

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Michelle in NC – I don’t eat bread and anything with added sugar. I only eat fruits that end in “berry”. That is why I can’t figure out why I am tired….other than work is not as much fun anymore… and too many things to do at home.

    Linda in Northern Ontario – I think I should go back to bed too…. Up at 5 a.m. and it is my day off … I haven’t checked the scale yet… will do that when I go get another coffee……

    Will have to check back later

    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Tomorrow is Pi Day of the Century! Pi is a mathematical number = 3.141592653.... so tomorrow being 3/14/15 9:26:53 is really cool if you are a nerdy girl like me.

    Today is ice cream day at work. So I'm going to figure out how to work a small soft serve dish into my diary. Because what goes better with Pi(e) than ice cream!

    Diana in NE Indiana
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Carol ... Nashville is 14 hours away for us! It's not happening. Fredonia is 50 minutes ... could almost commute except for the bad winter weather. His grades aren't stellar ... so his auditions will be most important wherever he decides to go. (Music Composition Major ... which I'm sure is real marketable after graduation... sigh)

    Cynthia ... yay!

    Beth in WNY
    Fredonia is a good school for music and Eastman is of course wonderful but much more expensive. That trip along the NYS Thruway is no fun in winter, but do-able. Cannot believe we did that for 4 years. Good luck! DD2 went to Fred but could not find a job later. Long story I am not up to today. Motherhood is hard is all I can say.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good afternoon. <3

    Getting ready for the visit from my nephew and his wife. Want to make it casual enough so they feel relaxed, but just a little bit special. This morning I cut up the salmon wheels (they have to be cut half frozen ) and I want to refresh the dessert tart. It's a new one for me - made with filo pastry, walnuts, blackberries and goats cheese. Don't want any "soggy bottoms"!!!!!!!!!
    - With the goulash we are having buttered tagliatelle with a touch of nutmeg and purple sprouting broccoli.
    - Will lay the table in a minute - will pick a few daffodils from the garden and have some bright paper napkins. Want to look like spring. The wife doesn't drink alcohol so will do something with limes, diet tonic and angostura bitters. It's called a Southampton Mocktail! ! ! As we live near Southampton it is appropriate!

    Managed to discipline myself to exercise and type this morning. Woke up really early. :(

    Joyce - I am self publishing this book. I had many children's books properly published in the past, but never an adult novel. This one I wrote in the early 80s got very close to being published. I was alwsys sad it never made it, so I have decided to do it myself. I am going to use Createspace to get an actual printed book out and then put it on Kindle. I don't expect to sell many copies, but I don't want it to die with me. I am extremely nervous about bringing it out as I am terrified of criticism and it is a bit controversial as a subject, but I will steel myself and try not to read reviews! ! ! ! Will recruit DH to help me edit, but

    Sylvia - fabulous bowls and video! ! ! !,, I dreamt about you again last night! Great weight loss. (*)

    Katla - hope you get to see the grandchildren. <3

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vickil57 - you are right, it is not worth the stress. let go and have a great weekend! after tomorrow that is haha.

    Lesley - (((hugs))) mom's are very special! Enjoy the fish!

    Janice4549 - welcome! We can always use another prayer warrior!

    Sylvia - that is a wonderful article!
    Michele in NC - I am excited to see your praying mantis when it's done! Have fun at the new comers event tomorrow!

    Sassy aus Austria - I'm like you, I have to have my sweet treats! cake bars cookies and candy! I do try to limit size and include whenever I get the urge. as you are aware I do flirt on occasion but always try to keep it within my calorie count.

    Katla in beautiful Oregon - I'm sorry to hear that you forgot such as important piece of luggage. I hope your trip is enjoyable.

    Joyce in Indiana - very interesting about your family. it is nice to be able to work from home. glad to hear you were able to ride the bike for that long of time!

    Linda in Northern Ontario - yay! It's nice when the scale is going downhill! What in the world is poutine?

    Grandmallie - I am sorry to hear about your loss of a friend. ((Hugs))

    I am so glad to be home! after being done the last 3 days I am so queasy in my stomach from all the bad food I ate! My body reacts badly when I do not eat healthy.

    Diana in northeast Indiana - when I taught we would celebrate Pi Day by bringing in pies to eat! that was a very delicious day.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    As the "Big O" would say, "It's a rainy day in Georgia...."

    Sylvia ~ you must be so proud to be a part of such a project as feeding the needy. I was interested in the clip and news article that stated 90% of those students were on free and reduced lunches. They are learning to give back and that's a good thing at such a young age.

    Heather ~ good for you at setting up a date with your son. I am sure it will be fun. Now, call your friend!

    Alison ~ hope your day is not too busy. At my last dentist appointment, the computer had screwed up the scheduling and they had to work me in. I am overblown by all the technology this young dentist has in her office. It gets to be a bit too much.

