SelenaP63 Member


  • Hey Ladies... quick question. Does anyone in our group have experience taking Strontium to counteract the effects of osteoporosis? Thanks! Selena (from Alberta, currently in Utah)
  • Giving it a whirl again. Came back in Dec and read a post by a lady (unfamiliar to me in this group) that threw me for a loop (claiming untrue things about my religion), didn't know how to respond, so I didn't (say something nice or don't say anything, you know :) ) Hoping everyone is okay! Missed you all, but have eaten a…
  • Hello Menopals!! I'm back because I pretty much am square one. Several bizarro-world months with a couple of *deaths and still lingering in Canada have left me with relatively few options that don't include an elastic waist! And why wouldn't Christmas be the perfect time to heave my fluffy self back on to the…
  • Too late to offer a decent post, but had to mention: Sylvia - LOVED how you Trumped your pooch. Still smiling! And thank you to those who read the article. I appreciate you taking the time :) And Chris, when you wake up in the morning, know this faraway friend is thinking of you and sending birthday love your way! It's not…
  • Carol, thank you for reminding me that I've managed to keep some weight off... very easy to focus on the lbs put back on. Really appreciate your kind perspective :) Ann, thank you for sharing the lovely and peaceful picture of your special place. So very thoughtful. Hugs! Lenora, I can tell you have a heart of gold. I'm…
  • Popping in to say hello. Many apologies for the extended absence. True confession - I've put on 6 of the 14 lbs I lost. Hope to get back on track someday before I die (tongue in cheek). Dear friends, This past month has been a Bizarro World rollercoaster. Getting the call from my DD that her hubby died was the beginning of…
  • There's been so much going on. Too much. I should be packing up the house for a move. I'm packing a suitcase instead. My 30 yr old daughter called this morning. Her 34 yr old husband died. No cause known yet. I'm not sure why I'm telling you... I probably won't be back for another 300 posts or so and will never catch up.…
  • Sylvia, I've got to say if I'm touring in the buff on a bicycle, it's not protecting my feet from the sandals where I'm going to compromise. I've got some delicate bits where I'd rather have a little extra cushion. :) It's a BICYCLE!!! Barbie, I don't know how you do it, but all your little dancing figures make me happy.…
  • Must. Get. In. Cloning Program! There's not enough of me to go around. Apologies for being absentee, but I'll shortlist my life at this minute. Moving in 6 weeks (with 2 horses, German shepherd and 9 yr. old boy), still don't know where. Husband's transfer option is off the table and he will be out of a job in 4 weeks.…
  • Thinking of you all today... mothers remembered, mothers forgotten and mothers at heart. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the people around you, and in the lives of those who gather here for friendship and support. You are spectacular!
  • Oh. My. Gosh! When will I ever learn?! All my comments gone, in a puff of smoke!! And if I try to recreate them this minute I won't have time to exercise (which would pretty much defeat the purpose of being here in the first place). Poo! I can't believe I did that! Curses!! Just a quick thought then... I had a good day…
  • Just checking in... having to finish proofing as we go to print on Monday. The perk of DH proofing first is that he says "Every time I read it, I fall in love with you again." He's very good for my self-esteem. Having the FitBit has put me back on track. Just being 'aware' of my activity makes a difference (like being on…
  • Well, it would appear that I have an unusually long stride. I'm only 5'3" but managed, according to FitBit, to walk 187 steps in 75 minutes of rather rigorous hiking. Oh, and logged 0 active minutes. Dear FitBit, so far you do not meet my expectations, nor do you match most of my outfits. You are not my friend. Do…
  • Going for a walk to see if I can rock the FitBit :) Happy Sunday all! Selena Utah
  • Thanks Mary for the heads up! Technology is wonderful but there is so much I don't know, it can be intimidating at times. Hope you got your computer all sorted out! Sure do appreciate your positive attitude and example Roberta... thank you for your kind remarks, too :) katla - Your sailing club sounds like a really neat…
  • Happy, happy birthday Jane! Gin, you look great and your new 'do' is adorable :) Carey - I also appreciated the quote. Heather - What a fun cake. Sadly, as creative as I am in other areas, I can say in all honesty, that I am the most abysmal cake decorator this side of the Pecos! I so admire anyone who can decorate a cake…
