cnorwoodjr Member


  • I find that the less water I drink, the less willingly my body drops weight. I try to drink at least 9 glasses a day. Lately I haven't been getting my normal water intake, and strangely enough that was about the time I hit the plateau I'm stuck on. So yes. I say drink more. Remember, as long as you are eating normally,…
    in Water?? Comment by cnorwoodjr June 2012
  • Welcome to the crew. Sounds like you are about the same size I was when I started MFP. Also sounds like you started working out a lot sooner than I did. Even though I don't have one yet, I've been told that having a little one to chase around and look after is an easy source of exercise. :-) Hope you find success in your…
  • I'd say have something small when you get home to take the edge off. My best friends at work are bananas and light n' fit yogurts. I know some people say that when you eat just before bed it'll all be stored as fat. I don't know if that's true or not but even if it is, 90 calories from a banana or 60 from a little yogurt…
  • Hey, another night worker! I do the graveyard shift and I used to have the same problem. I find that I'm less hungry if I eat little things sporadically through my shift. What do you do for food on your shift? Also, drinking water is a BIG help for me.
  • Welcome to the crew! This site has really opened my eyes to how my eating habits were affecting me, and now it's definitely helped me to change what needed changing. Hope you have success with it.
  • I'm there with you. My wife and I joined 10 days ago, and both our friends lists are all ladies. Of course hers is about 12 people long and mine is 2....guess I'm just antisocial:tongue: . Invite Sent
  • From Casablanca: Rick- "And remember, this gun's pointed at your heart." Renault- "That's my least vulnerable spot!"
  • While I'm no expert, my doctor always told me that for someone who exercises a lot, the cholesterol in a couple eggs is mostly negligible. The problem is usually that so many foods contain eggs as a primary ingredient, like breading and batters, it brings up the amount of eggs a person is eating per day to somewhere around…
    in Eggs? Comment by cnorwoodjr April 2012