*LOST* my mojo.....

I reached lifetime but it feels like I cheated (also gained 1 lb this week) since I had to increase my goal weight from 135 to 140 (doc was ok with this) in order to reach it. My head is just not in the game with my eating. I am eating too much, too much junk and I can't seem to bring my mojo back on track. I feel overwhelmed and know that my bad stress eating habit is just hovering over my shoulder.... I have been on track for 2 1/2 years and now I'm not sure what to do to help this. Unsure of why I am feeling this way after all my hard work to get here...


  • JennaGermain
    I don't have any advice, but want you to know I'm with you in the problem of suddenly seeming to be unable to stop eating crap. It's like every time I think I'm making progress some secret sabotage code kicks in.
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    If I start eating sugar or salt it sends me insane because that's all I can think about. I believe these items are a drug but that is only my opinion.
  • nonnahs413
    nonnahs413 Posts: 11 Member
    I think its okay to allow yourself to slip. I have allowed myself a guilty pleasure every now and then just to challenage myself. When you slip and fall you have to get up and dust yourself off and get back to it. Tell yourself its okay this one time, but tomoorrow is a new day and you have to get back on track. I think our bodies get bored with dieting and so just like a pet, you have to reward it for keeping up with your mind and staying on track. Dont beat yourself up just yet. After 2 1/2 years you know whats the right thing to do. If you keep a journal, write yourself a note saying exactly how you feel, then read it everyday until you are back on track.
    Good luck, stay strong.
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    Just keep logging every ounce of food you take in!

    Is it possible that you need to reward yourself with something big (a trip, a makeover, a fabulous piece of clothing ~ something big to mark the success) since you have reached the finish line? Then you won't be left standing there saying, "So this is all there is at the end?"
  • adrienc
    Not sure whether this applies or not, but practicing yoga might help you feeling better.
    The enlightenment and energy you feel after a yoga session soothe both body and mind.
    You don't have to go a yoga studio if you don't feel like it, just use an home video if you prefer (Rodney Yee or Shiva Rea for instance)
  • nanmosta1
    I had lost my mojo as well. It really helped me when others in my family joined me on MFP. We now talk daily and it keeps me in check. Maybe you can find some others to join you.