

  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Th all
    It looks like we will have ice out on our Chesapeake Bay creek today. Not a term you usually hear this far south! I’m enjoying the sunshine and looking forward to my son and nephew being home this weekend, and a hockey game.

    I’m 6 weeks into serious diet and life change… and losing a bit of focus, starting to fall back on old habits. Not much weight lost the last few days. Please send “swift kicks” my way (as Beth said).

    Barbie – great quote!

    Sharon – Glad you are getting counseling and Alzheimer’s testing for your DH. But your situation sounds a bit scary.

    Cynthia – how did the job interview go?

    Sylvia – great news on your amazing long-term weight loss – 130 lbs! - and recent success! Be careful to focus on your current health issues right now though. Glad to hear your plumbing is working again. Still want to see pics of your bowls!

    Snowdoggy in Baltimore – good on you getting out for walks during work. With our lovely weather this week it’s been great. I also pay a pain price for getting out and walking, thanks for the inspiration! Can’t wait to have more of this weight off and less pain while doing things.

    Alwaysonadiet54 – we are ALL worthwhile. You have lost tons of weight before, and it looks like you’ve only gained a bit of it back. Good on you! Like Barbie said, we only need to compete against ourselves and be our own best.

    Deb A in CNY – welcome back. I see you are another big MFP success story – 70 lbs off last year. Go you!

    Beth in WNY – ah college tours. We have just one more year of tuition to pay (I hope!). Sending virtual swift kicks. ☺ Please send some back my way.

    Jan- ugh. People do really stupid *%$@ sometimes. So sad that the outcomes are sometimes so awful.

    Heather – jealous of your upcoming English garden tour. Go see your son!

    Diane - I’m at 15 lbs and hoping to get the “hey are you losing weight” comments in the next month or so. Congrats!

    Carey – sounds like you managed well under difficult circumstances. Love your quote.

    Selena – gorgeous Utah!

    Gilly139 – woo hoo!

    Pip – I so want to get enough weight off to do some routine exercise w/o hurting. You are a big inspiration with the year –round biking.

    Janet – Woo to you too! And thanks for the encouraging story. You’ve lost more than 40 lbs since Oct!

    Sassy – more woos! 10% off is my next big goal. I‘m at 7%, still 14 lbs to go.

    Today’s reason to lose weight: Less swamp-*kitten* this summer ☺

    Cindy in SoMD
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Beautiful sun shiny day here today! Glad I have a window in my office. I won 4 free tickets to the hockey game from a radio station today. So family date on Sunday. :)

    Enjoy your day today!
    Diana in NE Indiana
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Diana - congrats on the radio station win. I LOVE winning stuff from radio stations. Monday we are getting breakfast catered from the Country Station here, and in June I am spending 5 days with my sister at Country USA near Sheboygan WI (that was a HUGE win). Enjoy your family hockey date ! ! ! :D
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Janet - Thank you :flowerforyou: You got me to email DS#1 and talk about going up. Hope he replies. He lives in Nottingham (as in the Sheriff of ) and it is quite a way by train as you have to go through London, but I have done it a couple of times before. I hope he isn't offended by me saying I could stay in a b&b. At least I have started the ball rolling.

    The other achievement of the day is that I have booked my train for my girly outing to York at the end of May. The website was the most frustrating thing I've ever met as it kept throwing me out and I had to start again three times! ! ! ! ! :sad: I also missed the last 1st class fare that was on at the cheap price. Grrrr! Never mind, I succeeded eventually! It is at least 50% cheaper booking ahead and your seat is reserved. These couple of nights are going to be expensive, but I am determined not to think about that and just enjoy it. (My friend booked it) The hotel has a small indoor pool and I should get there in time for a swim. I do love something to look forward to!

    Still haven't rung my friend. :embarrassed:

    Got to get all the dishes out of the freezer tonight for the dinner party. Don't know what to wear. My nephew and his wife are not dressers up and I want them to feel comfortable. I want it to be a relaxed evening, more like a family supper. DH will be on edge as he hardly knows them and I know they think I'm the posh relation! :ohwell: This nephew was my brother's first child and I slways had a soft spot for him. He was a sort of practice baby for me to see if I had maternal feelings. He was a beautiful toddler. Maybe I ought to drag out a few photos. :laugh: Now he is a great big man of 40ish, but very easy to talk to and his wife is very friendly.