    I am yo-yo-ing on my weight. Up one day and down the next. I don't eat enough during the day and then overdo it at dinner. Also, too much wine loaded with calories.

    Got the bathrooms and kitchen floor cleaned yesterday and will vacuum and dust today.

    I do not do well on the weekends my DH is doing his show. It just feels too lonely even though I'm usually in the office and he's in the den.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's a little wet here this morning, but temps in the upper 50's, so it could be a lot worse. Yesterday was absolutely glorious!

    I took the kids to school this morning, and they were all in good moods. Giggled all the way to school. I love mornings like that. I got to the studio and noticed that DGD#1 left some library books in the van, so I took them back to the school and had to walk around in the halls for a while to find her. I'm a little surprised that I could just walk in and wander around. I thought there was more security than that. During the day you have to go through the office and get a pass, but in the mornings the doors are wide open.

    Today I'm going to Joplin to have lunch with a friend and pick up some more bowls from three more potters. Then after I get the kids from school I will pick up the bowls from the school. I want to take photos of all the kids bowls before I deliver them to the food bank, so that will take a couple of hours.

    My belly pain is pretty much gone now, and so I'm wearing my skinny jeans again. That makes me happy. My tummy is still slightly queasy all the time, which makes me think either that I'm hungry or that I never want to eat again. It's kind of a toss up. But I haven't thrown up in a couple of days, so I know I'm getting better.

    Our new dishwasher is set to arrive on Monday, and my kitchen is overflowing with dirty dishes, so I will have to do a few by hand before it gets here. I can't wait to see it in and running. Doing dishes by hand is the pits. But it could be worse.

    Well, I need to start doing something constructive. Have a great day!


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Do any of you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? Not physical trouble, but "just can't seem to be motivated" can't? I have spent some time over the past couple of days searching for an alarm app for my phone that will make me do something (steps, shake, solve puzzles, etc.) to get it to turn off so that I will really wake up with the alarm. I used to always get up on time and I'm just not interested anymore.

    I also had to re-read about the bowls and bowels! I had the fleeting thought of, "Who on earth wants to see pictures of Sylvia's bowels?!!" Then I re-read.

    Joyce - I have never tried taking the Fitbit out of the band to use. I don't even think about the band any more. I suppose if hell freezes over and I'm invited to a formal event, I would simply not wear it.

    Thanks to all of you for your support and good wishes for Oliver. Katherine is supposed to check in with the vet this morning and, if all is good, take him home this afternoon. The other kitty, Schatzi, is very confused and upset that her brother is not there.

    The boy child got home yesterday. I think he must have missed me a little bit because he didn't object when I kissed his cheek when I got home. He was showing me pictures of his spring break retreat and, as I leaned over the back of the couch to see the pictures, he let his head rest against mine. That's about as affectionate as he gets...

    I'm wearing something today that I never in my life thought I would wear. I have on a tunic and leggings! At least, I consider it a tunic. It barely covers my behind, but I guess some would think it long enough for a dress. I think my body looks okay in it, I just don't want to look like I'm dressed "too young."

    Last night, I was so tired that I gave up at 9,500 steps. I was just too blooming tired to do that last 1,500! I was in bed shortly after 9:30 p.m. I also ate something last night that I have not had in the past two years--a chile relleno. It was sooooo good! There were two on the plate and I brought one of them plus half of the rice and beans home for another meal. I was stuffed after the one! :yum:

    I guess I'd better get busy putting inserts into Sunday's bulletin. :cry: I hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia - I'm glad that you are feeling better and haven't thrown up for a few days! my DH was on the Low fiber diet for over a month and he even watches what he eats now because he feels he is not quite back to normal. you know your body best and will be able to gauge what you should eat. he keeps prune juice around if he starts to feel Bloated. his doctor compared what you are going through to a broken arm. it would take 6 week or more for your arm to mend, and you need to give your bowels the same length of time. we are all getting excited to get a look at those bowls! you have a great day.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :D Sylvia, between your bowls and your bowels, everything seems to be going well, but I have to read carefully.
    I was also reading "bowels".
    Sylvia, saw the news video, your bowls are such an attactive shape, you are truely an artist. The kids are doing a great job.
    Chris in MA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    well, rode home yesterday and it was my first ride in my bike shorts for the year!, the day b4 I rode home, I had my long pants on and boy, did I overheat, yucky feeling. I promised my husband that I wouldn't ride home today so I won't. it's going to be even warmer today and that bums me out (64 or something). this morning after I left the gym (6:20am) I just had my bike shorts on and it was nice, was around 50degrees. not bringing out the summer bike yet (it's lighter, so faster, it's a road bike) but I can't wait.

    jmkmomm- no, I have never seen the amazing race. i'm familiar with it but haven't seen any of it. the MS ride is really fun and we look forward to it every year, great cause.

    someone asked me if I eat any of my calories that I burn, answer is no.

