

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Selena from Utah - I love your compassion and genuine concern you show towards others! Great job on the 8 lb loss. The picture is fantastic it doesn't look real!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    teri in Milwaukee, are you one of those cooks like heather and Michele who can cook meals ahead of time, freeze them and then microwave them? If you did that then you wouldn't have to eat out while your floor is being replaced. Put the microwave in another room and eat at a patio, living room or where ever.

    I can't remember who is having the job interview tomorrow. Good luck. I have only made one resume and it was back in the days where your resume was to really toot your own horn. So it had every good thing about me as far as my work and my personality. My daughter says they need to be short and sweet now.

    Congrats on the bowel movement Sylvia. Makes me feel much better. But not going out to an Italian restaurant. Can't imagine anything there that is going to be bland enough for your tummy issues.

    Michele, a temporary colostomy is generally done for one of the inflammatory bowel diseases such as Chrons or inflammatory bowel disease. Basically it is done when the bowel needs to have a chance to heal and it takes a long time to heal. It can be done for an obstruction. Remember, my surgical nursing was back in the mid 1970's.

    I don't like to go to the movie theatre because my legs get to restless and cramped in those seats. But my husband won a gift card at Karaoke and it expires Friday. So I have to find a movie to go to tomorrow. I think our trio song for Sunday is finally coming along. I could tell tonight that everyone had done their practicing at home since we first practiced Sunday evening. We have Saturday morning to polish it. Really, really enjoyed doing our Palm Sunday and Easter music. At my previous church the choir would do a whole cantata for Easter and Christmas but my present church does not but we are singing 3 songs both Sundays so it will feel even more special to me.

    I posted a tribute yesterday for my parents, especially my Mom. She died 4 years ago. She was such a model to me, a wonderful prayer warrior, Mom, friend, confidante, just everything. I wish everyone could have had a Mo like her. Even though she was so ready to die the moment Dad died, she looked forward to every single day she was alive. When it came time that she could no longer live in her own home, she moved into a retirement home. If you needed assistance with anything you could pay extra but basically it was retirement. They provided 3 wonderful meals a day, housekeeping once a week and a lot of activities. She enjoyed that place so much. She just jumped right in and did anything to make herself at home. They had devotionals already but never music. So when Mom went down and would sit and play the grand piano, even people form the kitchen would come out and listen. It was just strange to have actual music. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. She had to learn a lot of diversity. She had never heard the cursing and disrespect some people gave to others. That's how much of a sheltered life Mom lived. But she just loved on the person anyway and then would pray in her apartment. Even though she had broken her hip, it didn't stop her from walking so no one thought that she didn't have a broken hip. No xray. So after the pain was unbearable, she had us call an ambulance to go to the ER. They did one simple xray and then a cat scan and the doctors told us it was cancer. We found out more in that short ER stay than any doctor had told us. surgery the next day and then a rehab stay in a wonderful rehab/nursing home. Even though it would have been very difficult for my sister with her fibromyalgia and my MS, we were going to be the care givers in hospice for her in her own apartment. But God intervened and a wonderful nurse who had worked in the inpatient VNA hospice told us that she needed to go there to get her pain under control and then send her home. As soon as Mom got there, I think she knew it was her time to die. On the first morning, the doctor told me she had 3 weeks to live. This was after a prognosis of 9 months after the surgery. It was an awful 3 weeks for us but the family came as often as they could. My sister and I never left her side except to go home once to get a good nights sleep. Our entire family was there when she died and we just sat there, cried and rejoiced at the same time. I love you Mom. You are enjoying your time with Dad and my oldest sister and gardening making sure everyone has flowers.

    Sorry I am so reflective tonight but I have just been doing a lot of thinking about my Mom this week.

    Joyce, Indiana. Got to go pick out a movie
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce in Indiana - you truly were blessed with a wonderful mom. Thanks for sharing her with us!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    So much sadness but then happiness as well. Makes the losing weight problems seem so insignificant and helps to put things into perspective.
    Hope to make the most of every good moment.
    Love the photo from Selena but just cannot imagine having a post box FIVE MILES away!!!
    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Cynthia - We think Chico is almost a year old. He is very agile. Havashires are quite the climbers. He flips right over when I hold the treat further back, that worked for Louie but this little guy definitely has his own style. My DGS thinks we should train him for a circus dog.

    Sylvia - I hope you take it easy. Please do not over do things!
    Hooray for you!. I am looking forward to the day when I am no longer obese.

