

  • I see both sides of the argument here and have mixed feelings about the drug. I started using it in September and have had great success, but I have also been maintaining a healthy 1280 calorie per day diet along with an active lifestyle and plenty of exercise (mostly walking and cardio). I have to say that I did lose…
  • Hey! My name is Jenni, I am 34 and I can a degree. I have hypothyroidism also and metabolic disorder. I am pre-diabetes. So far my cholesterol is okay, BP has been raising over the last couple of years and I have a history of heart disease as long as my arm on both sides of my family. I also suffer from severe…
  • I'm here girl! I get on every time I put food in my diary! I'll keep an eye out for your posts! Keep your head up! You can do it! If I can do it anybody can! You're doing great so far!!!:glasses:
  • I know how frustrating this is because I have been there! Unless you have been bleeding heavily you haven't miscarried. More than likely you are just VERY early on and the hormone is not very strong in your urine. Just go to the doctor and have bloodwork and then you'll know. Regardless, good luck and try to relax! Stress…
  • Wow! GREAT job! That is a huge step and I know how it feels to see results after waiting so long! Sometimes we don't know how it will affect us! I started my current diet in September and at my first doctor appt/weigh in I cried when I got on the scale and had lost 29 pounds! I cried again when I could wear a gorgeous…
  • I agree with everyone else. I am new to the calorie counting thing too and am on a 1200 calorie a day diet since September 8. I find that if I don't eat some of my burned calories back I lose results. Also, the water is a HUGE part of it. I drink at least 120 ounces of water a day! My "cups" I count on here are 20 ounce…
  • Faint lines usually just mean that your hcg levels are low because you're not very far along! But if you have a line, you are most likely with child! Congrats!!! I would see my doctor asap to confirm and get on prenatals.:flowerforyou:
  • I had the same diagnosis, only without the high BP. I take .88 mg of synthroid which has helped to regulate my thyroid. I actually went up to 1.00 mg for a while until I started losing. I had tried everything as well, even meridia (a weight loss drug) and nothing helped. I also found, through my endocrinologist that I am…
  • Awesome! That is amazing! I love McDonalds fries and as a mom of four kids who LOVE that junk I am subjected all the time! they are about the worst thing you can eat! That was a real accomplishment! Way to stay in control and be strong!! :flowerforyou:
  • One of the first realizations I had was when I did yard work for the first time in about 6 years! It's a great feeling to be able to do those little things that you didn't feel like doing before. And the small things build you up until you do even bigger things and it grows from there! Great job!
  • Hi ladies! I am also a SAHM to four kids, ages 13, 11, 5 and 3. MFP is such a GREAT way for us to support each other and network with others who are in the same position as we are! I am a 34 year old who has struggled with weight since I was 19, and staying home all day has not made following a routine very easy. But I am…
  • Thanks for the encouragement and advice! I am feeling a little more positive now. :happy: I feel pretty good about getting through the holidays. I have lost 37 pounds since September 7 according to my scale (which was considerably off last time I was at the endocrinologist) so I am doing great and feeling amazing. I never…
  • I am completely new to all of this but it seems that everyone here supports each other and that is definitely one of the most helpful things when struggling with weight problems. I have had weight issues since I was 19. Before that I was pencil thin, then suddenly, my metabolism seemed to come to a screeching halt and…