

  • Someone once told me it will take four weeks for you to notice the changes, 8 weeks for your friends and family to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. You might not see the changes yourself right away but it truly is amazing when you do! Keep at it.
  • Still at 196.... no up no down... well at least it's not UP.
  • I'm in but only if I can be on Team BOB! My body appears to be plateauing so I'm going to try and switch up my routine a bit - do some new exercises and see if that helps. I've also been focusing on cardio so if anyone has suggestions please lemme know - but Bob is the Cardio King! Thanks!! Go Team Bob!! (and all the rest…
  • It is true that I found the cravings have dimished to a degree - and it helps if you're eating healthy food that you enjoy. Then you won't miss the other things as much - ie/ eat an amazing salad with chicken and all the fresh fruit and veg you love it will make you happier and more satisfied than rice cakes etc. You get…
  • MUSIC! I try and switch up whats on my ipod at least every 2 weeks so that i'm not listening to the same stuff feeling like i'm doing the same workout time after time. I do have a few favourite songs that will sneak on multiple times but I try and keep it fresh and even get new stuff off of itunes that I've never heard…
  • I agree 100% on the soup option if you have a microwave or thermos. I find they are filling and I can fill them with tonnes of veg. I totally understand with being a little sick of salads. the little cans of tuna are handy and I always keep them in my desk at the office. I also made little sandwich wraps with lettuce as…
  • We ALL have those days and you can't beat yourself up over it and just because you had a day or two 'off the wagon' lets say doesn't mean you throw in the towel. That's just a part of life. We will have days where we eat the extra piece of chocolate cake, or extra 3 beers at the pub that we shouldn't have or order the…
  • This is going to sound a little odd but I also found the secret is to eat real food as opposed to processed food. I found those frozen meals leave me nothing but hungry - and i know it's hard to find the time and i'm not saying it has to be a grandios big deal but the simplest snack that i LOVE (and when I first heard it i…
  • I've found it helps to actually put it in my schedule, like a dentist appointment - you wouldn't skip out on those as well as just walking to do errands when at all possible. If I don't go to the gym in the morning then I make myself walk to work which is over an hour walk - I'll get a bit of exercise in one way or…