    Alwaysonadiet54 - I like your goals.

    Carol - It is great that your daughter reached 10,000 steps.

    yanniejannie- My heart goes out to you. Life can be difficult and at times it seems this world has gone crazy. Treat yourself gently. Please find something or someone that brings you some joy.

    Selena - I am sorry to hear of the violence around you. It is good that you will be at the funeral to support your church friends. One of the things I love about this group is the the genuine caring and support.
    The photo you took is lovely.

    Thanks everyone for your support and suggestions in regard to the situation with DH.
    He used to be an alcoholic but he never went through a 12 step program or anything.
    Alzheimer's does run heavily in his family and that scares me silly. He went to a Dr. today about medical marijuana for pain management. I had talked to this doctor before and he said he would some how get the testing done. The doctor is not able to tell me the results because of the privacy laws here.
    The posts on here about the tragic deaths have brought up some memories I wish I didn't have. We had a family friend commit suicide because of gambling debt. My cousin was murdered by his wife in front of their 2 yr. old son about 20 yrs ago. One of my friends was killed by a drunk driver while crossing the street when I was in university. My daughter had to testify at quite a young age at the trial of a gruesome double murder. I am sure that everyone on here has been affected by some kind of violence. Wouldn't it be nice if the world could be peaceful and full of love?
    Today was quite uneventful and I find I like it that way.
    Tomorrow we are going to the supper at the college. Friday we start a week of vacation. I am not sure if we are driving to Vancouver or not.
    The bright spot in the day was helping my DGD to print her name. I asked her what word started with K, naturally I thought she would say her name. Here is her answer "K is for Kumquat" I asked if she knew what that was and she shook her head at me and said "Grandma, everyone knows Kumquats are fruit." Then she said "Don't have a catastrophe on the way home. Grandma, K is for Katastrophe" I was laughing too hard to correct her.
    Fire ban here.
    Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    Katla: It's not just men. I have 2 girlfriends like that Drives me crazy!! I am a firm believer if you arent actively persuing solutions,resolutions, along with poo pooing every suggestion away. You cant complain. You havent earned that right. But I am a meanie that way. ;) Don't get me wrong we all have the occassional whinge. I will listen most sympathetically but if it's the same complaint day in day out and your not doing anything about but whinging. I quit listening with the addendum that when youre ready to do something about it I'm in. :D

    Have a fabulous trip!

    Heather: I miss having lady friends close enough to pop over to or go for a stroll with. Girlie natters and a glass of wine are sorely missed. Though I do think youre right, it's just a bit of cabin fever with Spring so close yet still so far away. Always makes me a bit antsy too.

    Sylvia: YaY for the poop-a-doop!! When my son was a babe he used to have the hardest stools. I would take his little lugs and push them up to his tum and then back while cheering him on. I do believe this cheer fits your situation as well. "Push em out.. shove em out.. way out!" Ohhhhh geez did I really just put that in print. LOL I better stop who knows where else I will go. ;)

    Yannie: Ohhhhhhhhh yannie hugz, I'm so sorry.

    Cynthia: We are all waiting with bated breathe to hear how you felt the interview went?? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I hope you get this!!

    Diana: Fabulous NSV!! People noticing always puts an extra PeP in the step!!

    Janet: WOOT on the smaller clothes!!

    Selena: perk...POLKA??!!?? Growing up every holiday our family would polka together!! My father was nicknamed the Prince of Polka! Thank you for jogging that happy memory. :D What a gorgeous picture!!

    Joyce: hugz What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. She sounds sounds like a lovely woman. I can see the apple hasnt fallen far from the tree ;)

    I went out for my morning walk trying to beat the rain we had coming. Truly thought I was succeeding until I hit that half mile marker and it started pouring. Did a lot of self talk to the 2 mile marker debating whether to continue or go home. I opted for home because it was really cold. Throw wet on top of cold, then throw in Alexs sickness, which I am still denying I caught. I feel I made the right choice. Get home my head is so congested. By the time I got done tidying I knew where I was heading. So I dumped a bunch of left overs in a bowl trying to get in as many calories as I could. Because I wasnt getting up again. I knew Alex was bringing home subways sandwiches and he would make some soup to go with. I had made 3 loaves of plum bread with a pecan topping the day before. That I KNEW he would be serving as well. So I had no fear of hitting my numbers... :lol: ( I had about 9 plums on my counter past the yummy eat stage but great for cooking. )

    We have so many happies and NSV's ( Non scale victories ) I am going to share mine. I had every GOOD reason in the world to not get on my stationary bike and call it a rest day. But I had an hour mid-day where I felt fine. So I hopped on for a 30 minute ride! :D

    Diligence is doing it for me I am down another 2.2 pounds! YaY ME!! :D Just 2 more pounds and I will have hit my 10% mark. Happy dance!

