'I can resist everything except temptation'..... and cake.

Now there are many things in life i can resist, however as Oscar Wilde quotes ' I can resist everything except temptation,' Well think of it this way, for me, that temptation happens to be that delicious looking food. (Oh, and in most cases those shoes that happen to be half price in the sale. Well it would be rude not too! And of course I NEED them.)

Anyway, I digress. I joined here a year ago exactly, which in itself is a scary thought. Originially I had good intentions, loose the weight, get healthy, sort out world hunger and all that jazz. However, it obviously didn't work somewhere along the line! 12 months later I find myself skulking back onto the forums weighing in at heavier than ever.

Now I am only 5ft5, which in itself doesn't seem that short but then consider this, I weight probably 3stone over what the textbook quotes should be 'normal.' The fact that running for a bus now leaves me looking like Moby the beached whale having a panic attack has made me realise that now is the time I NEED to get my body back to 'normal' rather than looking like i've eaten my skinny self! I promise inside i'm actually 8stone, long leggy blonde! Now I can make all these jokes about how i'm not overweight i'm just undertall...... but this is the time to get back on the horse.

This year I have my graduation from university to potentially look forward too, as well as loads of family and friends finally getting hitched. Noone likes to look like a heffer in the photos afterwards, me especially!

So here I am and here is my pitch as to making friends on here....

If you are like me, on here, struggling and know the cake in the kitchen is calling your name then add me as a friend! Not only will I provide witty banter (entirely subjective of course!) but I believe it's easier to shift the weight and work towards something when you have the support of others whom are going through the same thing. Of course it's not entirely one sided and i'm not going to claim to be a dieting marta, you may be subjected to 3am messages via here where I found myself licking out the jar of peanut butter again!

Anyway, that's my intro, Hi and thanks for somehow getting to the end of this tangent of spurl!

Kerry x


  • littlemisstickles
    I don't bite!
  • mzwilson99
    Hello All,
    I'm height challenged and round! I recently joined MFP again but this time I'm using it! My current total weight goal is to loose 75-100lbs. I want to loose weight and inches but I want to keep my curves. I became very sedentary after having my 3rd child and kept the 28 punds I gained with him. There were alot of complications that resulted in an emergency c-section. After having him I decided to go back to school and the stress of a fulltime job, being a single mother of 3 and full time student helped me pack on another 28 lbs to my already overweight body. After graduation I vowed to get rid of it, but now almost a year later l'm finally READY & WORKING towards my goal. I guess it took me starting to feel like my body was consuming me to do something. It was/is affecting everything I do. There are/were times I didn't/don't want to go out of the house at time becaue I feel nothing looks or feels right and I hate shopping for me because it seems like everytime I see this cute top or anything it just doesn't fit right and I refuse to go pass an 18. I'm not saying anything is wrong with the larger sizes but for me I choose to drop the wieght before I need a larger size! I have avoided family gathering and vacations because of my weight. It's crazy because I was a dancer in high school. That's the body I want back, but not only do I want to loose weight but I want to be healthier so I can be here a long time with my kids. I want my energy level and flexibilty back as well!

    I will be 30 in July and while I would love to be on beach in a 2 piece somewhere, but considering I hate for people to see me in a one piece as I walk into water aerobics class I don't see that happening, but I don't see why it wouldn't by the next birthday. So that's my goal 14 months to loose at least 75 lbs and be toned!

    Sweets and bread are my weakness, but I've been reading and detoxing seems to be the best way to relieve your body of those cravings. I don't deny myself I have been working on not getting any for myself and just ask one of the kids for a taste to curb the craving since I have not been able to sucessfully do a detox yet, but everyday is another day towards a better, healthier me. Like everyone else I have my good and bad days but as long as I keep that picture of me in a 2 piece on the fridge as my goal I know I'll get there. I didn't put it on overnight so I know it won't come off overnight!

    Good Day/Night
  • minniemama07
    minniemama07 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I just learned that I can access this site on the computer -- I thought it was just a phone app. Anyways, I loved your introduction and you sound wicked funny! I'm more than happy to be your fitness buddy and maybe we can encourage each other. Not sure how to add people so send me a request or whatever & I will accept it. Congrats on the 1st step you've made which is to change your life and get healthy -- you can do it!!! :smile:
  • Hailei
    Hailei Posts: 86 Member
    Hi there!
    I am so like you! lol
    I've tried losing weight a billion times (well, no, not quite that many times, but I've had my tries). I"ve made it sometimes, but in that "popular" way of starving myself. And more or less it had it's results when I was a teenager and when losing 10 kilos mattered. Now, I've lost 5 and I'm the only one who can see it.
    But obviously now I see where it went wrong, cause starving myself, losing 10 kilos, then gaining weight again in a few months is how I got to gain about 40 kilos in the past 6 years...
    I am pretty weak at resisting temptation, in general, but during the past few weeks at did so much better than I thought I would.
    Maybe one of the reasons is (it's something I've heard before and actually seems to be true) that if you let go of bad habits, it gets easier to survive without them.
    At least that's what tehy say: you eat less sweets, your body craves less for it and the same with other foods, with food in general. If it stops craving for some speciffic foods, it gets so much easier to get you body to have what YOU want it to have and actually enjoy it :)
    Anyway, i had my missteps but came back, and it's probabbly gonna happen again, but who cares, as long as I know where i;m going and do my best to get there?
    Add me if you think we can help eachother! :P
    Best of luck!
  • piscula
    piscula Posts: 17
    You are hilarious and we have similar goals. With a million weddings, my impending graduation and my entire family looking like fitness gurus I need to buckle down. I could use some funny friends on here to keep things entertaining. Im going to send you a friend request and anyone else who is looking for friends, feel free to add me. Im going to be on every day. :)
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    There is a jar of nutella in the cabinet screaming my name and you my friend are officialy friended. :flowerforyou:
  • mangonuts
    I had to reach a point of utter disgust with myself before I started losing weight. It sounds like you need the right consistent motivation. I hope you find it.
  • mag12238
    mag12238 Posts: 5
    Would love to add you as a friend and totally understand how hard it can be to motivate yourself to losing weight, if there ever was a foodie it was me nothing was off limits...literally.
    if i can help in anyway i will
    mark x
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    I BITE!...but not hard..LOL. Feel free to add me as I totally love peanut butter too! :smile:
  • littlemisstickles
    So many replies, wow thank you! And I thought the only one who would check in on here would be my mum!
    All friended/accepted and will shortly be annoyed by my constant ramblings about food!

    Thank you! xx