icubsn98 Member


  • Happy Monday morning everyone, What a busy weekend!/ Trying to get spring cleaning done and house decorated for Easter since I will be leaving to go spend some time with hubby on his business trip and won't be back until just a few days before Easter. My home is always host to the huge family gathering to celebrate Easter.…
  • Hope you feel better soon. Rhonda
  • Amanda--Been on an all day business trip, so I may have missed you , but will be praying for a speedy recovery. Hello everyone, hope your mornings started off better than mine.Nothing serious, just one minor irritation after another until it got ridiculous and I started laughing instead of crying or screaming. Things…
  • Good evening from the East Coast ! Hope everyone achieved their diet and exercise goals today. exermom--woohoo on the coupons, over 100$ in savings, how exciting. My husband is on an extended business CT. He left on March 1, so I'm going to go up on the 2nd of April and stay until middle of Easter week. then come…
  • Happy Wednesday everyone. Starting day three of south is already getting easier and in addition to losing weight, I feel better when I reduce the amount of carbs derived from grains. I find that my knees and my rip hip do not ache nearly as much. I learned this a few years ago when I followed this diet for…
  • WOOHOO, Happy Tuesday morning everyone!. I started the Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet yesterday. By 3:00p.m., I was craving a cracker or cookie so bad, I may have mugged someone if they had walked by eating one at that time. I made myself go occupy my hands and mind with something else and soon the urge passed. Then I had…
  • have a feeling my body just likes to be fat. I am beyond discouraged but I will just keep plugging away at it. I so know where you are at this a.m. Good morning everyone, I have been absent for a few weeks at least. I didn't have my laptop and trying to access the whole website via my tablet was just too much hassle! I did…
  • Hi everyone. I have been so swamped with work, life and other demands. I haven't logged in for a bit. I have been trying to stay within the calorie goal and work out each day. Will be back soon to catch up on at least recent posts. I hope everyone is getting off to a great start this month.
  • Good morning to everyone. I wish I could break away from the scale. I seen where many of you weigh in once a week or less. I find myself getting on the stupid thing everytime I go by it almost. However, I only mentally record the weight and then write it down weekly. Sure is frustrating though to work so hard at trying to…
  • Good Monday morning everyone, I;ve been able to sign on for about a week now but have had a lot of trouble maneuvering through the sight due to internet woes with my sattelite provider. I finally got caught up on all of the posts. I am anxious to try spaghetti squash again after reading how so many of you have successfully…
  • Happy February everyone, January was up and down for me. Hoping to get it together with the beginning of a new month. Spent the day trying to catch up on reading and with some neglected friends. I also have spent a great deal of time organizing coupons and a grocery list that does not include any packaged meals or overly…
  • It's now or never, nurse girl. If you wait another 5 to 10 years, it gets harder. To Joy ---Thanks for the kick in the but, Intellectually I know this , I just keep putting me on the back burner. Even yesterday, I struggled and failed at this. I will complete this workload by late afternoon and then have a little time to…
  • Good morning everyone, Today is the first time in almost a week that I have signed on for more than a minute and have intentions of following any sort of meal plan. I hope each one of you have had a great week. I have been buried under work deadlines and as such have fallen into the same trap that has kept me 55lbs…
  • Emmomthat is awesome, what a great success. ,
  • Good morning everyone! I had a pretty good Tuesday. Exercised with the Wii and a DVD since it was raining in the a..m.and I'm at my vacation home instead --no treadmill here. Before you think..vacation in January sounds fun, I'm not vacationing. I live in a rural area with no high speed internet, so when I have a lot of…
  • I can so relate. My husband weighs 2lbs more than he did when we met thirty-three years ago. He eats whatever he likes and never thinks twice about it. Although, he supports my weight loss goals and says he will do whatever and eat whatever I need in order to stay on my diet. He often does the same thing as your boyfriend,…
  • Good morning everyone, I know I am new here, but really appreciate the motivation and support that you offer. I lost three pounds over the last week, Unfortunately, it is the same three pounds I have been losing off and on for the last year. I feel different this week though. This week, I feel like I will finally see a new…
  • Darlis, I will most definitely pray for you and your husband.
  • Thanks for the advice here, I need to remember to work through that internal battle and push myself for just a bit longer.
  • She still cooks all the meals for herself and my dad, and keeps track of medications for both of them. She continues to do some form of exercise every day, including swimming or walking in the pool 3 - 5 days a week. She also continues to take care of all their day-to-day financial activities. WOW, Happy Birthday to your…
  • Good morning everyone! Hope everyone has a successful day and remember to put yourself on the schedule.
  • Thanks so much for the advice. Today, I am going to plan a little better and try to increase the fiber load at lunch work a 3:00 snack into my calorie budget.
  • Let me try this again...I lost the page right in the middle of my last post. Thank you so much for all of the warm welcomes. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better and becoming a source of support and encouragement to others as you have been for me this week. I certainly agree about the metabolism slow…
  • Good morning Ladies, My name is Rhonda and I will be 50 in July of this year. I have been playing around with my weight and exercise my entire adult life. Then it seems a few years ago the weight crept up and stayed. I would try for awhile to eat healthy and exercise continuously only to see no results, so I gave up and…
  • Wow, what a transformation. You look fantastic. Don't give up on your goals, you obviously are reaching them
  • Count me in!. I've read many of the posts, I struggle with consistency and staying committed to eating healthy and exercising. I married my high school sweetheart and we have been blessed with a wonderful life and two sons and now four grandchildren. My husband sees the girl he met at 16 when he looks at me. He doesn't see…
  • So true, I know that if I don't keep a careful eye on what I am eating that I will most definetly let more food than I need slip into my day. Really must stay focused and am hoping being part of this group will help me do that. Also it would be great to be an inspiration to others that come behind me.
  • Congrats on the weight loss, you are doing great and I love the quote " If you bite it, write it". Thanks for responding, what an inspiration!