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies~
    very very windy here this morning.. and since today is my day off from paying job, my husband has me running here there and everywhere.., dropping dog off at groomers at 7, then stopping at the dump with a car load of cardboard and styrafoam from the vanity box, will put those in recycling, then from there over to the car dealership to set an appt up for one car for oil change, another for a recall, then from there to Lowes Home Improvement to ask a few questions, then back to the nursing home for quarterly review for my DFIL .then to the bank to get a check cashed. then pick the dog up at the groomers.bring him home ..then work on the house, it is in such dis array.
    the new wall microwave that we had installed, the light doesnt work and the knob is sort of loose, called sears repair center they are coming next thursday to fix that.
    Now Tom is talking about new cabinets for the kitchen :s , I told him much less expensive to have refaced..I dont want to spend money that wont be recouped when we sell the house, our cabinets are 55 yrs old, they dont make cabinets like that anymore

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies! Made it through day one! Preplanning for day 2.

    I really enjoyed reading all of the posts. It felt like reconnecting with old friend and meeting a bunch of new ones!

    I will stop back later to respond to individuals. I am trying to limit couch time (thus computer time). I hope everyone has a great day!

    Deb A in CNY
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Woo Hoo !! I think I have done it :blush:
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good Thursday morning to all!

    Selena ~ What a beautiful photograph. You must love the view from your house.

    Joyce ~ Your tribute to you mom is lovely. It is so good that she put the effort into being happy wherever she was. I just keep praying that my own mom will find some peace within. If you did not know her, you would think that she is very able bodied. But, she has sat at the same table with the same three people since last May and does not know their names. All she wants is to go home and that just can't be arranged.

    DH is doing his monthly antique show this weekend so I will do some much needed cleaning. :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Sassy - yes, I'm feeling much better today. Yesterday's outing did me good. The sun is shining. We have people coming for dinner tomorrow. :D I did my typing this morning. o:) Getting very close to finishing the book.

    Janet - I do drive, but I have got much more nervous in recent years. I don't even like being driven by DH . My preference is public transport especially the train. I can drive short distances.

    Woke up with a stiff knee and rheumaticky thumbs. I would like to go for a walk today with DH if it stays bright. I did my usual exercise, so a walk would be a bonus. I'm expecting a delivery from Amazon so timing could be a problem.

    I have been putting off phoning a friend that I had a disagreement with at the end of last year. She phoned me and left an ansaphone message, but I haven't got back to her. :s Bad me. There never seems to be a right moment for a long phone call. :|
    I also have been having trouble communicating with DS#1. This isn't unusual. I do worry because he suffers from severe depression some of the time. I did get a brief reply to a text. I feel I should use this "down time" to go up and see him, but I can't seem to work up the enthusiasm. I might enquire if he has any time to have a short visit from me. I also have some old friends up there. I will probably stay in a b&b.
    These things I have been putting off were one of the causes of my low mood, I'm sure. Unresolved issues sap one's energy. Thank you, ladies, for helping me work that one out! :flowerforyou:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • spicycanchaser
    spicycanchaser Posts: 5 Member
    I live in MO, around the Branson area. I am very tired of the mud and am so ready for days of sunshine, green grass and flowers. I did get my lazy derriere to the gym yesterday, 30 minutes walk/jog on treadmill and 30 minutes cardio/sculpt AND I stayed under my allowed calories. Now to conquer today!
  • snowdoggy
    snowdoggy Posts: 12 Member
    Katla Thanks for the suggestion of the recumbent bike. I have tried one in the past and I can't get my heart rate up high enough without increasing the tension which really hurts my knees. I choose the elliptical because it is my fave machine at the gym even with my aches and pains. Next fave is the rowing machine which doesn't really hurt at all.

