Loosing lbs without waist inches

I am hoping someone can help. I have been on a diet for quite a while and have been fairly successful in meeting my goals. I started out at 200lbs and now I weigh 153. Along the way I have both measured my waist and weighed to gage results and make adjustments.

The problem is that up until recently everything was consistent. For about each 6-7 lb I would loose an inch or so from the waist. But in the past few weeks I have lost similar weights but my waist measurement has not changed. This is especially concerning since I am at about 12% bodyfat or so I should technically require less weight loss for a change in waist. My obvious concern is with muscle loss. Does anyone have insight or help? I am so close to getting into the single digits on body fat and am now getting discouraged. I appreciate any thoughts or ideas.



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Are you exercising?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Do you still have a significant amount of fat to lose, or do you need to tone your abs?
  • nonnahs413
    nonnahs413 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Don,
    I am in a similar place. Your mid-section is usually the first place you will drop the weight (unless your a woman, then it's the boobs). I started out with a 46" waist and 50" hips. I am now 31" in the waist and 40" in the hips. However even after dropping 69lbs I am still in need of at least 33-43lbs to be at my "ideal" weight. If your able to feel your ribs, I would have to say you have done everything you can do in that area. Start working on lower body exercises now. It takes long to trim that area down, so even if you are still dropping the pounds, the inches might take a little longer to see. Also, not sure but do you have any issues with loose skin? Been there as well. I ended up having mine removed so I see and feel more positive about my results so far. Good luck with your continued journey.
  • AKDonF
    AKDonF Posts: 235 Member
    Sorry about not giving more background...

    I have been lifting weights for the past 6 months. I lift three days a week on a split schedule meaning that I do Back/ Bicep on Monday, Chest/Tricep on Wednesday, and Shoulders, Legs, and Abs on Friday. I have made good strength gains and increased all muscle sizes.

    I do a 'carb up' meal on Saturday to replenish glycogen stores. On those days I never eat above maintenance calories. At times I have been in ketosis (on purpose), and had good fat losses. I am trying to spare as much muscle as possible while getting to a pretty low body fat %. I can see 6 of my Abs (as opposed to all 8) which normally indicates that I am indeed at 10-12% body fat now. All of my extra fat is adipose (which is VERY hard to remove). I have been able to still loose about 1.5-2 lbs per week but for about 3 weeks I have had virtually no change in waist measurement (which is the primary indicator of body fat without doing body fat caliper measurements).

    I am hoping someone can provide some insight as to what is going on. I should be about 7 or so pounds from being about 7% body fat, but normally loosing lbs without loosing waist size is bad. PLEASE HELP!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Sorry about not giving more background...

    I have been lifting weights for the past 6 months. I lift three days a week on a split schedule meaning that I do Back/ Bicep on Monday, Chest/Tricep on Wednesday, and Shoulders, Legs, and Abs on Friday. I have made good strength gains and increased all muscle sizes.

    I do a 'carb up' meal on Saturday to replenish glycogen stores. On those days I never eat above maintenance calories. At times I have been in ketosis (on purpose), and had good fat losses. I am trying to spare as much muscle as possible while getting to a pretty low body fat %. I can see 6 of my Abs (as opposed to all 8) which normally indicates that I am indeed at 10-12% body fat now. All of my extra fat is adipose (which is VERY hard to remove). I have been able to still loose about 1.5-2 lbs per week but for about 3 weeks I have had virtually no change in waist measurement (which is the primary indicator of body fat without doing body fat caliper measurements).

    I am hoping someone can provide some insight as to what is going on. I should be about 7 or so pounds from being about 7% body fat, but normally loosing lbs without loosing waist size is bad. PLEASE HELP!

    Well, body fat is just that, BODY fat. While a waist measurement may be a good indicator, it doesn't actually mean much. Body fat doesn't always come off evenly, you may just be losing fat from other parts of your body. Don't get hung up on one measurement. Take measurements from all over your body.

    I measure several different places on my body every week. Sometimes everything goes down, sometimes some measurements change and others stay the same.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    So you're not doing any cardio?
  • AKDonF
    AKDonF Posts: 235 Member
    I did cardio for awhile, but my goals are bodybuilding and cardio just burns more calories. The problem doesnt appear to be not burning calories, but rather the last 6 lbs or so have been maybe burning muscle as the weight still decreased. I do appreciate the ideas and support from everyone. If anyone else has thoughts, I always welcome a new perspective.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'm doing a workout DVD called Insanity, you might have seen the infomercial. I only lost three pounds during the time I did Insanity, but the cardio workouts really worked off inches from my waist. You can see plenty of examples of it on Youtube. Some of the workouts with jumping jacks, high knee jumps, power jumps, and mountain climbers have really worked. Also, to avoid burning off muscle or using it as a source of fuel you have to make sure that you're taking in plenty of protein.