    Roll on tomorrow! ( I never went for that walk and DH went to the barber's )

    Spanish chicken tonight, what I call "Hairy Bikers", as it is one of their recipes. They are a very popular cooking duo who ride motorcycles and they have written two excellent diet books. Last year one of them had an op for a brain aneurysm and was very ill. He seems to be ok now.

    Love Heather x x x UK
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Diana in Northeast Indiana: Congrats on the comments I'm looking forward to the day! I love the camel :p

    Katla: I use a spreadsheet application to track things instead of paper. I just discovered OneNote from Microsoft which is equivalent to using a notepad and it's free for mobile devices....they even have one for android operating systems. You can insert a table and that works like a spreadsheet as well.

    Mary from Minnesota: Congrats on that mini goal! It's so exciting to see people succeeding!

    Vicki GI NE: I'd be posting kitchen rules really quickly. When my sister and her three children moved in with me for 6 months, we left her stuff packed and she used my dishes and pots and pans etc. We also setup shelves in the basement for non perishable food items. My kitchen is really small as well and this seemed to help.

    Janet: - Baggy clothes...gotta love it

    Michele NC: Your consistency in working out is very inspiring (*)

    Selena: Polka...now I know you grew up in Alberta! Did you have ka ..boy boots for everyone? :D Brings back memories of my dad getting me up in the morning and dancing me around the kitchen. Love the picture. <3

    Sharon in Lethbridge: Your DGD made me smile too...hope you have a good holiday.

    Sassy: I'm going to use your technique of "being in when you're ready to do something about it." I have a few whiners in my life so I hope that's ok :D

    BKRimpet - 6lbs...way to go..glad you found a way to celebrate!

    Janet, SC - You made my day...thanks for always giving me something to think about!

    Cindy - never heard that expression before LOL!

    Thought for the day: In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. Albert Schweitzer

    I'm thankful for all of you <3

    Carey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    Beautiful sun shiny day here today! Glad I have a window in my office. I won 4 free tickets to the hockey game from a radio station today. So family date on Sunday. :)

    Enjoy your day today!
    Diana in NE Indiana

    sweet!! anything free is nice!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Still not back to balance yet but better than yesterday. Thanks to everyone for the support, kind words, hugs, and sharing of your own stories.........there's certainly a lot of pain and bout there. One of the "perks" of getting older is that you know the initial shock WILL pass and life will seem as it was. (((Hugs))) right back to you all.

    I went over and spent the afternoon with Gwen as she was in pieces over it. The newspaper did say involuntary manslaughter so maybe he was being robbed or something like that. I did call and leave a message at Gwen's request on behalf of both of us to offer verbal support and ask if there was anything we could do, felt funny doing that but it was what she wanted.

    Have read all but not up for doing a list of replies; please know I wish everyone the best.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Michele ... we toured Fredonia State College in Fredonia, NY. Part of New York's State University System. He's also interested in Eastman College in Rochester (NY), Houghton College (NY), and Belmont in Nashville. Frankly, the other schools are out of our price range, but we'll look at them anyways. He has a long way to go considering his migraines, but a lot can happen in 18 months.

    The swift kicks have helped! Got on the scale to see what the damage was and making better choices today.

    Beth in WNY
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Beth - Good luck with the college search. It's a different proposition when you're choosing a school for a child with health issues. My son wanted to look at Vanderbilt in Nashville (he wouldn't have gotten in nor could he have afforded it), but I finally told him that he had to choose a school within a driving range that I could accomplish round trip in one day. Eight hours to Nashville was just TOO far! He ended up just two hours from home and, although I didn't like the school choice, I do like the distance.

    My daughter called and Oliver came out of surgery just fine. He didn't have a blockage as suspected, but instead had pancreatitis (sp?). That is a huge relief! It's also a huge relief that they are keeping him overnight and that I don't have to pick up a sick, groggy kitty this afternoon while she's gone to pick up her brother.

    I'm getting ready to switch over the job #2. I am always sooooo happy when Thursdays are over!

    Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. This morning was a little better for me. Not as queasy, and plumbing still operational. It's a beautiful day here too. Sunny and 71 degrees. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

    I unloaded bowls out of the kiln this morning and was very disappointed with the results. That's nothing new. Tomorrow I'm going to Joplin to have lunch with a friend and pick up more bowls that several of my friends have made, then at 3:30 am picking up the bowls from the school. Those I have to bake for 40 minutes to set the designs.

