Want2bHealthE Member


  • Hi. I can't explain the discrepancy and I'm not sure how MFP calculates recommended calories, but I used to meet regularly with a nutritionist who told me that I should be eating roughly the same amount of calories (1300) that MFP has suggested for me to loose 1.5/lbs per week. On days that I get to the gym I end up eating…
  • Welcome! I see you have a lot of inspiring and supportive notes to read already, so I just want to say great job on your first two pounds and for putting yourself out there so honestly. I have 86 lbs to loose and its easy to get depressed, but please never feel defeated. Sounds like you have a wonderful family and MFP is…
  • You look wonderful! Great job! An inspiration indeed - thank you for posting :)
  • Definitely! We will have a big meal tonight and I'm not worrying about calories today because I will be making up for it tomorrow. We usually break fast with a relatively small meal since it doesn't feel good to eat something heavy after a fast and so late in the evening. We also have quite a walk to get to synagogue so I…
  • Thanks for the posts and tips... will be picking up some Skinny Cow products this evening :) @ fattyellis - we were living in Israel and traveled by bus to Egypt and Jordan.
  • ... "However, I was able to change the way I thought about food so that now certain items I'd never even consider. And it won't bother me a bit. Some of them are trigger foods or drinks. So, I avoid them completely" Thanks for your post. I hope this is the point that I will get to, sdaubel. Ice cream is my trigger food,…