littleone68 Member


  • Click is absolutely right. A high amount of stress can affect your adrenal glands which in turn can affect your anterior pituitary . Many other conditions can occur as well and unless you run it by the Dr, sometimes they won't think of it themselves because your blood work hasn't shown anything out of the ordinary. I know…
  • It's actually the other way around. You get them from gaining weight, but they don't really become noticeable until you lose weight. Like everyone else said, once you got them, you can't get rid of them (it's like bad luggage). You can however make them less noticeable through tanning and the bio-oil that was mentioned…
  • Thanks I'm going to look that up to get more info on it and present it to who ever I end up seeing first
  • Thanks everyone! I at least now feel as if I haven't been over-reacting. Just to clarify a couple things from my post: when I said I had gone through a period that I wasn't tracking anything it was only for a month and even so I was eating well, just not measuring every bite. Even at that 23 pounds in a month is a little…
  • I started tracking myself a year ago in January and was hoping by now with the help of my doctor and nutritionist that I would have some success to report. NO such luck. After following both of them for 8 months I was never able to get below 150-152. I was having a lot of aches and pains, especially my back, feeling out of…
  • Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!!! Now I know I haven't lost all my marbles. I am absolutely honest when I say I am doing EXACTLY everything I am being told and the things recommended on this site. I even went so far to ask one of the veterinarians at the hospital where I work if the thyroid test we do on animals is the…
  • Has anyone gone to their doctor concerned about their weight only to get the feeling of being brushed off because you didn't need to lose a hundred + pounds ? I have been following the plan my doctor and nutritionist have me on to the letter (this is actually the 3rd modification to it since January) and I feel they don't…
  • Congratulations , I am so happy for you!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    in New Dog Comment by littleone68 July 2008
  • I have no idea where I got the notion that you were pregnant, I apologize. I guess I was in the lab a little to long that day. I think it was because I was trying to make the point that an animal, especially a dog, is like a child in it's needs and wants. If you are not ready to take on the responsibility of a child, then…
    in New Dog Comment by littleone68 June 2008
  • Shorerider you were so on the mark!!! And Blazinemerald you too remembered a good point!! Unfortunately Loveit, you were so off the mark I don't know what on earth you were thinking or where you got your information. I have NEVER know a shelter to be a money maker. They rely on volunteers and donations and those who do…
    in New Dog Comment by littleone68 June 2008
  • I just read that George Carlin passed away yesterday. What a shame, he was one of the greats!! He will be sadly missed :frown: :cry:
  • Nortriptyline is an anti- depressant also used for certain types of severe headaches. It is not recommended for weight loss. Whether you lose or gain weight on any drug depends on how your body reacts to the drug. I was on it 15 years ago for severe cluster headaches and didn't gain anything, but I also had an extremely…
  • I too am so sorry and infuriated to hear what has happened to your wonderful companions. As everyone else has said, filing a police report is vital. Although animal cruelty laws in this country are a joke, it will give you a firm leg to stand on if the person(s) responsible are caught. Keep in mind you can also file a…
  • I was always told that it is hip bone to hip bone. Just start at one and wrap the tape all the way around until both ends meet. Unfortunately this also means that you measure the biggest part of your butt too. I always hate measuring my hips :angry: I also remember someone saying that to be in proportion your chest and hip…
  • I was told that the sizes differ by the country they are made in. I don't know if it's really true, but I did notice that when I get anything that is made in Mexico or Brazil a size 9 seems to be more like a 4/5
  • Marywilldiet is right on the money with that. If you bring a new animal into the home of another, whether it be dog or cat, there is a real good chance your animal will become territorial. That is also why they recommend getting your animal ready for the new baby before it's born. It really doesn't matter the breed,…
  • Here's a topic I found very interesting on WEBMD and thought I'd pass it along to anyone up for reading on this dreary Saturday
  • I know this is going to sound very weird, but you know the pumpkin pie filling you get in a can? Give her about a 1/4 cup of it and see if it moves things along. The fiber in the pumpkin is terrific for constipation, some say better than prune juice. An added bonus is that it's good on your cat or dog as well .
  • I like the suggestions, thanks you two, I only wish I could follow them. My problem(s) lie in 3 things 1. I have always had a very small appetite, so making bigger portions isn't going to help. I'll eat until I'm full and end up throwing a lot away. 2. I'm still on the carb restricted diet my nutritionist put me on in the…
  • I posted not that long ago about the nice weather and being able to exercise outdoors more. I only got a couple of responses and figure I'd try under a new title. I don't drive, so I have to take the bus, cab, or walk everywhere I go. Now that it is nicer out I am walking more. On top of that I am helping out my…
  • Ditto.......:frown:
  • :happy: sorry hit it twice
  • Awesome tips, Thank You!! My sister gets those tiny sugar ants every year, now I can give her some useful hints. :happy:
  • Well, now that the good weather is here I've been working in my yard getting it cleaned up. Which is great because now there is all kinds of new things to add to the exercise list. I have seemed to run into a bit of a dilemma though. Today I sacked up all the leaves that I raked last week and decided to dig out a garden…
  • "I know they are not hungry, they want attention or something." Right on the money catlover!!! Remember cats and dogs are EXACTLY like children. Think about when a toddler wants attention. They cry, scream, hang on to your leg, throw things etc. Once they realize that by doing these things they can get what they want,…
  • An added note ; for kjllose you can try feeding Science Diet RD which is for weight loss or WD which is for weight management. If both cats are eating the same food I'd go with the WD, which means the chubby one will stay the same and not gain and the skinny one won't lose any more weight . For Delanahub, there is no…
  • Hi, I am a veterinary assistant of 5 years training to become a vet tech and I wanted to clear up some confusion here about cats. First, dry food does not cause crystals but may aggravate the problem due to the high mineral content (ash) and low water content. If your cat tends to favor dry food Science Diet MD would be…
  • Technically it's considered the next day, but I know a lot of people that work 3rd shift and calculate accordingly. A "day" for them may begin at 10-11 am and end at 2 am, so their cycle would be totally different than someone whose "day" begins at 6 am and ends at say 10pm
  • Thank you for the concern Banks, I am being monitored by my doctor and nutritionist. Like I said in my post , if you do a high protein diet over a long period of time it isn't good for your kidneys. I am only doing it for 10 weeks to get my metabolism jump started again, for some reason my metabolism is almost non…
  • I was actually talking with my nutritionist today about that subject because I am on a diet that is very high in protein and extremely low in carbs. Sort of a tweaked Atkins. She told me too much protein regardless of the origin is not good for your kidneys over an extended amount of time. They have to work twice as hard…