    Last night we went to dinner at an italian place with hubby's chemistry group. I had a child-sized order of chicken alfredo, and still took half home. It settled in my tummy ok, and didn't cause any problems. In fact, I just ate the other half for lunch today. It was bland enough, but very rich.

    I just had a talk with my son who isn't doing too well. His breathing has gotten worse in recent days. He said that somebody moved in across the hall who is a heavy smoker and the smoke seeps into his apartment through the ventilation system. It's really hard on him. I told him to ask if they could move him to another floor and he said he would ask, but that he is not physically able to handle another move. I told him I would hire somebody to move his stuff if necessary, so he doesn't have to do anything. We will see if he acts on it or not. He seems totally paralyzed. Just sits there and moans about it. Sometimes I wonder if it is manipulation, but then I feel bad, because he really does have serious problems. He swears he's taking his antidepressants, but it seems to me he needs more. I don't know what I can - or should - do to help him. He has a long history of manipulating his mother.

    But I am picking up the kids this afternoon, so that may be what he was after. And I'm taking the oldest to piano lessons.

    Well, I need to go try to glaze more bowls. I hope you are all having a great day.


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Guys, more later (good news, Carol!), but: if I want the job it's mine! B)
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Congratulations Cynthia. Always nice to hear good news.
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    Work is still a hectic mess. I wrapped up one project and jumped on the next one, but now am totally befuddled. They are now calling three different products the same name with “x”, “pro”, and “no name” versions. I can’t find a cheat sheet, my contacts are out today, and no tools are playing nice with the previous release’s data. I thought I would just take a minute and check in with you wonderful, dear people while I tried to breathe and to not kill anybody!

    Made reservations for the first camping trip of the season!! Yeah! Only about a month away. Now I just need to send in the entries for the dogs and that weekend will be all set. Depending on how the boys do will depend on what they get to show in next.

    My blue dog sure seems to know that he is in his “farewell” year. The pressure is completely off and he has never worked better in his life. The brown dog turned 6 and is at least occasionally acting responsible. He did break a stay to go fence fight with the neighbor dog – came back with a sore shoulder again. I’m positive he stepped in a gopher hole. He is back to leash walks and house rest.

    It has been one of those weeks… went for a long run on Sunday. Pulled my iPhone out of my pocket to re-set the running podcast and dropped the poor thing rather violently on the pavement. It appeared OK. Got home and one of the dogs knocked it out of my hand and onto the dog rug. This fall was more than it could take and the display went wacko. I know that I can only get some trade in if the phone turns on so I spent a chunk of the day in the AT&T store negotiating the ins and outs of various plans and phones. I did great. It was a total pain but I had a good sales rep and I got out of there with a new iPhone 6, a tablet pc, a Bluetooth speaker, various protectors, 10 GB more data per month, and dropped my bill $35 per month with only $50 out of pocket. So what started out rotten turned out really great! My SO will be thrilled with the tablet as a B-Day present!!

    I hope that all the darkness everyone else is going through right now has a bright side as surprising as how things worked out with my phone.

    Back to trying to figure out what product matches what new name ….

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Guys, more later (good news, Carol!), but: if I want the job it's mine! B)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Sally - great deal on the phone + extras!

    Cynthia - we knew you'd get it! Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    Well folks, with your help, I've done it! ! ! ! !
    DS#1 answered my emails for a change and I've arranged to go up for a night at the end of April. I have booked a nice hotel in the city centre, cancellable in case he changes his mind. We can have a stroll after his work, a drink and then a nice meal out. I'm so glad I made the effort. <3

    Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri Milwaukee - enjoy the busy schedule, because when it stops you will truly miss it! Thank God for grandchildren!

    Kiran in Lethbridge - have a great vacation Vancouver is beautiful!

    Sassy aus Austria - plum bread that sounds interesting! Congrats on your NSV, and very excited about your 2.2 pounds lost!

    Grandmallie - it does sound like you have a very busy morning. we are selling our house as well and I agree, don't put any money into it that you can't get out. refacing a cabinet makes them look brand new.

    Peachstategal - have a great day cleanin!have a great day cleanin!

    Heather - almost done with your book yay! it is hard to reconcile with friends and family members. I have a hard time as well. you will know when the time is right.

    Spicycanchaser - welcome, we have a lady on here that lives very close to where you do!

    Pipcd34 - I don't think I know what part of the country you are from, with being able to ride your bike in all types of weather I would assume you're from up north somewhere that we have the four seasons. I honestly didn't realize that people rode their bikes in the winter time! you do really astound me!