    Mary I love the name Sundoggy - really funny

    Hope everyone has a blessed day!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    selena in Utah - thanks for the compliment. - I started riding year round a few years ago, so for me, it's just like someone getting in their car to go to work. My husband has been a year round rider for over 20 years and when we met and were living together, he would ride his bike like any other day and I would drive to work. sometimes I would see that it was seriously cold, or raining, or snowing, black ice and I would beg him to take the car (we had 2 cars) and he would say no, that's just what I do. when I got in good enough shape to do the MS Bike Ride one year (2 day ride, I did 59miles the 1st day and 40 I think the 2nd & some serious hills, especially on the first day) that was in the first week of September, well I decided, not to stop riding. usually, that was when I would retire the bike and start driving. I used to be a fair weather rider. well this year, I just kept riding and haven't stopped since. I have to look back but I think i'm going on 4-5 years., i'll chk. I will admit, it is a drag sometimes due to all the preparation, putting on the helmet, gloves, bike shorts, making sure all the lights work, good rain gear, packing clothes for work to change into, blah blah blah... but it's just routine now. I also run.
    - with that 5 mile distance to your mailbox, you could start walking it, then walk/run it, then slow ride it, (use the granny gear for sure if it's not flat). it's good exercise for sure. that pic, is that real??? is that your view???? woah, beautiful!

    yesterday, I rode home again and I got a little rain, not much. it is great when my husband doesn't work because when he goes to work out with me in the morning, I give him what I don't need to take to work, like my sweaty work out clothes and I have a lighter pannier!!!! I have less weight to carry home! the things that excite me are pathetic. I might ride home again, we'll see how I feel. still not 100%, I sure wasn't in the mood to workout at all, I did an easy one..
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 397 Member
    I am in awe of the people on here who can make personal comments to so many! Still having difficulty keeping the reading going! Beginning to wish for the oft-maligned FB "like "button. Love to hear the motivating stories and sad about the struggles. Life at this age should not be so complicated, but it sure is.
    I have been on MFP for one whole month and have lost 6 pounds. Yesterday I got to be 1/4 pound below what I can remember being for decades so I bought myself a colorful shirt. Finally walking about without boots (trying to sidestep the puddles though).
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Cris, it was so nice to hear that even MA had 60 degrees and the snow is melting. So happy for all of you that have endured such a harsh winter. And I agree that some of us “old dogs” are learning a few new trick (habits) and it feel great.

    Michele, the only dietbet I know of is the ones where people have a contest(bet) to see who can lose the most weight in a given time and the prize always seems to be: take them out to eat. Go figure?

    Gail, come on, what’s the problem? Don’t you have 3 hours to catch up on the posts? LOL I do love it when everyone is chatty. I love reading about all of you.

    , gee I wish I had thought to ask about vodka and tonic when I had my colonoscopy. It might have made the whole process a little easier. *wink*

    Selena, I have lost 41 pounds and not one person has noticed my weight loss yet. I do remember the last time I lost 45 and it took all of that for anyone to notice. Sometimes I see a large person that looks like they may be losing but am hesitant to say anything for fear that they will think I’m saying they “need” to lose. The picture is just beautiful. I had never seen real mountains until I drove across country with DD to California. That is a long way from the east coast of SC.

    Joyce, what a beautiful tribute to your lovely Mom. I’m sure you know how lucky you are to have had her. Enjoy the movie as it’s an opportunity you don’t have often. If you ever use “Leg Cramp” pills, you may want to take them with you. Sometimes prevention is worth more than a cure.

    Sharon, your DGD sounds delightful. Does she watch Sesame Street or some show where she learned those words?

    Sassy, I like your cheer. We are just so silly around my house. We often talk about who had a “poop”, which always includes our 3 fur babies. I have never been regular (or yes, regularly irregular) so it is really something to cheer about if I go two days in a row. Woo hoo and happy dance on your loss. You go girl!!!

    Heather, I read that you have unresolved issues that need tending to. I just want to encourage you to take a step forward on those, so they don’t cloud up your happiness, not to mention your sense of accomplishment. Sometimes when we have things we know we need to do, it just takes a little nudge. So here ya go: *nudge*

