I finished t25 back in March , and completed two rounds of Insanity Max 30. Now I'm mixing running and insanity max 30 together for fun:) I just love Shaun T workouts...
I have a charge 2, you're not supposed to submerge in water but it's slash, rain and sweat resistant..
I always take a week break after I finish Insanity Max 30 before I start it all over again. I usually stay pretty active, run/ bike .
I'd say do both, I do bodyweight exercises and cardio few times a week - running/ biking
I finished it few years ago. Didn't lose lots of weight maybe few lbs, but lost more inches. Overall I liked it
Mostly electronic music
I barely finished today, maxed out 4 minutes earlier than last week:(. I was so exhausted. I rode my bike yesterday for 11 km second time in 2 years and I could barely finish my workout today , because my legs were so sore, but still did it. Yay me lol Good luck with the pulse tomorrow, I most likely will run tomorrow. Let…
I lost 27 lbs since having my baby year ago, but I started working out when she was 5 months old. I started with t25, she used to wake up for early morning feed around 5 am , so I would feed her put her back into her crib and put on my workout clothes and do my t25. It was hard ,not gonna lie, but I was super committed and…
Week 2 done! How's everyone doing ?
Awesome :smiley: congrats
Oh wow! Great job, that's a commitment:) We're totally finishing Insanity, one day at a time!
I have charge 2, I don't find it too big. I also bought lots of different bands ( different colors ) from Amazon, so I change it up so it fits my clothes and mood:) so far no complains.
I have a Fitbit charge 2 and love it. I use to count steps, workouts, running, but I don't use it for sleep. It's good to see how lazy I can become on the weekends and makes me get up and move.
It's ( pulse ) is not hard as the rest of his workouts, but I would definitely wouldn't say it's relaxing, it's harder than a regular stretch workout for sure :))) I guess it's only you and me left in this thread who started week 2 :)) just completed Tabata power, love love love this workout
I'm no expert, but when I usually run my HR is mid 160-175 as per my Fitbit and stays elevated like that during my whole 5k runs. I think the fitter you are cardiovascularly the lower your hr would be.
I weigh myself daily, look at the number and move on with my day. I am not letting some bathroom equipment to dictate my mood.i have a goal weight number as well and very close to it, so I understand that the closer you are to your ideal weight the harder it will be. So don't let the number on the scale take over you. Look…
Pulse IS hard.:) I usually go for a run on a weekend, so I skip pulse altogether. I finished cardio challenge, it was hard but I am very happy I pushed hard, was soaking wet when I was done.
Insanity Max 30 here too
You can add me ,I run 3 times a week.
I have a cheat meal usually chips or few extra cookies, that's what I consider a cheat meal. But I always make up for it the next day, by either going for a run or pushing extra hard with my workout. I think it's important to indulge once in a while ( a week).
Oh yeah! I'm so tired especially my legs. But I was thinking to go for a run later in the evening today. I must be crazy lol
Survived first week:))) holy
Stretching is a good idea. I'm so sore..... Your max out time is great too! Keep it up:)
Omg, I maxed out at 16:14. Super hard workout!
I'm actually on my third round of Insanity Max 30 because I kinda like the program plus I don't know what to do next either. I also added running 3 times a week.i was thinking to do a hybrid of Insanity Max 30 and t 25 since I have both of the programs.
Jumped into shower after workout could barely lift my body wash after all push ups Lol I love/ hate Insanity:)))
30 Minutes of interval training 5 days a week plus running every other day for 30-40 minutes.
Black with half teaspoon of sugar.
Great job!