Love junk food when does the cravings stop

Flexman Posts: 6
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I love to eat junk food when I sit and watch TV in the evenings. I have reduced it quite a bit but would like to stop altogether. I think I do it because I am bored. I know I am watching TV but I still do it.

How many days after I quit eating junk food will the cravings go away so I don't try and put my hand in the cookie jar?


  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    my cravings for chips and salty snacks only stopped after I cut bread and pasta from my diet...still eat rice and rice foods and tons of veggies (for fiber)...not sure what you are eating since you food diary is not shared!
  • MoMoves
    MoMoves Posts: 36
    My suggestion is to purge your house of all the junky foods, so when you want that TV snack later in the evening you only have the choice to reach for something healthy to snack's the only thing that has worked for me!
  • Clipickett
    Clipickett Posts: 42 Member
    I bet you will get a lot of different responses to this question. I've found that as I consume a more balanced daily intake of food that represents all the food groups ( or most), my cravings stop. I craved hard for up to a week. Now, if I do crave something I don't want to have, I do a few pushups, pullups, sit-ups, etc to sort of teach myself to replace that craving with something good. Kind of like Pavlov's dog! Now, when that bell rings ( the craving for Reese's Peanutbutter cups), I do a couple of excercises.
  • If you are human.... Never.. They just get less... Or you may try sweet treats that are either natural or less calories.. Moderation... I have a huge sweet tooth..and I fancy some junkfood every once in a while.. I just dont do it after 6 at night.. And I don't go overboard.. Just gotta make the transition for your own well being..
  • jess1304
    jess1304 Posts: 47
    Drink a ton of flavored water (crystal light, propel, whatever is less than 10 calories) and fill up on that until you feel full. Sometimes I'll sit and drink like 3 bottles of water and feel full for a good hour. You can also try gum, I prefer Extra gum. It helps take away the cravings and give you a chewing sensation.

    hope this helped!!
  • lattegirl
    lattegirl Posts: 10
    It is true that I found the cravings have dimished to a degree - and it helps if you're eating healthy food that you enjoy. Then you won't miss the other things as much - ie/ eat an amazing salad with chicken and all the fresh fruit and veg you love it will make you happier and more satisfied than rice cakes etc. You get the idea.

    ANYWAY, I personally found that if you don't keep it in the house you don't have the option to eat it.
    If you want it THAT badly then make yourself leave your house and walk and get it... and take the LONG way to get it. You don't want to make yourself miserable from denying the food you love - just watch the AMOUNT and frequency of it.... and make sure it's worth it.
  • dfong27
    dfong27 Posts: 2
    Quitting junk doesn't work because eventually you'll eat double or triple the amount once you give-in. This is a tough one but I think I found the solution. Just last week I was Hot cheetohs with nacho cheese as dip and see's chocolate and ice cream and much more. What I have found my self doing this week is thanks to something I have picked up on some psychology called "self-deception". The only thing I have found that works to get rid of that junk crave is to replace it with something just as junk or "perceived junk" (of course it has to taste good - and I have found something I think is better than the real junk). A healthy perceived junk like Greek Yogurt (honey flavor). I am liking this stuff better than ice cream at the moment. Good luck to you. Hope you find a replacement for your current crap you put in your body as I have. I just hope I can find something like this every week since my tongue's mood changes frequently.
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