

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Heather darling cake.

    Gin a picture is definitely worth 10.000 words. Great Job!

    Had fun buying flowers to plant. I am optimistic we will not have another frost. Last year I couldn't plant til the end of May.
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Gin - Awesome and I love the before and after pictures❤️ You look amazing, happy, and healthy.

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Everyone,
    I had a lot of posts to read, and need to be at work this afternoon. DH is on his way to the cottage to start getting it ready for us to move in for the summer. It usually takes him a month to 6 weeks to get the projects done.

    I took Pip's advise and actually applied for the position w/ the national office. -Thanks for the encouragement.

    MaryMy husband was always thin and could eat whatever he wanted. Unfortunately I wanted to eat what he was eating too. Now that we both are over 50 he is having to watch what he eats too. He is much more supportive of my efforts since he now has personal experience of his own. I am the one who usually does the cooking. I am pretty old school, so I only make 1 meal for us both, and usually enough to have leftovers. There are very few foods I will not eat. That said I have not served DH peas except in Pea soup or as snow peas in 20 years. So he orders them when we go out, and eats any that come on my plate.

    Today is the Installation of a pastor at a Spanish speaking church. I expect the service to be over two hours, and the dinner to be delicious. I need to make a light lunch and get into my red dress.

    Naiomi2015 in Sunny and 61F Massachusetts

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    edited May 2015
    Sorry for the double post.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    Ok I officially can't move...
    worked until noon, went to see DFIL, then home, took the boys for a walk around the block and got to it..
    mowed the front and side lawn with the push mower, then swept and washed the floors, took laundry out of washer into dryer,then put fresh sheets on the bed, took the dogs for another walk.
    and finally sat down.... im pooped.. will make a burger for Tom,he should be home within a couple of hours..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    MaryKaye53 wrote: »
    Hmmm, how do you delete a post once you've created it?

    click on the edit button on thr upper right corner of your post. gives u 1hr time
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Lisa - So I am sure from context that NP is a medical person…but for the life of me I can’t figure out which one…… checking calories with a medically trained person is much better than just with MFP; as that person gets YOU, the computer is pretty generic.

    Heather – that is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My birthday is in august, can I make a request? Pip needs a bike on a hill by the end of the month!

    Gin – great transformation! Looking good! The new hair do is very cute too

    Katla – how interesting on the Mammogram info, I would have not thought that it would make such a difference…. Good for both of you for losing so much weight.

    Mary – welcome, I wonder if your trainer could recommend someone else

    So tomorrow a girl friend, Randi is coming to visit through Tuesday, she has a small business as a pet sitter, and usually only works in her local area ( San Luis Obispo) central California coast – but she is coming to visit and meet Levi so that hopefully she will be ok with sitting with him while I go on… drum roll….. vacation! It is a mini vacation to Seattle, to watch my god son graduate from college… I will be driving from here to Seattle on June 11/12 graduation is over the weekend and then driving home the 15/16… On the way up the graduate’s sister, my god daughter is riding with me – then she will stay a few days longer and fly home with her parents. I need to figure out a cheap place to stay on the way up and back, probably in southern/mid Oregon, any suggestions??????

    This will be my first “real” vacation since 10/2008 as in 11/2008 I got laid off and then 4/2009 started my business and that changed everything, both with time commitments and cash flow.

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – visiting with Randi

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    today was more of a strengh workout than cardio so not much burned yet. going to our yearly silent auction tonight so we will be riding there and back so i will burn more. we went to workout at the Y this morning as usual and they were doing the yearly fundraiser and our class had their own little chart (2 c how much each class can raise) last year we raised the 2500 that they were aiming for but we only raised a little over 1k this year. you get a banner if you donate 1k or more w/your names on it. kirby asked me if i wanted to give enough to get a banner so we did. feel blessed that we were able to do that.

    since we are riding there, i will have to just bring a skirt or something to put over my bike shorts. we'll take a backpack.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Yanniejannie - we were thinking about NC but we want low humidity. We both have arthritis.

    Sherry - sorry to hear about your breakup and loss of job. it sounds like you are going in a good direction now. welcome!

    Terri - have fun at the baseball game! I can hardly wait until May 16th when our DGS plays in a jamboree.