  • OK... I hope you don't mind me sharing this but I'm excited and it's late and who else can I tell? It was a long day and even though I was away from home, I had a really good day as far as staying on track with eating & such. Well, got home tonight just before 10pm and checked my email. Copy editor sent part of the book…
  • Just checking in... Congratulations Chris on the 5 lb weight loss! I hope I can follow your lead and do the same for May. And Maryanne - I love Classical Stretch... been doing it for a year now and it has changed my shape, and made me so much stronger and more flexible. I don't plan on ever quitting. The boy has play…
  • Linda - Glad you're here and have resolved to nurture yourself. It's so easy for a woman to forget how important that is. And to quit smoking is huge... my husband says of all the addictions he's overcome (yep, he has a past), smoking was the most difficult. Janet has recently given up smoking, too, so she'll know what…
  • Carol - Being the getaway driver sounds like a really fun thing to do, especially with your daughter. I bet you have some good laughs together about your adventures. Lisa? from Texas - Oh gosh, I can't imagine you being judged for a choice you made that you felt was best for you. It's funny, how people try to make sense of…
  • Good Morning! I'm cross-eyed from trying to catch up with everyone. It would be a lot easier if we were around the corner from each other and could go for walks together. Imagine how we'd look... a gang of MenoPals ;) Loved the penguin Christmas tree skirt and the newly framed painting from the 1800s... so many creative…
  • Just a quick pop in to say hello... hope you're all having an awesome weekend. I'm in a readathon of all things (still many hours left for anyone who wants to participate). Kind of fun with people from all over the world in on it. So glad you all liked the hummingbird picture so I'll…
  • Janet - I was probably only a couple of feet away from the hummingbirds and trying out a new setting on my camera. I take so many pictures, the odds are in my favor of getting a few great shots. The little guy in brown and orange is a Rufous (I think, although "cannot be reliably separated from Allen's in the field without…
  • Colleen I live in a remote area, so that's probably a huge point in my favor with the hummingbirds. I feel like it's almost a sanctuary for them because we have 5 feeders we fill every 24 - 36 hours x 10 sipping spots in each feeder... that's a lotta birds. So the truth is, I'm at their beck and call and just use sugar and…
  • Mary & Katla - We are looking at moving maybe along the 1-15 corridor somewhere around Brigham City, UTor as far north as Idaho Falls, ID We think that will be more convenient for the traveling we will be doing in the next few months for the book. And Katla! Just hearing about your hummingbirds was so wonderful that I got…
  • Joyce - your Christmas tree confession is awesome. I can relate as I've done that before. I still have remnants of the holidays that need to be packed up. It's just that those snowmen look so cheery. Guess now that the snow has melted it's time :) Welcome Tammi - I've been doing Classical Stretch for a year now…
  • Sylvia! How lovely are you?! I'd give you a big hug right this minute if I was anywhere near you. I agree with everyone else here... please try to see what we see. And if that doesn't work, only talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend. It all starts in our head, am I right, ladies? I'd love to have a…
  • Has anyone else ever had myfitnesspal start them back at day zero? Looks like I've been bumped back to the beginning :( I mean, worse could happen, but there was something about seeing 70 days yesterday that was kinda cool. Cool cover, Heather! You must be delighted. Do you have a website or blog we could visit? Selena Utah
  • Hi all... it's been too long and I've missed you! Been going warp speed with book stuff (impersonating a website designer and social media pro) and have neglected myfitnesspal(s) much to my detriment. I've had a crummy couple of weeks and fear I will gain more than a couple of pounds if I don't check in with y'all. (Is…
  • Sadness... I pressed the wrong button and lost all I had written! To sum up, loved the pics of Pip and Sassy with DH's, and beautiful Levi wearing the festive headband (he's a lucky and well-loved pooch, I can tell). Also loved the pictures of Sylvia's poster with the colorful bowls. Such an awesome project for the kids!!…