2 kg. I blame ovulation, alcohol and cupcakes but most of all i blame me. How ever. Time to get focused all over again... I guess you guys want my weight in lbs as well so here it goes... 221.5 That SUCKS! gonna be a good girl now ;)

    Good luck to all of you!
    You will lose that quick enough, so don't worry. Ovulation really does not help. I'm hoping thats half my problem, not sure,:drinker: I think the menopause thing could be looming around the corner. (Also birthday food does help diets. I have a delicious fruit cake in my fridge I keep having and logging, but I'm sure a yogurt would be better)
  • You will lose that quick enough, so don't worry. Ovulation really does not help. I'm hoping thats half my problem, not sure,:drinker: I think the menopause thing could be looming around the corner. (Also birthday food does help diets. I have a delicious fruit cake in my fridge I keep having and logging, but I'm sure a yogurt would be better)

    Haha, yeah it may be so. I hope the extra weight is going away soon enough.. Getting tired of standing fairly still... Fruitcake is so much more tasty than a good-for-you-yogurt ;) You only have one birthday a year!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Weigh in tomorrow peeps!! Hope you're all having a good week xx
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Morning all

    Weighed it at 91.5kg or 202lb, which I believe is a 1kg/2lb loss for me.

    I should be really happy with that but I'm feeling a little down with the world this morning, what with the earthquake in Christchurch (which is thankfully a long way from us), my mum having gone back to the UK and I'm going to a friends funeral tomorrow. A lovely, lovely lady that I used to work with who has lost her battle with brain tumours, she was only 36.

    Anyway, good luck to all you losers, hope the scales are kind to you all.

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Morning all

    Weighed it at 91.5kg or 202lb, which I believe is a 1kg/2lb loss for me.

    I should be really happy with that but I'm feeling a little down with the world this morning, what with the earthquake in Christchurch (which is thankfully a long way from us), my mum having gone back to the UK and I'm going to a friends funeral tomorrow. A lovely, lovely lady that I used to work with who has lost her battle with brain tumours, she was only 36.

    Anyway, good luck to all you losers, hope the scales are kind to you all.


    Well done on your weight loss! Will update the chart.
    Sorry to hear you're having a hard week.. Glad you haven't been affected by the awful earthquake...
    Condolences for your friend though... So sad when someone is taken after putting up such a fight.

    Much love x
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Here is my weigh in for this week - 349 pounds for a 1.8 pound loss this week and a total of 26 pounds in the 5 1/2 wks I have been on MFP. I am happy with that loss, but my doctor isn't. I'm extremely confused and frustrated right now, not to mention very hormonal!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Here is my weigh in for this week - 349 pounds for a 1.8 pound loss this week and a total of 26 pounds in the 5 1/2 wks I have been on MFP. I am happy with that loss, but my doctor isn't. I'm extremely confused and frustrated right now, not to mention very hormonal!

    I think that's a healthy weight loss chick... How much does your doctor think you should be losing?!

    You should feel VERY proud of yourself - you're changing your whole lifestyle for the better and this can only be a good thing...
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Great to read all the progress peeps are making, GO LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDIIIIIESSSSS!!!

    I'm feeling so much better about this week, having adjusted the food intake and increased the fibre. The weekend was a car crash of red meat and wine!! But the food supplements and vits the nutritionist gave me have really upped my energy levels. Nuts and seeds have replaced my chocolate fix's, so doing my best with that one and avoiding Freddos like hell! (oh and my pee is now luminous from the B vit complex - too much information for ya? It was for my boyfriend too - sorry!!).

    The girls in my pilates class thought I looked slimmer tonight, so that was a nice pick me up, and I have just made a batch of soup for lunches this week! Man am I motivated or what!! Ha ha.

    Good luck for tomorrows weigh in all

    Verity x

    PS, some people asked about info on seeing the nutritionist, so I am going to have a go at blogging the interesting stuff, if your interested subscribe to my blog here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/VezNo1/view/blogging-great-nutritionist-74672
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Yay V! You sound so motivated!

    Have you tried the graze boxes?

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Whew, I am back to pre birthday weight, 103.5 kgs (228pounds).
    Not fair that it goes on so much easier than it comes off.

    Verity, you are not only motivated but motivating. Thank You.:flowerforyou:

    I had a bit of time up my sleeve before starting work yesterday and was wondering around the city, so decided to pop into a fitness clothing shop. You know the sort where you need to be fit and skinny to fit into the clothes. One of my soap box beefs is how can fat people get thin if can't find comfortable exercise clothes. Anyway after wondering around in there for quite some time I was finally approched and asked could they help. I asked what size did they go to, oh generally a 14 was the reply. Don't know why she said this as, as I very calmly and nicely explained that even though I didn't look like it, I was exercising and attending classes and would love some pants that fitted. Well low and behold, they found some size 20's. (How dare they hide them). Well surprise, I tried them on and they fitted and a surprise from the girls they said they were too big (not use to how they should fit) and got me some 18's, which also fitted. YAY!! (they however only go to a 16 in tops) I picked up some singlet tops from a discount shop again surprise, they fitted. So I am kitted out now and will feel much more comfortable in ballet class. Next I might buy is ballet slippers. :laugh:

    Now to make my high fibre wheatgerm muffins, thanks V, and I'm back on track.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    My goal this week is to continue doing my Jillian Michaels workout everyday and to meet my daily fibre requirement.:tongue:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Wow Jen! That's a great story! Can't wait till that happens to me! I'm hoping the the skirt I bought off eBay a while back and was somehow too small (even though other clothes I have in the at size are too big) will fit me so I can wear it out on Saturday.. It was just that bit too snug when I tried it on last week , so with any luck it'll be ok this week!
    It's only 3.30 am here (woke up to 4yr old crying as his monkey had fallen out of bed) so haven't got on the scales yet but I'm a bit too excited about weigh in to go back to sleep!
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