    Sylvia - glad to hear you're feeling better. i'm almost back to 100%, maybe by the end of the day.

    someone else asked me when do I leave for the gym every day. during the week, we try to leave the house by 4:40am, so i get to the gym, workout and try to leave and on the bike by 6:20am and that gets me to the train station and i'm at work a little b4 7am (here now). this week, my hrs are 8:30am to 5pm. i get to have my bike by my desk area witch is nice. i keep a pair of pants, sweater, shoes, socks here so i don't have to pack my bag every day with more stuff. i have all the time to skim through the posts, make my steel oats, change, before i start working. Nothing i hate more than coming to work RIGHT when i'm supposed to start.

    talk atcha later
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    when i had my 2nd colonoscopy, i asked if i could be awake so i could see my bowels... i was cool, just sayin
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning all!

    Pip - definitely cool :)

    Just reviewing my march goals:

    Goals for March
    •Do menu planning and cooking - yep menu planned for the month
    •Eat 3 meals a day - doing good on this too
    •Log all meals - yep
    •Stay in range of calorie goal- doing pretty good here
    •Do physiotherapy exercises once a day - not doing so good on this..
    •Celebrate my accomplishments - I've celebrated some..gotta do better here too

    For all those bike enthusiasts out there.

    Thought for the day
    : Life is like riding a bicycle: you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling. - Claude Pepper

    Talk to you all later...gotta get pedalling ;)

    Carey in Edmonton
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Joyce...I have a fitbit flex and don't care for the band either. I made a couple of bands for it so I could wear it on my ankle or bra. I got the idea from looking at similar products on etsy. Essentially it's a sleeve the tracker slides into and secured around my ankle or bra with velcro. I call it outfits for my fitbit (I love my fitbit).
    Sassy...I would love the recipe for no pudge brownies. I love to bake as well as cook and like that I can put my recipes in MFP and it breaks down the calories, etc.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Okay... It's Friday - I should NOT be up at 5 a.m. .... especially after being tired all week.

    I have had 2 breakfasts.... vacuumed and washed floors, cleaned bathrooms...and it is only 9:40 a.m. DGS was supposed to be here this morning...not coming now..... SOoooooo I think I will make a list of all the things I can now do today (and this weekend) and put them in a jar and draw one out at a time and give each task an hour of my time.... That should take care of the "horrible" tasks as well....Obviously my first task is COFFEE and checking in here....LOL!!! Then I might have to go to my scrapbooking room.... or maybe a walk..... okay going to make the list and put in the jar....

    Have a good day everyone.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: thanks for sharing the link and story. I love the shape of those bowls. Please keep taking care of yourself.

    Sassy: will you post the copy cat recipe?

    Katla: hope your trip improves.

    Joyce: the little thing does come out (you have to take it out to charge it). I’d be careful putting it in my pocket in case it slips out. When I had one I used to put it (the little device) in my bra if I had to be “non-sporty”. (I cleaned it thoroughly before I sold it, wink.)

    Alison: sometimes I just want to give your “D”H a pop upside the head! :s

    Heather: soggy bottoms: https://youtu.be/XnJ8n6zDF70

    (I highly recommend this film (O Brother, Where Art Thou); it’s amazing and not just because George Clooney’s in it).

    Carol: ((hugs))

    Pip: when I had my carpal tunnel surgery I asked the surgeon to let me know when I could see the big nerve. Wanted to see my own nerve. When he said OK, you can look, I said, uh, thank you, that’s OK.

    Thanks for all the cheers on the job offer! I will probably take it, though there are some adjustments to make. I’ve had the luxury of working mostly at home and I would now have to be somewhere for about 75% of the hours (it's parttime). And I have to think of my dog. Not giving him to a dog service. I may have some overlapping while I wind down the other job. I have to let them know Monday!

    My guy and I went to a see bookbinder this morning; I have an old (± 1900) family photo album that’s falling apart. The man has a beautiful workshop and we had a great time there. Had lunch afterwards. It felt like a vacation day.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Cynthia - so glad to see you doing happy stuff! Ain't it great! <3
    - I'm burning off my soggy bottom right now!

    Heather x
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited March 2015
    Bike trailer

    Here's my beloved buddy enjoying his bike trailer this afternoon after running in the park. (Can't figure out how to embed a .mov video.)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Thank You Everyone for the support regarding the pizza. For some reason the first thing my brain says is: "I'm so mad at you that I am going to eat everything in sight. Then I will get fatter, and that will teach you for treating me badly". I know this is wrong, so I said back to myself "he's not worth it. You are better than that, and you are worthy of good health". My now husband has never treated me like I deserve to be fat (my ex-husband reminded me often that I was too fat and no one would ever love me, and he would then bring home more of the unhealthy food that I loved, to make sure I stayed that way). After 10 years of that, it's a difficult habit to break, and a REALLY big deal that I did it right on Wednesday night. It brings me to tears that so many of you support my effort and success (is this the ah-hah moment I've heard about?).