    Bkrimpet - yippee! 6 pounds is awesome and below what you can remember for decades that is super exciting!

    Janet Myrtle Beach - the plateau has been conquered yay! You are doing awesome.

    Carol in NC - sorry to hear about your daughters trouble with her cat and finances. it is hard being a mom a lot of the time when your adult children are in need. My word for the month is prioritize, and part of the reason is what you are going through. sometimes we do have to take care of our self as well. hang in there!

    Terri in Milwaukee - good for you eating only two pieces of pizza and no chocolate! especially when you were under stress.

    Cindy in South Md - love your reason to lose weight it cracked me up no pun intended maybe!

    Diana in NE Indiana - yay for you I'm winning those tickets have a great time with your family!

    Carry in Edmonton -Thanks for your thoughts for the day you light my flame!

    Yanniejannie - take care of yourself and your friend (((hugs to both of you )))

    Beth in WNY - those kicks help sometimes don't they! good for you and making better choices today!

    Sylvia - I'm glad to hear things are moving along better! I can hardly wait to see you're finished bowls. It is hard with our adult children, take your yourself.take your yourself.

    Cynthia - congratulations!

    Sally w Oregon - it's great to hear about planning for your first camping trip! sorry to hear about your phone problem. nice to get those tablets though and the lower bill.

    I just got home from my DMIL and I am totally wore out! I hope everyone has a great day.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    yay! Heather great news!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Carey--Thanks so much for the wise words. That is so true.

    Mary--I agree, I think the games kids play give them ideas and makes them not realize that when you hurt or kill, they do not come back the next game.

    Janet--Congrates on the NSV of baggy outfits.

    Michele--for along time after my DS would get upset at alarms, But over the years he has gotten better and he loves to hunt. One thing it did do was give him respect of guns.

    Selena--Beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing. I love to take pictures and have many photo books. My kids and grandchildren look at them and when they need pictures for something they can find what they need. I keep telling my DS when I am old just give me my photo books and I will be happy.

    Joyce--Thanks for sharing about your mom. What a speical lady.

    Sassy--You go Girl!!!! you will be at 10% goal before you know it.

    Carol--You have alot going on, so don't worry about answering us. Kids no matter how old are still our babies.

    Terri--Congrates on not eating 2/3 of the pizza.

    Carey--Thanks for the good advice. My DSIL does nothing. DBIL does it all. With him in the hospital she stays there or in the basement, So have not seen alot of her. But since I work I am only home evenings. They put most their stuff in storage and all they brought into the kitchen was food. DBIL has a thing about boxed ceral. Must be at least 30 boxes. I told them they could not bring anymore in until these were eaten.

    Sylvia--Sending HUGS not easy when our kids are ill and we can not "fix" them.

    Heather--Great news about DS#1.

    The weather here is beautiful today. 70+ and I am inside working. But plan to take a walk when I get home. Well the big boss bought this young guy in today to look over our office. He was interviewing for the same job I did. He just graduated in hospital adminstartion and wants to get his foot in the door. Not sure how I feel about that. But trusting God will work it out. We are to know by next week and the waiting is stressing me out. There is so much to learn and the surpervior last day is April 4. Not going to think about it. HAHA! One Day at Time.

    March Goals
    1. Log everybite
    2. drink water, stay away from diet pop
    3. No eating after 8pm
    4. Off the computer by 9pm.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Carol ... Nashville is 14 hours away for us! It's not happening. Fredonia is 50 minutes ... could almost commute except for the bad winter weather. His grades aren't stellar ... so his auditions will be most important wherever he decides to go. (Music Composition Major ... which I'm sure is real marketable after graduation... sigh)

    Cynthia ... yay!

    Beth in WNY

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Terri Milwaukee - enjoy the busy schedule, because when it stops you will truly miss it! Thank God for grandchildren!

    Pipcd34 - I don't think I know what part of the country you are from, with being able to ride your bike in all types of weather I would assume you're from up north somewhere that we have the four seasons. I honestly didn't realize that people rode their bikes in the winter time! you do really astound me!

    Mary from Minnesota

    I live in Tacoma Washington really close to Seattle. there are all seasons here, it's not guaranteed that it snows every year but it has and I do ride in it, black ice, rain, LOTS of rain, the whole 9 yards. yeah, year round means year round... I get asked that all the time.