Calling All Experts

In the beginning it was about calories in . . calories out !

The more you read, the more you know ! What to do . . what NOT to do !!!

But it really comes down to what works for you.

A healthy lifestyle is certainly worth all of its effort. No more dieting, no more starving. Make Right food choices and before you know it, your body is craving the right food. It's been an everlasting journey for me over the last year. I have replaced chips and junk with foods I thought I would never eat whole pears, blackberries. And I crave the good foods that make my body feel so much better !

Here's the situation:
Middle Aged Woman
NOT a binge eater, NOT really an emotional eater either.
Active & Eating Healthy
Lots of Stress (single mom of a GREAT child) but the weight of the world is on me !
Bad Relationship Breakup
Hormones out of Wack !!! Combine with a slight under active thyroid (I do take medicine for)

What do you think of pharmacy compounding? I know there is a hair folicle test. Am I shooting in the dark. . . am I hoping for a miracle pill that I know is NOT out there ??

I would love some feedback from my health-conscious friends. Your Thoughts. . . Your Suggestions. . . or even your comments !!!

Have a GREAT day !!!


  • bootsnspurs4horses
    In the beginning it was about calories in . . calories out !

    The more you read, the more you know ! What to do . . what NOT to do !!!

    But it really comes down to what works for you.

    A healthy lifestyle is certainly worth all of its effort. No more dieting, no more starving. Make Right food choices and before you know it, your body is craving the right food. It's been an everlasting journey for me over the last year. I have replaced chips and junk with foods I thought I would never eat whole pears, blackberries. And I crave the good foods that make my body feel so much better !

    Here's the situation:
    Middle Aged Woman
    NOT a binge eater, NOT really an emotional eater either.
    Active & Eating Healthy
    Lots of Stress (single mom of a GREAT child) but the weight of the world is on me !
    Bad Relationship Breakup
    Hormones out of Wack !!! Combine with a slight under active thyroid (I do take medicine for)

    What do you think of pharmacy compounding? I know there is a hair folicle test. Am I shooting in the dark. . . am I hoping for a miracle pill that I know is NOT out there ??

    I would love some feedback from my health-conscious friends. Your Thoughts. . . Your Suggestions. . . or even your comments !!!

    Have a GREAT day !!!
  • heather93277
    Sounds to me like you're on the right track and know what you need to do, already :smile:

    The stress is what strikes me. Did you know stress can cause you to be ill in so many ways? including throwing your body chemistry off (hormones) :huh:

    Have you tried yoga? Have you considered seeing a counselor, just to have someone to vent to once a week? Do you actively participate in a religion or church or support group? All these things can help relieve some of that stress and get you on the right path to healing yourself. This advice coming from someone who used to stress about EVERYthing and is now doing all the above LOL. :laugh:

    Diet and exercise are not the only factors in weight loss, in my opinion. We have to take care of our hearts and souls too to make real lasting changes. In these tough economic times, not high on the priority list, for most of us, but it should be :wink: I hope I've given you some tips or ideas to work with :bigsmile:
  • bootsnspurs4horses
    I have not tried yoga. . .but that is a wonderful idea I had NOT thought of YET !! I think stress gets the blame on whatever can't be diagnosed, so I have a hard time thinking stress can STOP. . . HALT all weight loss !!! I know I could drop down to 500 calories a day and lose weight. But in the healthy lifestyle theory. . .I should be able to maintain my weight. . . and I just don't feel I'm doing that right now. LOTS AND LOTS OF VARIABLES> > I KNOW !!

    But thanks. . .very eye opening. That's why I love this site. . it really broadens your range to know what other people think and do to live their healthy lifestyle.
  • heather93277
    I used to roll my eyes at yoga but have found it is now one of my favorite work outs. I seriously sweat like crazy and am just as sore after that than any other work out. you should give it a try :tongue:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i also like ballet for its mindfulness. there is an Elements DVD of ballet (from amazon) that I love. I also love the lengthening/stretching aspect of it. and my muscles really feel the work.

    and absolutely do not drop down to 500 cal/day!! you are a mother and that is not taking care of yourself or your child!

    other than that :laugh: congrats on what you're doing so far. you've accomplished a lot this year!
  • bootsnspurs4horses
    awww. . . thank you . . .what a very kind and lovely post !!!

    All you guys are APPRECIATED! ! ! !

    Thanks !
  • click
    click Posts: 36 Member
    I'm going to throw this out there, it needs medical evaluation, but have you been tested for insulin resistance? Did you have trouble getting pregnant back in the day or have irregular/infrequent periods? Any unusual hair growth or loss? Dark skin around the back/sides of the base of your neck, under arms, or groin? Weight gain disproportionately in your middle?

    Could just be that you need more exercise, but because of my own experiences I thought if you say yes to multiple questions above and you haven't been checked out you should look in to that.. LMK if you want more info, I reversed the condition over time but am still battling some remaining weight.

  • littleone68
    littleone68 Posts: 67 Member
    Click is absolutely right. A high amount of stress can affect your adrenal glands which in turn can affect your anterior pituitary . Many other conditions can occur as well and unless you run it by the Dr, sometimes they won't think of it themselves because your blood work hasn't shown anything out of the ordinary. I know because I've been battling my weight for years and the Dr just kept saying "your blood work is fine". I finally started to take a stand and now the Dr is finally running other tests and has referred me to a Boston Hospital to look further into my case. Although nothing has been discovered yet, I am hopeful. It's not normal to gain 50 pounds in 10 months. That is definitely not "getting older" weight. Good luck