

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Sunday! I would love to go back home and go to bed for a couple hours. We had a very busy day yesterday. We had our yearly motorcycle ride fund raiser. 54 people we in our group. Beautiful weather. Our group raised almost $3500. so not a bad for a one day run. They had a auction of the youth group members. We got two girls and they will come work at our house one weekend for up to 8 hours. I want to get my windows washed inside and out and get the basement window wells cleaned out and covers put on. So am excited about that. They will not come until middle of June, but that is ok.
    Now I am working today. Tomorrow I am off and a girlfriend is coming to spend the day. She is from MI and only going to be here visiting a couple days.

    Carol GA--Hope you feel soon.

    Jane--Happy B-lated birthday. Hope you and Violet have a great time. Sorry to hear DDIL broke her wrist.

    Heather--Looking forward to seeing DGS's cake when you have it all done. Just saw the picture of the cake. How cute!! I bet he loves it.

    Lisa--I like the one weigh less in May then you did in April. I am going to add that one also. Thanks.

    Carey--Thanks for the wise words on thought for the day.

    Gin--WOW!! thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Katla--Thanks for sharing about the mamogram. I told the tech doing mine that now it doesn't hurt as much because of lossing the weight.

    Kim--Congrates on the vacation. I pray you have a very speical trip.

    Terri--Good picture, thanks for sharing.

    Sheila--Welcome, you have come to the right place for support and friendship. Come often and jump right in.

    Mary--Thanks for the warning. I have seen that several time, just never clicked on it. Won't even consider it now. Thanks.

    Pipcd--Looks like you gave some good fings at the auction,.

    All caught up again and out of time. Enjoy this beautiful day. Love and pray for each one of you.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Okay ... doing a better job of being "mindful" today. Cleaned all my veggies, have supper ready, and made my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow, and walked my dog. Ummm that is a change of habit!! I usually don't make my breakfast and lunch until after supper. And now because I want to go outside and do some yard work...the wind is up and the clouds are moving in...just lovely :( ......Oh well I am going out anyway, have some raking to do and may uncover some perennials, the temperatures are not going to be that great so don't want to shock them too much.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Kim - do you use TripAdvisor? I love it and do lots of reviews for them.

    Congrats on all the NSVs folks, measurements, exercises etc. Great!

    Welcome new people. This thread has changed my life. Stick with us! <3

    The family party for DGS' s 4th birthday was good. The cake was much admired and it tasted delicious. Very moist and chocolatey. :laugh: He loved his presents. My DGD was in fine form and is a real character. I feel a bit flat now, but I'm probably just tired.

    DDIL is finding my book a bit of a shock, but she is persevering. She can only read last thing at night and it's probably not bedtime reading. She is pleased for me though.
    I have had an approach from the WI magazine about doing an article about me in the "Inspiring Women" slot. I have to send them a bit more info about me. I am not sure what to say about the book as it is not typical WI material. :ohwell: Dilemma. I will have to tell them it is Literary Fiction and they can decide. I wanted to inspire women with my transformation through weight loss and fitness and the unexpected results that can have, not only in the way you look, but also in the way you feel about yourself. My phobia about muzak disappeared along with my weight and the renewed creativity and self discipline I have discovered is a revelation to me. I no longer think of myself as a slob. :laugh:

    Love to all. What a great gift we can give ourselves by simply sticking to the mfp rules. It works!

    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather, you've truly transformed your life along with your weight. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I am doing that balancing thing today of trying to take time to relax yet get done those things that have to be done. I've done some of each, so I guess I must be doing something right, at least for today.

    I am reading "Younger Next Year for Women" and am thoroughly enjoying it. Thanks to those if you who mentioned it. Even though it really recommends a heart monitor, that is simply not anywhere near the top of my needs list right now.

    Kim - Speaking of needs...I am just about ready to order a new garbage disposal and, due to your wonderful example, install it myself. I think I probably need a couple of my PT appointments under my belt before I try it, though.

    I gave in and went shopping at Goodwill on Friday. I got two pairs of cotton 'khaki' type pants, a pair of yellow capris, and a top. Now I feel like I have enough appropriate clothing to take to Dallas at the end of the month. If I will get in gear and work more on my abs, I will have more to wear. My goal is to be back imto the clothes in my closet by summer's end (if not before).

    It makes me so happy and proud to read about y'all's lives everyday! I really appreciate your willingness to share. And, I'm sorry that I'm doing such a crappy job of commenting lately.

    I plan to go out later and walk in the park. When I'm finished with that, I will have seven straight days of over 11,000 steps--a step towards getting totally back on track!

