

  • Was it free to get that test to see what it was? I only ask because currently I am sort of short on money for a while and I don't have a lot to spare, unfortunately.
  • BMR is the amount of calories your body uses if you just laid in bed all day and let your body do its thing. Its like the basic number of calories you need to have in order for your body to function and it is the MINIMUM number you should ever consume. My question then follows whether it is as formulaic as the different…
  • Thats actually very interesting, that was ont one of the sites I had been on.
  • 5'6 the correct BMI range is 116 - 147 so you are in it. If you like how you look and you are afraid of looking unhealthy then stop losing weight and work on toning what you have, adding muscle and the like.
  • I have some old underarmor stuff and that might be what has held up the best in the multiple years since I've gotten it. This is a good point.
  • I'll add the sophie website and walmart too. People seem to love the Danskin brand so that seems like one to check out :D Thank you guys! Keep the opinions coming!
  • Thanks for all the wonderful answers :) I think I will try target later today, since that is on my way home and just see if there is anything there that might be good. I guess its a pretty even split between people who prefer to spend a little more and have longevity versus people who buy cheap and plan to replace? All my…
  • You are hilarious and we have similar goals. With a million weddings, my impending graduation and my entire family looking like fitness gurus I need to buckle down. I could use some funny friends on here to keep things entertaining. Im going to send you a friend request and anyone else who is looking for friends, feel free…
  • I'm an hourglass I think. Even when I was at my heaviest people never believed how much I weighed because my stomach was small compared to the rest of me. Now people have a hard time believing I am overweight, even if it's just a little bit because my body largely holds its weight very well.
  • Feel free to add me, I am also starting fresh and it's good to have buddies :)
  • Thats interesting. I might start doing that once summer starts but right now I hardly have time for my one workout. But thank you for the information, adding it to my mini arsenal of things to try.
  • I heard once (when someone was commenting that they just couldn't stay motivated) that being motivated was like being clean. You have to shower/bath every day and similarly you have to find something inspiring every day to be able to stay motivated effectively. Maybe thats supportive friends, pictures of you at your…
  • I am new here but have been dieting since late november. I am planning on being here everyday, good and bad. Feel free to add me :3 I have about 35 pounds to lose so I should be around for a while and I plan on sticking around for maintenance.
  • I am also new to this site specifically but I have been losing weight since about December... or I was Late november through late february then fell off the wagon. Since then I have been maintaining and from my experience it is the getting or being lax about food diarys that causes the lack of weight loss. If you wanna be…