

  • I rest for 3 days, because I get bad cramps, after that, I try to do some short walks, but nothing like my normal workout until Im done
  • I haven't heard of it, but will definitely go check it out thank you for sharing on this~~~
  • Hey~~~ nice to meet you~~~ If right now you can't exerscise a lot, I would try to get a little walking in, if you can work that in, if anything walk- it is good and defintely a good start, this is what I do if my day was busy, I try to get some walknig in, even if it is 10-15-20 mins. Whatever you can fit in, it's better…
  • I can say Subway can be bad, depending what you put on the sandwhich- I personally like there 6 inch on wheat,roast beef, no cheese, and just add onions, baby spinach, pickles, vineger and oil) I can understand where you at as I'm have a hard time as well, I think the problem can also be sugar, As I love to have snacks so…
  • thank you so much for sharing all of this, As in my past I have tried her videos they are defintely tough , I would recomend stretching well before and after) Could you tell me more on what kind of workouts you do on Xbox, I have one thats my husbands and would love to try a workout using this) Thank you~~~~
  • I would suggest, a protein shake, or I personally enjoy Boost Nutritonal Energy Drinks, they taste really good and defintely give you a boost, also you can try smoothies as well
  • Hello!, nice to meet you ~~feel free to add me :)
  • thank you very much for the both of your responses It, helped greatly, Thank you!~
  • I have not heard of this, place- but as far as pasta goes etc) Do they have any small plate option's?, or low cal options? If you really want some pasta just try to pick something small and with vegetables) and perhaps a salad to go with it, or if they don't have small plates etc, ask for a box to go and split it up that…
  • I always have to go lol) esp when Exersices, I have no idea why besides * Water, * and of, course if you have Coffee) or any other caffinated beverage. I would love to see what other's say as well~~~
  • Hopefully someone can help us out~~~
  • Hello! nice to meet you!~ feel free to add me