    Off now to plan meals for the week. My chicken is grilled, my hamburgers are grilled, my spaghetti sauce is made, and I have tons of fresh veggies to be attended to.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in sunny NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • MaryKaye53
    MaryKaye53 Posts: 16 Member
    Have you all noticed that many of the foods have the wrong calorie/fat content? I had posted last time that I was shocked when I logged in 5 Ritz crackers and it said they had something like 18 g of fat. Well it bugged me so much that I went and dug the box back out of the garbage (thank goodness it was near the top) and the package says 5 crackers 4.5 g of fat. Wish MFP would get rid of the erroneous ones, but definitely taught me a lesson. READ the package.

    I think I'll head to the nursery now to buy some flowers. My porch could definitely use the brightening up. Anyone from north/central Texas have recommendations on what does well here? I am new to the southern climate.

    Mary K from TX
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Going for a walk to see if I can rock the FitBit :) Happy Sunday all!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    well, i was wrong, i thought we were going to go workout first. didn't end up going to the gym at all. walked yogi instead at the local school so i could burn something off.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday morning here and starting to get serious with MORE protein intake.
    Have decided on 40% Carbs 40% Protein and 20% Fat to kick-start fat loss before Tom's Big Burn. then back to 50/30/20. The FATS are GOOD fats.
    Food cals = 1754 cals OK
    Training: JJ's Bikini Boot-camp I, JM's BR weights 1 this morning, walk dog this afternoon.
    I ALWAYS read the box and plug in stuff for my food
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    4 miles; mile 1=15min 38 sec; split pace=14 min 28 sec I think that might be a personal best and I'm really proud since I had taken almost 6 months off from really walking.

    I know that the above stats are penny ante to some you hardcore folks, but I am damned proud of it. It's a hilly course.

    Back to your regularly scheduled program...
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    I'm behind by about 300 posts so just wanted to drop in and give a quick update. Got back from New York today after running a week's worth of courses and conferences for my organization. All went splendidly, and I'm basking in that post event glow. My workouts were sporadic. I ate alot of fresh vegetables and fish, but my resistance for bread and dessert was tested. Towards the end of the week, when I was at my most fatigued, the discipline was less than stellar.

    I'm home for exactly 36 hours before I head to Honolulu for a week of home renovations to our rental condo, and of course fun in the sun. Planning to swim and swim and swim. Can't wait.

    Stay well. We CAN DO THIS.

    Colorado Foothills

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    4 miles; mile 1=15min 38 sec; split pace=14 min 28 sec I think that might be a personal best and I'm really proud since I had taken almost 6 months off from really walking.

    I know that the above stats are penny ante to some you hardcore folks, but I am damned proud of it. It's a hilly course.

    Back to your regularly scheduled program...

    Hey there!!! That stat rocks!!!!! Don't knock it! We all didn't start out as bullets, things take time. Way to go!!!!
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Well, it would appear that I have an unusually long stride. I'm only 5'3" but managed, according to FitBit, to walk 187 steps in 75 minutes of rather rigorous hiking. Oh, and logged 0 active minutes.

    Dear FitBit, so far you do not meet my expectations, nor do you match most of my outfits. You are not my friend. Do better... or else.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    A man, wanting to rob a downtown Bank of America, walked into the Branch and wrote "This iz a stikkup. Put all your muny in this bag."

    While standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, he began to worry that someone had seen him write the note and might call the police before he reached the teller's window.

    So he left the Bank of America and crossed the street to the Wells Fargo Bank. After waiting a few minutes in line, he handed his note to the Wells Fargo teller.

    She read it and, surmising from his spelling errors that he wasn't the brightest light in the harbor, told him that she could not accept his stickup note because it was written on a Bank of America deposit slip and that he would either have to fill out a Wells Fargo deposit slip or go back to Bank of America.

    Looking somewhat defeated, the man said, "OK" and left. He was arrested a few minutes later, as he was waiting in line back at Bank of America.

  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've been afraid to join this thread because it is always so long! However, I lost 4#s in April so YAY me. (5#s in both February and March too.) I would really like to lose at least 6#'s this month. However, I will take 4 or 5! Any other ladies trying to do 1200-1400 calories a day (with open food diaries only!) friend me!
    You can call me Fast or Valerie. I live in Spokane, WA. I am 59 yrs old. I would like to lose 7 more pounds before summer starts. Take a one month break then lose another 15 pounds before Thanksgiving. Next year maybe 30 more pound. I am finding 15# weight loss goals are easier for me to achieve.
    I am an exercise hound - averaging 4 hours a week: walking, HIIT, weight lifting. dance, lots of gardening, and yoga. I should be skinny, but I eat too much!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Today is the end of 9 weeks of stronglifts 5x5. During the last 3 weeks I lost 3 5/8 inches. The total for the 9 weeks is now 14 1/2 inches. I have also dropped 2 + pant sizes. I am in the middle of a size change. depending on how the pant is made I can wear a smaller size. Thisis an example of how the scale can sabotage you though. During the first 3 weeks of stronglifts 5x5 I lost 4.1 pound. I have now gained that back. But you can see that I am significantly tighter and smaller in size.

    The amount of time I spend exercising has changed from 23 hours per week down to 11 1/2 hours per week.

    The amount of calories I eat on a daily basis has changed from 1260 to 1560. I have looked at the scale 1 to 2 times per week the last 3 weeks and my weight fluctuates up and down those 4 pounds. If it goes higher and I am NOT getting tighter then I will adjust my calorie intake downward.

    Right now I feel that I am building lean muscle mass. my abdomen has muscle contour and definition. I still find that my mental state is focused on eating. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time not thinking about food. Especially my comfort foods which are cakes cookies candy sweet treats. I am trying to substitute fruit when I crave a sweet. I am also trying to eat sour food like pickles and olives to stop the sweet tooth crave. That was suggested on Dr Oz.

    The coconut oil pulling is still working well. Both my DH and I think our teeth are whiter, our tongues are Pinker, and we do not have a bad breath taste in our mouths. We do not wake up with morning breath. I would call it neutral.

    Now that is my update for the last 3 weeks and total for 9 weeks. I hope that everybody got my message about the blue envelope with the number flashing that says you have a message. Do not open it or you are opening up a virus scam. I am expecting to get the rest of my OtterBox for my new cell phone tomorrow. I will let you know if I do.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi gals -
    Had a good day at work today. We were a little busier than last Sunday. Got home and hubby had cooked the meal I had ready to pop in the oven. SWEET. Had too many calories today but they were all healthy. Hope my weigh in won't be up because of it. I am at my lowest weight in about 13 years and I want to keep going down, down, down!

    Sylvia - You are so right -this place is a wonderful gift!

    Joyce - Your "journey" story was so well put. I copied it so I can share it with my TOPS group tomorrow.

    Janet - I chuckled about your "all or nothing" eating of treats. I am that way too most of the time. I have a very bad habit of thinking I need to eat all of a bad thing so that it will be gone and won't tempt me. Go figure!

    Lisa - I can relate to your towel challenge. I take beach towels to the Y and they now totally wrap around and cover me up so nicely with a double layer in front. Great NSV.

    Pip - Love the Campbell cuties. Do you take your airstream up to your property for camping?

    Rori - glad you are home from business trip. Enjoy your time in Hawaii. Jealous!

    My work in the garage yesterday has inspired me. I will get busy on some more things that need doing. I will work extra this next week. I really don't mind the added hours because we are getting two weeks"severance" pay based on an average of our last 6 weeks.

    Have a great night everyone.

    Toni in Tennessee
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick check in.

    Carol.....I think your walk time was excellent! Most of the posters here are not that hardcore and would be thrilled to do what you did. I would! Congrats on scoring the new clothes.

    Rori..... Have fun! Sunscreen!!! Please.

    Mary k..... Yep, a lot of the numbers are off. Can not depend on them.

    Selena...... Hope your Fitbit "shapes" up.

    Vicki....amazing amount of money raised!!!

    Did not get my massage yesterday. Checked in for it and phone rang......Gwen, had fallen in her garden and scraped her shin, bleeding, on Coumadin so she panicked. Raced over there. Could have taken care of it, cleaned, dressed, and cold pack but she was insisting on ER. Talked her into a doc in the box....it really wasn't ER worthy.....and she finally said ok.......dr did exactly what I would have. Then stayed with her so no massage, oh, well.

    Bad night, finally took a Valium. Then slept until eleven. Got my tomato bed built with dh. Trying something new, now that I do not have to drag the plants around all day to keep them in the sun. Will finish transplants tomorrow. Darned rabbits have eaten off my phlox. Installed a battery op. Security light at the bottom of yard to see dog when she goes out at night. Don't think it is bright enough but is the one dh insisted on....too cheap!

    Finished a great book, "the book of joe" by Jonathan tropper, anyone else read him? I think this one is a keeper, even underlined in it.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Measly stats for the day:
    walking w/yogi- 38.42min, 3.5amph, 2.2mi = 204cal

    Tngran- no we don't take the airstream to the lot