New to posting here, encouragement and advise needed

Hi Everyone,

I am new to posting here. So a giant hello to everyone ! I don't have many people in my life who support my fitness and health objectives, so I thought perhaps posting around like minded people would help.

About me: I am 31 year old female from Ontario Canada. I have been exercising and dieting since Feb 28th of this year but am unable to lose weight. When I began I was 136 lbs, which later increased to 142 and then weeks later went back down to about 137... it seems to continually flucuate between these weights which is very frustrating. That being said I'm not giving up. My dr has done blood tests everything is normal. I eat a healthy diet of whole grains, fruits veggies, low fat dairy, lean meats. I am constantly starving recently even though I haven't restricted my calories too much, in fact for awhile I stopped counting them all together and just tried a bit more portion control.
At first my exercise routine was 3 days a week of classes at the gym. Two days of Step Class and one day of LesMills bodypump ( 30minute version followed by CX Worx).

The reason for my lifestyle change is that I have asthma which became out of control, on top of that I suffer from depression as well as chronic fatigue. My Dr. felt it would be best if I began a proper exercise routine, that it would go a long way to helping. So I went ahead and got started, several days later I quit smoking after 13 years.

I do feel much healthier, my strength is improving and I can feel that I am building muscle, I just can't seem to lose any weight or inches off myself.

I have now increased my exercise routine to 6 days a week for one hour each day. Two step classes, body pump and CX worx, the remainder of the days I do the P90X DVDS, Cardio X on one day, strength training and Yoga, 7th day I just do stretches and rest.

Advice, suggestions, please?

Thanks everyone! Again I am really excited to be posting and getting to know everyone


  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Sounds like you are doing everything you should, without seeing your diary I can say much else. I sent you a friends request.
  • Thanks Jamie, nice to meet you. My diary is a bit empty, I have neglected entering information into it recently. I am going to be more diligent about it.
  • piscula
    piscula Posts: 17
    I am also new to this site specifically but I have been losing weight since about December... or I was Late november through late february then fell off the wagon. Since then I have been maintaining and from my experience it is the getting or being lax about food diarys that causes the lack of weight loss.

    If you wanna be buddies and keep each other accountable for keeping things updated I would be happy to help out. :)
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I just looked at it and the only thing I see is you macros are off your carbs are way high and your protein is a bit low. Try changing this to 40 percent from protein and 30 from each carbs and fat and see if that helps. Otherwise your diary for today looks pretty good. mine is open if you want to take a look. Although I was bad this weekend. :)
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    You should fill in your diaries daily. Will make it easier for us to say what *might* be wrong.
    Both new ones can add me as friends if you want, I'm here daily :-)
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    Hi and Welcome to MFP!

    First I'd like to say, don't get frustrated, even though the numbers on the scale aren't changing you say that you're able to see differences in yourself, that you know you've built muscle and and that you overall are starting to feel better ... those are great non-scale victories (you will see people here abbreviate it as NSV). So don't lose sight of those accomplishments.

    Second, I'm not sure if you are aware, but MUSCLE weighs more than FAT, so that could be an explanation of why the numbers on the scale aren't changing. You may want to consider looking at how many inches you've lost or if your clothes are fitting you any differently.

    Third, don't give up on the calorie counting, and watching what you put into your body. I used to think that I was alright with what I ate and didn't eat that many calories, but not that I've started to track them, I've realized that is my biggest hurdle. So you may want to keep tracking and see if you can find any trend in your eating or any particular food item that always seems to put you over your calories for the day.

    I hope this helps! Good luck on your journey!
  • Hey could somone tell me how to add people on MFP and also how you created the weight count downs below your posts??
  • Hi Everyone,

    Thank you so much for the encouragement and already making friends. You are all so supportive :) I will be tracking my calories from now on. I track my exercise in advance to make me accountable to do it :) Previously even the thought of exercise made me want to roll over and play dead. I'm really starting to enjoy it though.

    The biggest problem I have with tracking my calories is that I home cook almost everything and I am never really certain exactly how many calories it adds up to, or if I am over estimating or underestimating things.

    The weirdest part about this is that about 5 years ago I had gotten quite ill and gained alot of weight which I easily lost following the south beach diet. I always had a really high metabolism so once I kick started it I lost weight easily.

    It seems now in my 30's that my metabolism just randomly crapped out on me :(
  • To add someone click on their profile and click add friend :) The ticker I, I can't remember how I did that. I think I clicked on the automated one on my profile then personalized it. Once I was done there was a link to add it to the forums I believe.
  • JBurger2066
    JBurger2066 Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome! This site is awesome. It sounds like you're doing a lot of things right. Using the meal diary will really help a lot. And if you're comfortable with it, share it with your friends on here so they can give you some advice. I've received a lot of good diet tips since I joined. Feel free to add me.