    Lisa - I love your humor! You probably have a lot of it in your book. My ex sister in law and her mother also gained back all their weight.

    Mary from N central Texas - I'm Mary as well. My DH sells food for a living. We have a freezer full of treats. Yesterday he met with a rep from Oreo, and brought a Oreo backpack full of treats home. He is starting to get better because he knew not to bring it in the house. I found it in the car lol!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Mary from N C Texas: Welcome to another Texan! I'm new here myself, but the ladies have been lovely, warm and welcoming. On the skinny husband subject--I challenged mine to help me make this work. As a result, he was figuring out how to make me tiny mushroom pizzas on the way home from the grocery store--So dinner for me will be 90/10 lean ground beef with Italian seasoning (30 cal per 1/2 oz) , a little sauce, one pepperoni on each one (10 calories) and a bit of mozzarella (10 calories ea) each tucked onto a baby bella head, under the broiler. Four of them total 200 calories, and probably more than I can actually eat. His idea (swear), with help from me on the how many calories each thing is... He's having homemade pizza, and he wanted me to have pizza too. I'm not saying every man will respond like he does--he's the cook in our family, so I'm really lucky.

    I will say, though, if there's a way to give them a problem to solve, men are a whole lot more comfortable. I've learned that much over all these decades...

    Kim from North Cali: Sorry, NP is Nurse Practitioner. Not sure if it's that way all over, but in Texas, she's much like a Physician's Assistant--works under a physician, can prescribe, etc. She has a bigger heart than anyone I know, and sees upwards of 30 patients a day, every day, but somehow finds the time to talk to us all.

    Pip: Bless your giving heart.

    Mary from Minn: Your ex SIL and her mom are beginning to seem more like the norm than the exception. But I gave myself all the tools--now I just have to use them, pretty much like everyone else here.

    It's been a good day. Did all my flexibility/core/weights, but gave my knees a break from running today... Proofed 40 pages (yay!) Only about 85 left to go... and then I can get the electronic copy corrected and get the final proof on its way to me.

    AND I got my first draft of my weekly article for the paper done, and a good idea while conversing with the hubster on the way back and forth to town on how to make it better. That 45-minute drive there and then again on the way back are some of the times I love the most.

    Off to the shower while the hubby does the dinner thing... :wink:

    Lisa from sunny West Texas - 82 today, 84 tomorrow...
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Kim: congrats on your trip! You deserve it! <3
    I'm guessing NP is nurse practitioner.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just popping in to mark my place!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I haven't stayed over night in Southern Oregon for a long time. If you drive up the coast it will be amazingly scenic, and slow. Highway 101 is full of curves and traffic. Our last trip up we started in Marysville, CA, cut over to the California coast along a very twisty/turny highway, and spent the night in Newport, OR. Lots of hotels there, but some are pricey. There are hotels that are independent and also chains. I-5 is speedy and has all the usual hotel chains along the way. If you have the time, the trip up the coast is spectacular.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    waiting,waiting he should be home any minute.. well I am at almost 17,000 steps for today.. got a bunch of stuff done,but know Tom will have me out doggin it tomorrow so will rest while I can, finished another load of laundry and took the dogs for a walk around the block again.. so that added up and went out and watered the grass.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies I wrote a very long post and responded to everyone then the laptop went dead. So I'll just say hi and yes Joyce, we have to wear all our regalia at graduation and sit on stage. We all have gowns (the PhD ones have the colored trim), caps (the phd people have beanie type hats instead of graduation caps) and the masters and phd people have hoods, that are probably the sash you are referring to. The colors tell you what college was attended and what major the person holds.

    Well I'm up to over8,000 steps so goal met for today. Now I need to go finish my chicken noodle soup; I added spinach so we'll see how that is. Sounds like lots of you had great nsvs!!! Take care Meg from Omaha
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday and it rained HEAVY all afternoon. Sat near fire and re-read Tom's BFFM book on Carbs. Even dog ran out and in quick. Only 6773 steps, no worries as did morning training for 354 cals.
    Is Sunday and Stan cooking Sunday Brunch. It is my Rest and Re-feed day. Going for a drive and a walk with Blaize.
    1748 cals for the day
    I do NOT count my housework, or gardening cals
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) Kim, we're driving down to Eureka, CA on Wednesday and heading back to Washington the following Monday. Jake went to hotels.com and found places for us to stay on our trip back. He was impressed with the site and the prices of the places he chose for us to stay and says he'll use it again.

    :) Where I go for my mammogram, they always ask if you've gained or lost weight since your last mammogram

    :) Gin, great change....thank for sharing pictures.

    :) Heather, your cake is wonderful....I know how hard it is for you to be OK with less than what you consider perfection.

    :) Lisa, I eat five sort of small meals each day. I plan them ahead of time and stay with my plan no matter what. I had to give up the idea of eating when I felt hungry or when I wanted to, and instead, eat according to a schedule and a plan. My plan is based on how active I am.

    :) We spent part of the morning at the Irrigation Festival street fair.....we walked a bit and bought no merchandise or food....the big reason for going was to watch the dance performance of the Olympic Mountain Cloggers. With dog walking, I still managed to walk 18,000 steps....also rode the exercise bike for an hour, and spent 30 minutes puttering in the garden pulling weeds.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Well I didn't go to the Greenhouse on Friday, just couldn't fathom carrying plants in and out of the house until there is no forecast of frost... Temperatures are just not that warm yet...

    So home I came - walked my dog....

    Then came today, painted a couple more doors, walked home from the shop.... and now I need to go put a second coat on the doors...and walk back home again.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian from West Central Saskatchewan
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi gang! Another day at the pottery show, down the drain. We had 77 degrees and sunshine, so nobody wanted to come buy pottery. Boo hiss. But I still had a good time with my friends. On the way there I stopped at a garage sale and found a desk for my grandson for $8! Snapped that right up! He has no furniture in his room but a mattress. Not even a bed frame. So, I'm looking for stuff. This is the first thing I found that was in good condition. And it has drawers. I have a chair at the studio that I'll give him too.

    Hubby came over to Joplin this afternoon and we went to Best Buy and got a laptop for the trip. We wound up with a 13" HP with a touchscreen. Pretty fancy, but it was about $450, so not top of the line. It should be good for what we need, and if it gets stolen it won't hurt quite as much. I can do Skype with the kids and he can do his school stuff. I tried to get a pretty floral sleeve to put it in, but he said, "this is MY computer".

    I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and got a rack of smoked ribs (dry) and two ears of corn. Gosh that was sweet corn! I just love cooking corn in the microwave, and can't believe all the time and effort I have wasted all these years cooking it on the stove. For those who may not know, you cook it in the husk, silks and all. For two ears, I cook it for 6 minutes, turning it over halfway through (not sure that is necessary, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something, pretending it takes some skill). Then, you cut off the stalk end (all the way into the first row of kernels) and squeeze the tassel end till the corn slips out the other end. The silk stays on the husks. Amazing! It took a little practice before I could do it right, but now I've got it down! Now that it's getting to be corn season, we will be doing this a lot.

    Meg, hubby and his friends all have those hoods, and they are hilarious. Have you ever looked at how those things are made. His has some kind of big tube sewn into it. Sort of phallic looking, but it's on the inside where it doesn't show. We don't know what that's for. They make no sense at all. And they don't go over the head, so why call them hoods? The professors are required to attend one graduation every year, and hubby and the rest of the chemistry department used to volunteer to be ushers. Ushers weren't required to wear the cap and gown ensemble, just a suit, and they could leave as soon as people were seated. Then they changed the rule and made them start actually attending the graduation. He and his friends had no idea how to put the darned things on, so we googled it. It was funny, watching them try to help each other get dressed. Hubby has the cap and gown that his own father wore - not for sentimental reasons, but because he's cheap - so the thing must be more than 50 years old, and the cap doesn't fit his head and he refuses to use bobby pins, so it kind of perches on the top of his head and he tries to hold really still so it doesn't fall off. It reminds me of when we "young ladies" tried to walk with books on our heads to learn posture. He has the hood he got with his PHD, but he didn't walk, so he didn't wear it back then. So, this Friday he has to wear it all again. Poor baby. No doubt I will laugh myself sick again.

    Gin, great job! I too love the glasses!

    Well, gotta go load the dishwasher. Have a great evening!


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Unfortunately the large pictures posted has messed up the thread making it pretty much unreadable unless scrolling back and forth horizontally. Too bad.