

  • Done. Phew it is a good thing I got in on this fairly early. I am so out of shape. I loved the lunges! Hated the pushups :) Next up...20 squats
  • I love it! Seems like I walk on the treadmill forever and never burn any calories. I went to this website and it FEELS more accurate! It gave me motivation to get back on track and do some walking. Thanks!
  • Here is an informative link
  • I was put on a low sodium diet due to heart problems so I know what to look out for. Soups have a lot of sodium and packaged foods that you simply pop in the microwave and then eat usually are very high in sodium. If you stick with the natural foods like fruits, meat, and vegetables you will do well. I usually eat pasta…
  • I wish you the best of luck. I will say a prayer for you now.
  • Just think of it as the fat cells screaming as they die off. It helps me sometimes. Sorry to hear that you have to starve in the meeting. They should provide veggie or fruit trays to ward off hunger when meetings are long!
  • That is awesome. I love the pictures that show proof. As soon as I get a darn memory card for my camera I plan on taking pictures. I hope that I can see some results.
  • Thanks for that tip! I love salad, but it seems that when I go out to eat they never have the dressings that I want. They are all loaded with fat. So I will try the dipping the fork technique and enjoy the next time I go out.
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter I am still trying to find someone else to blame. :(
  • Victoria secret website is awesome. I now am going to try to have some shipped to my PO Box. It will then only be a 20 minute drive. Thanks for the tips!
  • Sounds like you came to the right place. I am all for supporting others. It seems that I need support during some times more than others. Depression is hard to deal with alone, but also trying to lose weight is tough. Losing weight is a life change that takes commitment and I know from experience that depression can get in…
  • I totally know what you mean! I throw things back into the dryer all the time trying to get them as wrinkle free as possible so that I don't have to iron. My kids don't even know what an iron is.
  • You can do this. We will be here to help you. Good luck on the journey. Just remember that there are times that you will want to give up, but do this for you! Looking at your picture, you are a beutiful person and I am sure that a little support from us here on MFP will go a long ways. Here's to a healthier life!
  • Could be water gain. How is your sodium intake? Less sodium means less water retention.
  • That made my day! I am glad that I am not the only one that does stuff like that. My kids wanted cookies the other night so I got the tube of dough rather than making homemade. When I make homemade I eat half the bowl before they make it into the oven and then I always have to sample one or more of the finished product.…
  • I hope it makes you feel a little better to know that weight loss seems to be more affected by the diet than the exercise. Don't get me wrong exercise is very good for you, but I hardly have time to fit any in and I have started losing by simply watching the foods that I eat.
  • I hate it when people say "you look great for 30" or "you look great for having 2 kids". So if I wasn't thirty does that mean that I don't look so great? Since when are my kids an excuse to gain weight? I would just like to hear "you look great" or "wow I would have never guessed that you had kids".
  • I hear that voice far too often! It is good that you recognized that the choice you made was due to the voice. It is so hard to resist. I think if we did not listen to it ocassionally though that we would go insane and give up on the whole diet and exercise thing. I bet it was delicious and you will make up for it with all…
  • I sometimes bring my elastic band to work. There are quite a few exercises that are not too strenous so you are not huffing and puffing for all to hear. It may not be a super workout, but it is physical activity and every little bit helps.