    I need to throw my hat into the ring of "bowls vs bowels". I had to re-read to make sure what it really said, then I laughed out loud.

    I did stay awake and upright during my foot surgery back in 2003. I had a bone spur removed from my big toe under the nail, and it was so cool watching all that stuff get moved out of the way, and the chunk removed, then sewn back up again, yet never feel even a tiny bit of pain.

    I forget who mentioned their DD getting "magically sick" right before a visit, and it reminded me of my youngest sister. She was supposed to watch my kids during a seminar, and she got sick the morning I was supposed to leave, and the whole trip was already paid. That sister now takes anti-anxiety medication every day, and it has made a world of difference. She is able to work full-time finally, and has had a few successful visits. We are even planning a vacation together this summer (Country USA for 5 days).

    It has been busy here again today, so I forgot to take notes while reading. I hope everyone is able to make wise choices today, and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I even refer to you as "my fitness pal friends".

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (a balmy 58 degrees, so I just got caught standing outside in the sun B) )
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Selena, I wanted to tell you something that you might or might not know. “Hunger is not an emergency.” Just thought you needed to hear that. ) I love that so many of the thoughts, words and quotes here are what help us through our journeys. Thank you to all that share.

    Sassy, I LOVE your quote, “food is my drug of choice, a fork my needle.” I hate to admit it, but when I’m looking for a food fix, I don’t even need the fork. “There is a huge difference between enjoying something and abusing that something,” What powerful words. And yes, we have the control. Thanks for sharing!!
    That is a wonderful story about your son and the shaved head. It even made me a little misty eyed. I’d be a Proud Mom.

    Katla, I do hope you get to continue your trip. Wow, forgetting meds is a real bummer. Glad you got to visit with DSIL and the cousin. Best wishes for DD.

    Joyce, Kudos for riding 3 ½ miles. You have to be proud of yourself. Congrats on DD getting a house. Hopefully the extra room will make up for the loss of a bathroom. You just keep up the good work.

    Sharon, so good that you got the counseling appointment. Sending good thoughts for good results.

    Allison, It is hard to comprehend that the POA’s for DFIL don’t bother to show up for his quarterly review. He is certainly lucky to have you looking out for him.

    Diana, Happy Pi Day tomorrow. Oh, and tomorrow you might want to skip the ice cream.

    Heather, you sound like “Susie Homemaker” with all your prep for the dinner party. It sounds wonderful and I’m sure you will all have a terrific time. You are so sweet to go to such detailed preparations. The food sounds wonderful..You have to be excited about your book. I agree that it shouldn’t die with you, and so proud of you for finishing it.

    Sylvia, so good to hear that you are feeling better. To what do you attribute the queasy tummy? That just doesn’t seem right. We want you back to 100%! But I’ll bet not as much as you want it. If I had been through what you have, I hate to admit it but I’d probably be home on the sofa (or bed) most of the time. I admire that you just keep on going. We may have to nickname you the Energizer Bunny.

    Carol NC, hey a head touch from a boy that age, is like a long embrace. Or from a girl for that matter. Sorry you aren’t motivated to get up. Sometimes I just feel so comfy in bed that I’d rather not. I’m wondering about a formal event when hell freezes over??? You made me laugh with that one! I love the sound of your outfit. If it’s comfy and you are happy with the way it looks, then that’s all that matters. I realize you are young enough to still care what people think, but I love being over 65 so I can pretty much do or say or wear anything and use my age as an excuse. At least that works for me. I am so happy I’m not the only one that read the post about Sylvia’s bowel pictures. I too wondered why????

    Pip, OMG, I didn’t realize that you were doing all that exercise before the chickens were up. What time do you go to bed? You never cease to amaze me, you pip.

    Lillian, inquiring minds want to know, why did you have two breakfasts??? :__)

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It sounds like many of you are having a good day and that’s wonderful. I did my full workout this am, took a shower while DH and the pups went to recycle and then we went to Costco.(without the pups) Had my favorite salad there, picked up scripts and bought a gift card to P F Chang’s. It was on such a good sale I couldn’t pass it up. $100 gift card for $59. I love PF Chang’s even though it’s not hubby’s favorite. The one in Charlotte was much better than the one here. When we left Costco it felt like the temp had dropped 10 degrees. It is only getting into the high 50’s today.

    Have a wonderful day, my friends.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC