

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Greetings from NYC. I have been working long days, so I'm waaaay behind in reading your posts. However, I did want to take a minute to share some photos from the New York Botanical Garden annual Orchid Show. Happy almost first day of spring!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    purdy flower pics
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.38min, 15.2mph 2.9mi = 101cal
    spin- 40min, 86ar, 119aw, 12-13g, 17mi = 319cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.38min, 13.1amph, 1.4mi = 80cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 16.36min, 9.5amph, 2.6mi = 167cal
    total cal 667
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sadness... I pressed the wrong button and lost all I had written! To sum up, loved the pics of Pip and Sassy with DH's, and beautiful Levi wearing the festive headband (he's a lucky and well-loved pooch, I can tell). Also loved the pictures of Sylvia's poster with the colorful bowls. Such an awesome project for the kids!!

    Oh, oh... I wanted to say how happy I am Katla that you are able to be there for your DGD's birthday and that you are able to have your visit with your family after all! Such a great experience for the kids to have that time with their grandparents, especially when there are many miles in between.

    Congratulations Heather on all the hard work in not only writing your book, but making sure you finish the job by publishing it. My DH coerced me into writing a non-fiction with him while I was in Canada with my Dad who was dying 2 years ago. DH was missing the boy and me and found our old correspondence from when we met online in 2000. He decided it should be a book and started sending me excerpts to work on and after Dad died and I got home, he kept me working and eventually submitted it to a publisher a year ago (we're not brave enough to try self-publishing). It will be published in July :) It's fun to finally have a cover and see it on Amazon. Still there is SO much to do and plan. I'd love to hear any advice you have for newbies to the wonderful world of writing. It's very exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

    Darn it... there was so much more I wanted to say, but wasn't clever enough to write it in a separate place. Wishing I could just sit and visit with you all!

    The rest of the week is crazy busy... teaching archery to kids in a couple of different towns, so I might miss out on a LOT, but I'll be thinking of you! Wishing everyone a happy and successful week!


  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Oh Vicki ... sorry you didn't get the job! This seems to be the norm in so many work places...

    Sassy ... very nice photo of you and the mister.

    Pat ... what a difference the skylight made!

    Beautiful orchid photos ...

    Not a great day for me here ... I made poor food choices and will pay for them I'm sure ...

    Sump pump problems yesterday and furnace problems today. 2015 is not being kind so far.

    It snowed today! Bah!

    Beth in WNY
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Janet – I think some of the stuff is going to go on display shelves or cupboards with glass doors. I think I mentioned that things had come home for our parents’ houses and we don’t know what to do with the things… The closets that are being built into the hallway and the bedrooms will house some of the seasonal things… and there is a small room that needs to be cleaned out and new shelves put in and that will hold things like income tax papers and the such….

    Poerava – oh my those are beautiful Orchids!!

    Was a good day today - nice weather, sun shinning...snow melting and mud everywhere EXCEPT on my walking path...YEAH. Took my lab for a walk and he checked out all his favourite spots...

    Watching the World curling - Canada playing Germany..

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Christine – welcome – we are neighbors! I am in Dublin.

    Vicki – Oh dear! I am so sorry, does this mean it is time to look for another job? They may be able to control her, but they will miss you – even if they don’t know it.

    Selena – another published author in our little group, wow --- so title? We might want to buy it.

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - I love Winona! We ride through there on the motorcycle, you were so lucky to live in such a beautiful area!

    Cynthia - we will be thinking of you! I hope you get reenergized and your body feels better!

    Michele in NC - I hope your thumb feels better quickly! It is amazing how important it is.

    Lesley - walking in the rain sounds like fun! Yeah for 2nd week of biggest looser! I really have to see what I have with my Wii, I know we got a few extra discs for the GS to run off excess energy.

    Barbie - (((hugs))) I hate having a cold, so I really feel for you! Sending health and energy your way!

    Poerava 14 - the flowers are so beautiful! Isn't it amazing how perfect they are! Happy Spring to you!

    Selena - you are so lucky to be able to teach archery! I was able to help my DGS's last year target practice for the first time last year, they were 10 and 8 at the time but very careful and followed the rules. I can't imagine teaching a whole class! Have fun!
    Beth in WNY - agggh sorry for your troubles! It will get better. (((Hugs)))

    Lillian - we went to the curling tournament in Bemidji and I really enjoyed watching. Glad that your path was clear so that you enjoyed your walk!

    We made a decision on our realtor and she already said she has someone to show our house to! I hope we sell it right away, last year we only showed it 4 times and I had to keep it clean for 5 months which is hard to do for me! I'm not a pig but I like to be able to relax!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip, why was looking like your Mom a bad thing? If you truly looked like her then you have a beautiful Mom.

    Heather, if you think the book is good in parts, I’m sure most readers will think it’s all good. We know we can never please everyone so just aim for pleasing yourself.

    Peachstategal, glad you got out and glad your mom ate well. I’m happy that you aren’t as depressed and logging again. I hate that you feel pressure when you log your food. It is really just for your information. You hang in there and know how many here care about you.

    Christine, welcome to the group. You will find lots of support as well as useful information if you come often. I know from experience that losing weight can help some of the back and knee problems. We are happy to have you join us.

    Vicki, so sorry you didn’t get the job, and totally understand your frustration over who did get it. *hugs* Remember that sometimes when one door closes another one opens.

    Mary, it’s exciting to be listing your house. I don’t know what the market is like there but I hope it sales quickly. I absolutely hate having my house on the market and trying to keep it show ready at all times, and I was a Realtor for 14 years. :#

    Pat, the skylight works! That is an amazing difference and I know you will enjoy it. Great choice to do that. I love the tile on the floor, too.

    Michele, at least if the thumb is numb (oh I’m a poet) there must not be any pain. Hope the shot does the trick.

    Barbie, I’m glad you are taking it easy while you have the cold. Mine got better during the day but it’s bothering me again tonight. Really itchy throat and ears. I’ll rest again tomorrow then Friday is when I go to the convention. At least it’s only until Sunday.

    Poerava, the orchid pictures are beautiful. I absolutely love orchids.

    Selena, how exciting that you wrote a book, too. Gosh, so many talented women in here. Is the book about when Ya'll were dating?

    Beth, my thoughts are with you. It can be so upsetting, not to mention expensive, when we have problems with things around the house.

    I finally made the brownie bran muffins. I used oat bran since I’m such an oats fan. They were yummy but I ate more than I should have while they were hot out of the oven. My cold was kind most of the day but bugging me again now, so going to bed early. I hope I can sleep tonight. Be healthy and happy, my friends.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janet - itchy throat and ears! Sounds like hay fever to me. Have you ever been tested? I got rid of mine by getting shots twice a week for a couple of years! I was alergic to grass and pine pollen. I hope you feel better so you can enjoy the convention. As a realtor you know what people think when they go into a messy vs a staged house. Do you think it makes a big difference in selling? I hope you feel better!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Tired and not writing and much today.

    Terri in Milwaukee, whatever you do, do not stop Prozac cold turkey or even on your own. My daughter actually thought she was going crazy when she made that decision.

    Christine, welcome. Next time I go through Louisville to see my daughter I will wave and say hi to your Grand kids. M husband will think I'm silly but that's OK.

    Pip, was very surprised to see the emblem for the MS ride. Thanks to both of you for doing that. yes, he is quite handsome

    Mary, when we moved out of our started home into our present home it was quite an ordeal I never want to do again. I guess we picked the wrong realtor. Since we were having our house built, we knew he approximate date we would be moving. I can't remember how long before that date we started trying to sell our house. I think she had our house on the bottom of her priority list. It wasn't selling for much and her commission wouldn't be that much. Only a couple of open houses and not very many viewings. Anyway, we moved into our new house in November and I think we finally sold our house in March to a rental agency that said they would buy any house. We took quite a hit on the price but at least we were no longer paying two mortgages.

    I wrote a book one time. Sometimes, not very often, I get a creative thought in my brain. My oldest daughter was having her first child. My first grand child, how special. Plus she is a special child. Her name is Christina but she has had many variations of that, whether by our choice or hers. So I wrote 'The many names of Christina'. When she was born we chose to call her Chrisie until she very boldly told us one day that she was grown up and wanted to be called Christina. Backing up a bit, her Daddies pet name for her was Chrisiecatina. When she was in college she worked in a day care and the kids called her Tina. Then she got married and took his name. I then ended it with the new name she was going to be taking, Mom. Throughout this book I added pictures of all the animals and people in her life. My grand kids still like for me to read that book and talk about all the animals, the funny things they did, the special bond we all had with our favorite dog Buddy, their sugar gliders, all the rabbits we tried to foster. I left the back of all the pages blank so she could write her won book but so far they are blank. I tired to find some one who was computer savvy that could take my pictures and put insert them into the right places in the story but couldn't. So I finally made copies of all the pictures I was going to use, cut them into the shapes I wanted and taped them on the pages. I worked with different scripts and never liked what I was getting so I ended up just hand printing the whole book. It was my gift to her at her baby shower. I kept the original copy just in case she did not take care of hers and lose it since she wasn't the most organized person. I also started a book a couple of years called 'The recollection of my life through rose colored glasses'. Since I have MS, a lot of what I remember probably isn't the way it happened. But I still like those memories and those are what I keep dear to my heart. Plus my husband always says my head is in the sand or that I always see the world through rose colored glasses. Well, that is fine with me. Life is prettier that way. I see the atrocities of the world, I just choose to see the other things in life and make those things stronger in my mind. Atrocities have happened since the beginning of time and will continue that way. There is a lot of beauty to see instead of dwelling on the bad things.

    OK, I said I wasn't going to say much tonight because I was tired. Choir practice tonight and we are polishing up our Palm Sunday and Easter music. Can't wait to sing it. Then we started on the week after Easter. It is a simple song with a duet in it that will be sung by one of the couples in the choir, dear sweet 80 year olds that love each other so much, their voices sound like 80 year olds but they are still beautiful and even more beautiful because it is those two singing it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Hello again. I think I am all caught up again.

    Sylvia - "Spain in May" that just sounds fantastic to me. My first husband has a home in Portugal.
    The kids did an excellent job on the bowls and I love your poster. The poor teacher but at least she tried. Love all your jokes, please keep them coming.

    Barbie - I admire your use of the logging function to plan your eating. Not sure where this comes from but here's a little tidbit from way back.
    " A son's a son till he gets a wife
    A daughter's a daughter all her life." I have to say that my sons are very good but certainly don't stay in sync with my life the way DD does.
    You must have done a very good job as a stepmom. It is such a huge compliment that your DSD wants to reconnect. It has to make you feel good.

    Michele- I do Balance and training games on the WII and also WII Dance. The WII dance really makes me work.

    Carey - Colour is so important in our lifes. It just lifts my spirits. "Laughter is an instant vacation" That is a great quote.

    Heather - Huge accomplishment . Book tour coming soon? Finishing a book, I so admire you.
    Bathroom renos are the worst! Ugh!
    Very good, now that's a high compliment coming from your DH. I'm sure you deserve it.

    Joyce - Your story of contractors reminded me of when this certain band of painters went through rural Saskatchewan. One good rain and the barns weren't red.

    Cynthia - I did a happy dance for you. I hope this new job will be everything you were hoping for.

    Carol in NC - I prescribe you Extreme Self Care. We sometimes don't treat ourselves as well as others.

    My day was interesting , fun and productive. My daughter has been working in my kitchen for the last few days. She is cleaning and organizing so I think there is a little shopping happening tomorrow.
    I had the girls this afternoon and we watched Hotel Transylvania. I was given all kinds of good advice. "Don't worry, Grandma, it's not for really." "Grandma, just cover your eyes if you don't like a part." "If you cry, we will kiss you and hug you." I can't lie, I was tempted to cry just to get those kisses and hugs.
    Friday DH wants to go to Fort Saskatchewan for the weekend. We will see.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge where the little itty bit of winter is melting away.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    morning my friends,
    I am so proud of you all writing books, and doing pottery and teaching dance classes, and personal training, bike riding...
    I am soooo impressed.. you all have so very much to be proud of..
    I dont have any of these traits.. I am not depressed or anything,but just dont have the talent some of you do...
    I do have a funny story for you though..
    I went to see my DFIL yesterday and he was in the tv room with a few other residents, I try and visit with everyone.. well I sat next to him yesterday and he asked me ,did I make whoopie(he used another word)last night? I almost fell off my chair, the rec director was there and asked what did he say and I walked over and told her and she almost busted a gut...hearing that out of my DFIL I was just shocked,but I shouldnt be with dementia..
    I sat with all of them for an hour or so and played music for them...on my phone.. they so enjoy it.. i played some polka's , my DFIL and DMIL used to go dancing on saterday night and he was getting misty eyed remembering ,he said you never forget how to polka.he also said that Cliffeen his wife was probably dancing in heaven ,I told him oh no not until you get there ,told him I can just see the 2 of you dancing away..and that I would deary deary miss him when he goes but know how very happy he will be to be with his wife again..
    I do enjoy spending time with them, so when we move to Florida, If I can find a job with the elderly I would do ok..
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Well, Allison, inquiring minds want to know? ........

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    all I can say is it can't be printed here lol
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Good Morning,

    Heather proud of you finishing your book,

    Sylvia agree the bowls turned out stunning.

    Vicki so sorry about the job promotion not coming through. Hopefully they will realize the error of their ways.

    Poerava love the orchids.

    Beth so sorry about the snow. We had that last year. Now we are worried about drought here if we do not start getting some snow or rain.

    Mary from Minnesota good luck on your house selling. Not easy to put home on the market. Good time to do it though.

    Trying to finish organizing the taxes so we can take them in early next week. Working today.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Allison, you are such a good DIL to your FIL and the other residents. I can just imagine what he said. LOL

    I admire you folks who are writing books. Last night I dreamed I was supposed to write an essay/story for an English class and I couldn't think of what to write about.

    Sharon, aren't grand kids the best thing? I love my 3 and 5 yr old with all my heart. Have had fun finding the girl Sunday dresses on eBay lately.

    There goes the dryer buzzer. Off to hang up clothes.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pat, great before and afters! I love skylights.

    Dr Katie, I love the bowls you got. It looks to me like they might be slipcast as opposed to thrown on the wheel, and I'm thinking about doing that next year for the class bowls. Throwing all those bowls took way too long.

    Hubby drove me to Lawrence, Kansas yesterday to visit the clay supplier, where I got about 450 pounds of clay and some glaze chemicals, then we drove home via Kansas City where we stopped at IKEA! I loved it, except for one little thing. We ate at their cafeteria where I had ribs, and had an allergic reaction to fish. Apparently there was some cross contamination. So, luckily I had my liquid benedryl in my purse, so when my throat started to close up I was right on top of it. It did kind of bring my ikea trip to a hasty end, but could have been much worse. Hubby says I need to get an epi pen for the trip to Spain, but I hate those things.

    The good news is that I got a lot of sleep. I didn't wake up till about 7:00 when Spot was whining by the bed wanting up for his morning cuddle.

    Well, it's time to get dressed and get to the studio. Have a great day everyone!

  • goldenrainstudios
    barbiecat wrote: »
    2157045gp85zev8ri.gif 1054619uymc383ki3.gif

    smiley-cool05.gif Welcome to a friendly community of women. The name says Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome. I hope that those of you who are new will become part of this community. None of us is able to manage this journey to health and fitness alone.

    How did you do with your goals or resolutions for February?
    What goals or resolutions have you chosen for March?

    :D Sign your post with your name or alias and your geographic location so we can get to know each other better.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last six years)--- The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    February Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
    *walk 19,000 steps a day (this is higher than last month)--every day
    *strength training twice a week (this is the one I still haven't accomplished) smiley-sport017.gif--about once a week
    *get the income tax numbers compiled and mailed to the accountant--done
    *Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good--this goes well with my happiness commandment to "Lighten up"--well done

    March Resolutions
    *walk 19,000 steps a day--same as last month
    *strength training twice a week--same as last month smiley-sport017.gif--
    * find and use two new low sodium recipes
    *finish sorting the slides
    *don't expect praise or recognition

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone. Overcast today and a forecast of snow flurries... Oh well.....

    Sharon - sounds like you had a great day yesterday - your DD did the work and you got to play with grandkids. And today you are going shopping ... Awesome - all you need now is someone else to pay for the shopping...lol..

    After looking at the orchid pictures I had to check for the upcoming garden shows... Saskatoon has one coming up end of March. The Orchid Society has a show there. Not sure if I will be able to make it there this year. I need to save my coins for the Spring Scrapbooking retreat in April.

    Must run and get something done today and stay away from the food... ate enough yesterday to last a couple days...

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning; I've been up since before 4am so it's more like afternoon for me. I'll take a nap later as I have a dinner tonight and pretty sure they would like me awake.

    Had a derm. appt. yesterday; waiting biopsy results from area on my neck , in about a week. Pretty much stunned. Bought and ate (with NO inner debate) much chocolate afterward, so no logging yesterday.

    drkatie........Are your teapots antique? I have one that my mother and father received as a wedding gift which I treasure.

    Kim........LEVI!!! Who wouldn't love that sweet adorable face????????

    Carol.........I'll be happy to cross all my fingers and toes for your DD to get that job!!!! Best of luck to her.

    Terri........One of my standbys: "YOUR consequences are always the result of YOUR decisions."

    Vicki.........I am soooooo sorry; you were clearly the better candidate. (((Hugs))))

    Rori........Loved the orchids.

    Carol (peach)......Glad you are sounding better; I also remember those days of lifting the w/c in and out of cars with my mom. It's so awkward.

    Sylvia..........Get an epi pen!!!! PLEASE. There are severe allergic reactions that Benadryl just can't handle.

    Welcome newbies. Come back often and let us get to know you.
