

  • Thank you for the comments. This is all helpful. I will add good calories and fat in.
  • How did I get fat?? Obviously I have not been eating 1300 calories a day prior to this.
  • Try gain fitness! I haven't actually used it yet, but I downloaded it and browsed. It looks AWESOME. You can customize it for whether you're at home, on the go, or at the gym and what kind of equipment you have available. You also decide what kind of work out you want and what areas/muscles you want to target. It was also…
  • I was not a smoker, but I did the C25K program and started it in April of this year. It is a FANTASTIC program! I love it. I was not a runner before, I wasn't even working out consistently. However, I am now able to run for 120 minutes (I don't do that often, though, trust me, but I am able to). A 5K is now my minimum…
  • My diary is empty! I just jumped back on this site and haven't been saving anything in it, but I will start saving my foods and open it up. Thanks for the advice.
  • I recommend the C25K app as well. I started the App at the beginning of April. I have now finished it and am currently able to run 8 miles. I have never been a runner and wasn't exercising before that. The thing I like about the app is it really starts out for beginners and it helps you know when to walk/run and plays over…
  • I have this problem as well. I'm not as large as you are, but I've doubled and tripled up and it's painful. I recommend the Enell bra. I've been using it for 2 months now and love it. It's definitely not pretty, but that's not what it's for! I highly recommend it.
    in Bra question Comment by rbcca19 May 2012
  • I love this app! I'm on week 8 currently and I am able to run for 45 minutes straight. Week 8 is actually running for 25 minutes, but because of this app, I am able to go for longer. I have not ever been a runner and wasn't even exercising before starting this app, so I am totally grateful for this app. My advice would be…
  • I am so soooooo sorry. I had a completely unexpected family trip come up. I just got back after a week of complete exhaustion, of course. I am such a bum!!
  • I think my days are mixed up. Yesterday was Day 12 for me. So day 2 of level 2. I also got mixed up between 3 levels on 30 day shred and 4 levels on this video. LOL. So I shouldn't be doing 10 days on each level, although I guess I can. Still going strong on level 2. Some of the moves are hard, but I am enjoying it.
  • What other DVDs did you get? I don't recognize them. Are they Jillian ones? I haven't done day 11 yet today. I find myself lacking a lot of motivation. I am going to do it tonight after the kids go to bed or during the baby's nap time. I am going to do it, I just couldn't bring myself to do it this morning. I know what you…
  • ha ha! Safe answer. Level 2 is a lot harder. I have to slow down some of the moves so that I can get the motions right. I like it though. It's intense though, you know? Like the push ups and doing the knees up to the elbows, etc? Now what do you think?
  • Day 10 done for me. Tomorrow I start Level 2. What do you ladies think? When I started I was alternating between 3 & 5 lb weights, but I've put the 3 lb weights away! It's 5 & 8 lb weights now.
  • I'm actually doing 10 days of each level. Thus the Ripped in 30 (days). :-) So, I will start week 2 on Friday, I believe. Day9 done for me. I am looking forward to level 2. What do you think of level 2 so far??
  • You take care of yourself, but you better keep checking up on us (well, it looks like it's just me lol). I need support! :) D8 done for me. It was a lot easier than D1. I am looking forward to level 2 and going to buy 8 lb weights today!
  • Day 7 done for me. Who else is ripping? Come on, ladies!
  • Try it with the 5!! ha ha. You might keel over too! :) D6 done for me. It's been great so far, but I am looking forward to NOT doing this tomorrow! I need a break.
  • Day 5 done for me as well. I was thinking of increasing the weights on the bicep curl as well. I don't feel it at all. However, on the chest fly part, I definitely feel it with the 5 lb weight! :)
  • Nice!! Did you start working out? I find that my muscles are less sore as well, but they're still sore! My thighs and arms mostly. I am loving this. D4 is done for me!
  • I'm ripped for today. Anyone else? Are you getting used to level 1 yet or still panting all the way through?
  • I'm ripped for today!! I'm sore from yesterday. Anyone else? My thighs BURN! :) I haven't shredded and don't know if I will. I've got a head cold, so I'm not feeling the shred right now.
  • So far I like the ripped better, as well. You know what I like better? I like that during the 3 minute circuits, each exercise is 30 seconds. Did I say that right? Where as with the Shred during the 3 minute part, you do 1 exercise for longer. I shredded as well, level 1, of course. It was tough after doing the Ripped…
  • I am looking up the meal plan today, but I can say my thighs BURN! Ouch!! I was going to do the Shred right after, but my legs literally feel like jello! Just taking a break for a couple minutes and then hopping back on it, I hope. How's everyone else doing?
  • Sounds great, you guys!! I don't know if it is worth it to buy the Ripped in 30, because I haven't actually done it for myself, BUT it is Jillian and it has great reviews. Walmart sells it for like 9 bucks, so it's cheap. Our walmart didn't have it, but we found it at Best Buy.
  • I'm team green!! My CW is 163.2 I have struggled with being sick this week. It puts a damper on exercising and eating. My one tip is to COUNT calories. It's all math. If I really keep track of everything I eat and my exercise, then I am good to go.
  • I'm in too!! I don't know if I can do 20 lbs before Christmas, but you better believe I will be trying my best!!!
  • anyone?
  • That sounds good to me! I'm ready for more of a work out anyways. If someone can only handle the 10 minutes, that's okay too. I think we can all customize the workouts however we need. I like that idea though!!
  • Well done! Isn't it great seeing the results?? Hope you're feeling better! [/quote] So much better!! I am going to start a Biggest Loser Cardio Max group, too, if you guys are interested!
  • Yes, you both can! :) What kind of details do you want? I just did a 30 Day Shred group for October and I really appreciated the support I got from the group. So, I thought it would be fun to do it again. The Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD has great reviews. You can look it up on Amazon. There are three levels. You are…