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    After about two weeks of the scale going from 191 to 193 and back and forth and back and forth…. It finally started to move down again. Today for the second day I’m at 189. I really don’t get discouraged so much as impatient, but it is so exciting to get on that scale and see some progress. I am at the halfway point to my goal weight and what can I say is, I want it to happen “yesterday”. Ladies, just as a word of encouragement, I started in mid-October at 230 pounds. It just dropped off at first and I was at 203 on 12/27. I finally got below 200 (a Big Mini Goal) on 1/13/15 and then the really big stalls started. I was at 196 when I went on a cruise and gained 4 pounds. I lost it within a week and it has taken me until now to drop that next 6 pounds. This is just all to say, DON’T GIVE UP! I don’t enjoy exercise, but I do it. I don’t like not eating some of my favorite things, but I do it. I simply chose my “Hard” because for me it’s harder to stay fat. Just because it may seem hopeless, it’s not. Just keep doing what you know is best and the results will come.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day. (Not to be a copy cat but) Hugs to all that need them and Congrats to those with victories.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
    Only high of 60 today but I'll take it.
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    Janet: We are such dorks here. We each have codes and reply codes if we need to get in their for a quickie. Alex "reads", so he would ask before hand if anyone needs to check something out fro the library. I'm a dasher. For me it would like; I gotta dash be back shortly, does anybody need anything before i go? Bosko curls, you stay out there until you see him curl up a couple times... I am so glad to know that we arent alone in our tom foolery! :p

    Congratulations well earned!! Thanks for sharing your Thinspiration! We all want it off so fast. I think we forget to enjoy the journey into self discovery.

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    damnit! you are an inspiration damnit!! u go gurl!!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Selena - My daughter and I each have a Fitbit Flex and I adore mine!! It is definitely a motivator!

    Thanks to all for the encouraging words! I'm a bit preoccupied today. My daughter texted last night and said her boy cat, Oliver, had a tummy bug. Well, she called this morning to say she had taken him to the emergency pet hospital at 1:30 a.m. for fluids and and x-ray, then to the regular vet this morning. The vet was not actually having office hours today since she was doing surgery, but they agreed to keep Oliver at the office until she come out and check him between surgeries. Katherine has had to make some tough decisions today. She had already spent over $700 when she got the phone call for her options for Oliver. Long story short, she has decided to go ahead with surgery instead of both making him wait AND spending the extra money for more tests and an overnight stay tonight for observation. This is all going to cost her around $2,000 and she is unemployed. The possibility was real that she would have had to have him euthanized simply because of a lack of money. She has a healthcare charge card sort of deal for the cats that will allow monthly payments, but that is going to be a real problem if she doesn't find a job very soon! When she called just a few minutes ago to tell me about the surgery options, she really wanted me to to tell her what to do, but she had to make the decision for herself. That was really hard since, as a mother, you want to fix everything so that your child doesn't hurt!

    On top of all of that, she is supposed to drive to Charlotte this afternoon to meet one of her professors and to pick up her brother to bring him home for the weekend. I was hoping she was going to be able to take a nap before driving but, selfishly, I'm afraid I'm going to end up driving to Charlotte instead. I don't want to make the drive and I don't want to take the time off work. :disappointed:

    A lot of you have negative things going on in your lives and I don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring them. I seem to never have time to read and make notes anymore, but I do think of each of you frequently.

    Carol in NC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Beth - here's my kick for you ***kick***. You can do this. :p

    Janet - Congrats on the baggy clothes. That's a happy accomplishment. As far as my taxi service - it is for only 1 kid; my 14 y.o. son. He also now stays late after school everyday for track practice, which includes sprints, jumps, and weights. Yesterday he came home long enough to pack his baseball equipment and back to school until 10pm last night. Tonight he should have about 2 hours available to catch up on schoolwork. I think I will not allow basketball on Saturday, because of all the other events, and it will likely make him too tired for the bowling tournament.

    Selena - the photo is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Joyce - prayers for you and your family regarding your Mom. My Mom was similar (positive thinking) even though also shy. She passed 10 days after her hip replacement. We spent the whole time (on day 8 she had a stroke, likely unrelated to the surgery) taking turns sitting and holding her hand and praying and singing and exchanging fond memories. Thank you so much for the suggestion of freezing meals in advance. Since my Dad lives in the lower 1/2 of our house, I could use his microwave (ours is built into the wall/stove) to re-heat things most evenings. It also is a good excuse for me to eat more salad. ;)

    Heather - hugs for your family worries. My DD is bipolar, and trying to grow-up (24 & finally going to college). I am thankful every time she responds to a text, and beyond shocked if she answers a phonecall, or calls me. I know things will get better, but it is nerve-wracking waiting for that time.

    bkrimpet - congrats on the loss, and extra congrats on the nice reward you gave yourself (*) (*) (*)

    Yesterday DH was being disrespectful (and DS joined in, even though in the end I proved that I was correct), and my first instinct was to devour the left-over pizza. I took a few deep breaths, drank a huge glass of water, and only re-heated 2 pieces instead of 2/3 of the pizza. That is a HUGE accomplishment for me. I didn't even eat any chocolate. B)

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee