

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Pi Day ! ! !

    Barbie - Congrats on the great line-dancing experience. It sounds like it was wonderful.
    Kim - so sorry about the poison oak. In the eyes must have been torture. I hope it continues to get better quickly for you.

    Linda - Congrats on the wii smile, and the increased steps. "a body in motion tends to stay in motion", so any increase in exercise is a reason to be proud!

    Sassy - thanks for the support. I actually was thinking about it last evening as I walked past the Dorito's on the kitchen table. 2 doritos and a glass of water. I deserve more water (I really enjoy the flavored drops, yum). So sorry you have been sick. I hope the rest keeps helping, and you are better quickly.

    Sharon and Allison (and everyone else) - Prayers ! ! !

    I'm sure I forgot a bunch of people, so . . . WTG on wins, and hugs for struggles !

    Today I ate a huge breakfast, so I can save calories for supper. DH is working until afternoon. I talked DS out of basketball, because he will likely be too tired for the bowling tournament, and we won't have time for lunch (I will have yogurt and fruit). DS and DH will want supper in a restaurant, since no one will be home all day to prep for supper. I hope I can talk them into someplace that I can control my portions or quality.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    News from DD--her husband has the tummy bug now. We're going anyway and she and the kids will visit us in the hotel room until their home is no longer a "plague" house. DH is not being gracious about it, but he is coming along with me. This is a travel day. Wyoming tonight, CO tomorrow.

    Katla on the road
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Terri, I don’t know about the rest of the ladies, but I’ll take prayers any way I can get them. Plus I do the same thing in my prayers, and I feel sure that God knows who needs what. Dang, it’s as warm there as it is here at the beach. Good for you!!!

    Dpgal, Welcome. Tell us a little about yourself and give us a name we can call you. It’s easier than typing your handle every time. 

    Pip, you probably go to bed before I do, but only because I live on the east coast. Lol

    Linda, I think my cup of coffee weighs 3 pounds. At least that is what my scale says. It is amazing how much more I can weigh after just an hour of being up. I only weigh first thing in the morning because of it. :o Your Poutine sounds yummy but think I’ll stay away from that.

    Barbie, so nice that the ex-line dance teacher came for a visit. That is the reception you will get years down the road, if you ever retire from it. I picture you teaching until at least 95. 

    Michele NC, so glad the Magical Night was a success. Too bad the food didn’t seem to last but the hotel may have screwed up and just not admitting it. If you do decide to spearhead the event next year, just try to delegate a bit more. I know in groups I’m in, there are competent people willing to help that often don’t get the opportunity. Good job, lady!

    Katla, so glad you get to continue with your travels. I’ll agree that your Dr. gets a gold star. (*) That is wonderful that she took the time to call you about your meds. Tell that tummy bug to stay away from you!

    Sassy, I was totally enjoying reading your post about “Lying” to your DD and then saddened when I read about that mean Alex sharing his cold with you. He sounds like a sweetie and I’m glad you got some solid rest. Take care and feel better soon.

    Joyce, My DH and I pretty much take care of our own breakfast and lunch, also. One of us will cook dinner for both but it’s not unusual for him to eat that later. I keep telling him it’s not good to eat so late and go to bed a short time later, but he’s just not ready to eat sometimes. We are within talking distance while I eat, so I do have the company. I feel the same way about my SIL and have actually not talked with her since DMIL’s funeral. Oh and how I miss my DMIL! Before she got Alzheimer’s she was so much fun and we would talk and giggle together. I really lucked out in the MIL department.

    Linda, Congrats on the numbers and hope you get to keep smiling. When my scale moves down it sure puts a smile on my face and makes the whole day better. :p Keep up the good work.

    , Welcome! This is a great place to get support and lots of good information. Join right in. We all have hiccups in this journey but the trick is to never stop. Log everything that goes in your mouth and be as active as you can and always remember that you can do this. You are worth it.

    Terri, I hope you get to eat some place that has something yummy while being a smart choice. Good that you don’t have to do the basketball.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I slept late this morning. The rainy weather is just perfect for sleeping in, whether I had planned it or not. We had talked about going to the St Patty’s Parade today, but the rain talked us out of it, not to mention me being asleep almost until it started. I’m about an hour behind my usual routine so have to get moving on to exercising.

    I love reading about your lives when I wake up each morning. I hope you all have a wonderful day. <3

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    A friend said to me yesterday…. “I have come to realize that I and only I can make the choices. I choose to work 2 days a week… I choose to eat what I do……I choose to talk to …… I choose to do what I want to do…I chose to pass up that chocolate bar when my DH ticked me off...” I was so happy to hear her say those things. And finally letting go of so many “controlling” things that if they didn’t go her way she was so unhappy. I have said so many times at our TOPS meetings – “You and only you are responsible for your choices. How you react to the moment … is YOUR choice” It was so good to hear her say that.

    I think I spent my “surprise” day quite well…. Organized in my scrapbook room for a few hours. Went to town and picked up flowers for a friend. Dropped in on another friend for coffee… came home and went for a walk on the road …in my walking shoes…. No mud… no slip slip… AWESOME …My dog was so happy …and so was I.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach - I had two breakfasts because I got up toooo early and I was hungry so my mid-morning snack was more than just my almonds.

    Linda in Northern Ontairo – I weigh when I get out of bed in the morning, before getting dressed or coffee…. And …YEAH on the smiley face and YEAH on achievements.

    Sassy – thank you for the recipe for the brownies – I may have to make them for DH. Get better soon.

    Katla – Glad to hear everything is getting straightened out. I know how frustrating it can be when you leave home without critical things. Safe travels.

    I hope everyone in the path of Cyclone Pam is safe. I see the pictures of Vanuatu – near New Zealand, on the news this morning.

    I am off to get dressed, get breakfast and another cup of coffee….. Then pull a task out of the task jar…. And staying out of the snacks today…..

    So friends – what do you choose to do today?

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    No pudge calories are: @16 theyre 157 cals per; @14 179 per; and at 12 only 200 for a nice sized brownie. :D

    Can't stay my doctor Alex says its another bed rest day... Thanks for the well wishes
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Just update on my strong lift 5 X 5. squats R at 45 pounds, bench press is 42. 5 and barbell row is also 42.5 overhead press will be 27. 5 pounds deadlift will be 47 . 5 pounds. I have noticed increase in muscle tone which is very visible and a decrease in fat. I am still doing Kenpo X kickboxing as a overall stretch after I do the stronglift 5x5. after my third week I will be taking pictures of my progress.

    Terri - have a great day! it is hard to go to a restaurant and find good food or healthy food to eat. good job in pre planning!

    Janet Myrtle Beach - I love sleeping in on rainy days! enjoy your day.

    Linda - I could really eat a lot of your Poutine! it sounds really good!

    Lillian - happy to hear about your friend! you are so right about choices. it is our choice when we choose to eat what we do or to exercise or not thanks for the reminder!

    Sassy - thanks for the calorie count. take care of yourself and get plenty of rest!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Diana -NE Indiana: Happy Pi Day.... I'm surprised that my mathematic son hasn't mentioned this yet...thanks for helping me to get one up on him...it doesn't happen very often

    Carol- NC: I put my alarm clock across the room so that I have to get out of bed to turn it off. My alarm clocks are very loud.. they've been likened to a sonic boom! In the past, I've also put a non-digital one in a metal pot with silverware around it...this rattles quite a bit when the alarm starts to ring. Oh and I also make appointments earlier in the day..it's always easier when I have a reason to get up.

    Barbie: So glad you had an extra special day line dancing! I've tried some line dancing in the past...but I have a memory like swiss cheese and my arms and legs can't seem to move in sync...ah well, maybe the memory will improve as I learn tai chi

    Katla: Your doc would get a gold star from me too! Hang on to her and have a great trip!

    Linda in Northern Ontario: I love wii...it's so much fun and congrats on the smiles

    Sassy: Hope you feel better soon and if there are any more around like your Alex be sure to send them my way :p

    Well I've got to get my butt in gear...been spending way too much time on the computer and house work is lagging behind.

    As my Dad would say: "The thinking is worse than the doing...just get 'er done"

    Carey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member

    Late start to the gym, thanks kids for letting me sleep in.
    Pip in tacoma Washington
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Carolyn... welcome!

    Pip ... I was watching a Hershey commercial this morning when they mentioned a segment of their traditional chocolate bar is referred to as a "pip!" I immediately thought of you! (*)

    Lillian ... very good advice. After several days of nonsense, today I choose to work on my decluttering mission and make wise, controlled food choices!

    As you may recall, I put my family on a fairly strict regimen of homemade/unprocessed foods to see if it would make a difference in my son's migraine situation. After nearly a year, sadly, I have to say it doesn't. To prove it, he's made a point of eating crap ... and no migraine. Migraines have another trigger we are finally beginning to understand. Anyways, I was feeling very defeated about this. It takes a lot of effort to make things like homemade stock and soy sauce substitutes and condensed soup alternatives. So last night made dinner with some store bought ingredients instead of my homemade substitutes ... and surprise! No one liked the taste of it and all requested I use the homemade ingredients in the future! So yay! At least our tastes have changed to what I consider healthier alternatives. I also discovered that while son is not affected by some things like msg ... I am! Had a power headache after dinner. Fine now.

    Have a great day!
    Beth in WNY

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Hi folks!
    Having a really lazy day today! DH is at football (his team won today and are now in a promotion spot) and I have been just chilling. Did my exercising with him, but no typing. >:) Eating is so far under control, but much too much sodium. I am still in my jammies so I might as well stay there. Or I might put fresh ones on. :laugh:

    Last night's dinner went very well. DH said they seemed like a very nice couple and they were obviously very happy together. True. He said he had never really spoken to them before, which amazes me as they are very friendly. <3 I drank too much wine, but feel OK. Tonight we are eating the left over salmon wheels. I have made a carrot salad and a celery root salad to have with them. Also grilled artichokes, my favourite treat food.

    Katla - so glad you will be getting a grandchildren "fix".♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ Hope you don't catch anything.

    I rang my friend yesterday, but she was out. Not in the mood today. Will do it tomorrow. The bonus was I rang another friend instead and had a nice chat. I am seeing her next weekend in London on the way to the grandchildren. :love:

    Going to have another cup of tea. :D

    Love, Heather UK
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,884 Member
    Hi all: I am "procrastinating" not amateur-crastinating" this morning. Paperwork is moving along on the house sale and we need to decide on a closing date. DS can come the first week in June to help us move. DD is looking at property tomorrow to buy. We are looking in the Snohomish, Everett area of Washington. Coming your way those of you who are in the PNW! I have made a list and just need to start doing one thing and then cross it off and do one more thing. That way it will eventually get done, but my mind keeps going in circles trying to remember everything that needs to be done before then and then it seems overwhelming so I choose to do something else not productive.

    Katla - Hope your trip continues without any more bumps and you have a good visit with the DGC.

    Pip - Your dogs have such expressive faces.

    Barbie - Congrats on keeping that line dancing class going!

    Linda - Glad you are getting all those little steps down. They do add up.

    Kim - Glad to see you back after your busy spell.

    Sassy - Let Alex take care of you.

    Sylvia - Good story about the kids and the bowls.

    Happy Pi day everyone!

    Sending healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD until June 1
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    3/14 Sat.
    Happy Pi day! Our neighbor’s little kids brought us invitations for a 9:26 waffle brunch this am, and I limited myself to just 1. Yay!

    My son is home from college for a few days before he leaves on a spring break SCUBA trip, lots of hugs, so I am a happy mom. We’ve got hockey tix for tomorrow.

    Glad to provide amusement on “bowls” vs “bowels.” Here’s to losing our collective soggy bottoms.

    I’m working hard on having high fiber and protein things around that I can grab. Today I’m making a chicken salad made with yogurt and fruit that should serve for a few days.

    Oooh, Heather that tart sounds wonderful. Wish we had daffodils… should be about 2 weeks now, I see buds.

    Pip – 4:40 wake up. Uhmm. Couldn’t do it, but good on you!

    Lillian – I like the task jar idea!
    And yes “I and only I can make the choices. … I choose to eat what I do”

    Jan – Glad to hear you are coming around a bit.

    Lesley – maybe it’s time for you to get out a bit, go on a vacation or get up to Victoria to see grandkids?

    Katla – enjoy the trip!

    Sassy – Sometimes you just need some TV time when sick. Alex sounds like a great guy. Relax and get better soon.

    Reviewing my March goals:

    Average 450 cal of exercise a day, exercise at least 5 days a week.
    - Well, I added a lot of movement during the day, but don’t consistently get a real work out in every day, so I’ll take a B- on this.
    Eat 5 fruits and veg a day
    - pretty good on this, B+
    No snacks or drinks after dinner (stick to that 12 h eating window),
    - pretty good on this one, I take an A

    Cindy in SoMD


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    MMinMD wrote: »
    3/14 Sat.
    Happy Pi day! Our neighbor’s little kids brought us invitations for a 9:26 waffle brunch this am, and I limited myself to just 1. Yay!

    Pip – 4:40 wake up. Uhmm. Couldn’t do it, but good on you!

    Cindy in SoMD


    lololol, 4:40 is not the wake up, it's when i am out the door, lololol so, wake up is earlier than that...

    i've been asked, where did you get your profile/screen name from.. well it's my late husbands old email address that i kept. his favorite book was charles dickens, great expectations. pip is a character, so pipcd34 it is. 34 is what i added to it, that was his age when he died.

    stats for the day:
    jog- 44.34min, 6.6-7.5asp, 2sprints @9speed, 8.54ap, 5mi = 446cal
    row- 30min, 60aw, 4994meters = 238cal
    other- stretching- 10min = 36cal
    total cal 720

    got me some pre-workout powder to see how it works. i'll let you know.
    i weighed myself and i lost the 2 more lbs that i wanted to loose. but i am not going to update anything, could be just water. we'll see
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carry in Edmonton - your alarm clock ideas are hilarious but I bet they were really well!

    Pip - your puppies make me smile they are so cute! I'm sorry to hear about your late husband! He was so young. It's nice that you still have a connection with the use of his old email address. What do you mean by pre workout powder? Congrats on your weight loss!

    Beth in WNY - you are such a good mom! You go through a lot of work to make the homemade items you do. your family doesn't know how good they've got it!

    Heather - I am so glad that your dinner went well last night! Meeting up with your friend should be a lot of fun next weekend.

    Sue in SD - you must be extra excited to have sold your house! We will be putting our on the market on Monday. the PN W sounds like a great area, I think PIP is in that area!

    Cindy in S MD - enjoy your visit with your DS! Have fun at the Hockey game.

    We are on our way to go and watch the curling tournament in Bemidji! I'm hoping they have some healthy food choices. have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    DS did ok at bowling this morning, with 613 series. Then I made myself a salad and him a grilled cheese and an apple. I allowed him to talk me into playing the first 1/2 of his basketball game, then off to the 600 Bowling Tournament. It proved that basketball pushed him over the edge of fatigue, because he only was able to bowl 568 at the tournament, and you could just tell he struggled to put the "oomph" behind the ball. It's okay, he had fun today.

    DH wants to go to Texas Roadhouse, so I punched a bunch of options into my food diary, and I will choose 6 oz sirloin and steamed broccoli (much healthier than any of their salads, sadly). In fact, he just mentioned it again, so I better get my shoes on before his "tolerance window" closes, and he ends up calling Pizza Hut. Have a great evening ! ! !

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday here and just had brunch.
    Washed clothes and towels and on the line in the sun.
    We are going for a drive out.
    It is now 4 weeks since we had Mildred put to sleep and i miss her so much on my walks.
    I cleaned house yesterday as it was Saturday and hardly any hairs left. I used to have to vac and sweep every day with Mildred.
    It rained ALL day yesterday so only 5970 steps.
    Wii Biggest Loser Fitness is going well, weigh in on Tuesday. Have increased from Intermediate to Expert he he.
    We are going to tour around Tasmania, and see if we can find Isaac Lister's grave in New Norfolk. No need to rush home now
    My daughter no longer talks to me, on granddaughter's side. She will get burned but her problem not mine. Know nothing of grandsons.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Lesley ... it's been four weeks already? Hugs.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Daughter`s surgery went well,had lots of gall stones,a little sore but gd.
    Moving April 1st to another rental house,but have a lease and it`s not in foreclosure.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    edited March 2015
    I get up between 3 and 4 every morning to allow enough time for walking the dogs before my breakfast and spiritual reading time followed by long dog walks and still have time to visit with Jake before showering and dressing and getting to where I need to go at either 8 or 9 AM. To accomplish the early wake up, I aim to be under the covers and reading in bed by 7:30 PM. Thus, I get enough sleep and still have time for what I need to do in the morning. I love walking the dogs in the dark and solitude of the early morning. It is a meditative time for me when I walk early in the morning. I have a chance to inventory my life and listen to podcasts of spiritual speakers or authors, or listen to music. I usually have walked 10,000 to 13,000 steps before 8 AM.

    Pip, I roasted a chicken today and had dogs and a cat staring at me a lot like your dogs in the picture you posted.

    Sue in SD, it is not be accident that move is a 4 letter word....it's a very overwhelming job, but you'll get through it one task at a time, then you can live in the beautiful PNW.

    :D today is a rest day for me so Jake and I are watching a lot of TV and I'm doing some knitting.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member