nonnahs413 Member


  • I agree with everyone else. Find something else to do during those weak moments. Play a game online, find you a good book, or take a walk to clear your head. Kickboxing would be great too! Work off that stress and burn calories. For me, I have something most of the time to chew on. I dont smoke so, I have gum, mints, or…
  • Hi Don, I am in a similar place. Your mid-section is usually the first place you will drop the weight (unless your a woman, then it's the boobs). I started out with a 46" waist and 50" hips. I am now 31" in the waist and 40" in the hips. However even after dropping 69lbs I am still in need of at least 33-43lbs to be at my…
  • Hi, I am 10 weeks out from having mine done. CONGRATS on the awesome weight-loss!!! I lost 50lbs but still didnt like what I saw when I looked in the mirror. Sagging skin is almost as bad as looking at fat. I went under the knife in October. Had a tummy tuck and breast reductions (F to a C+) and lift. I LOVE MY RESULTS!! I…
  • Hi Glad you are starting to get motivated. I love this site. I have used other's that I paid for and didn't enjoy them no where as much as I have enjoyed this site. I have been on here for a while. I used this when I reached my halfway point in my weight-loss and had to maintain my weight for 8 weeks. It worked out great!…
  • I have a couple of resist. bands, some hand weights, a pull up bar (but I never use it, I just use the bands), a yoga mat and if your short like me 5'2" it's helpful to have a couple of yoga blocks. But most of the stuff you will use can be modified if you dont want to go out and buy all that stuff. The main thing is to…
  • Way to go!!! Congrats!
  • Congrats! That is awesome! You and I are about the same body build, so it gives me more of a visual of what I hope to acheive. I started at 230lbs/ 5'2" was wearing a size 16/18 XL/XXL. Today I am down to 177, wearing a size 14and Med. I have recently undergone a breast reduction and lift and also I was cursed with a blob…
  • Hi Kskye! Dont get discouraged just yet. Remember that you are also building and toning your muscles, and muscle does weigh more than fat. Once your muscles and your body get used to the change in your routine, the weight will start coming off again. Just keep with it, stay positive and I promise you will start seeing the…
  • have you thought about P90X? They work different muscle groups everyday! It's a wonderful program! Also swimming is great for weight-loss and toning as well!
  • I think its okay to allow yourself to slip. I have allowed myself a guilty pleasure every now and then just to challenage myself. When you slip and fall you have to get up and dust yourself off and get back to it. Tell yourself its okay this one time, but tomoorrow is a new day and you have to get back on track. I think…
  • Hi Kimah, I have gone through that as well. I started looking closer at foods I was eating when I would gain, and foods I ate when I lost weight. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water as well. This will help flush out excess fluid you may be retaining. Our bodies go through these periods because if your not…