Unconditional Support Group - November



  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    I think of all the cities New York has to be the best for Christmas Decorations. Would love to see the Tree. But that will be another year.

    So enjoy Thanksgiving and get back on the wagon Friday. Do an extra workout on Wednesday and Friday.

    Celebrate Life.

  • Happy__Feet
    Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. :smile:
  • Happy__Feet
    Here are my answers:

    Do you decorate it up big or small or what for Christmas? small
    What is your favorite Christmas song? - Hark the Herald Angles Sing
    What is your favorite Christmas movie? - "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and "While You Were Sleeping"
    What are you asking Santa for for Christmas this year? - I'm asking for "peace on earth and good will" for everyone.
  • jennicain
    I am completely new to all of this but it seems that everyone here supports each other and that is definitely one of the most helpful things when struggling with weight problems. I have had weight issues since I was 19. Before that I was pencil thin, then suddenly, my metabolism seemed to come to a screeching halt and after having two children and adopting two more and adding 15 years I went from 120 at age 19 to 203 at age 34! In 2009 my physician sent me to an endocrinologist who found that my thyroid was seriously under active and I started medication for that, but I still didn't lose any weight. I also tried Meridia which failed, along with a couple of other appetite suppressants. I had done the Atkins diet in the past, which worked but the weight always came back with a vengeance. And my life is anything but sedentary with four children! Since September 8 of this year I have been tracking my diet, counting calories and sticking to a strict 1200 calorie a day diet. Since doing this, and drinking at least 8 20 ounce glasses of water a day, I have felt so much better. At my doctor on September 7 I was at 203 and today I am at 167. I have gradually added more and more physical activity as I have felt better, but have not technically added working out as of yet. All I can say is that depression is a killer. And being overweight feeds the depression. It is a vicious cycle. I have not deprived myself of anything, I just eat less and when I do eat something with a higher calorie amount, I add more activity and make sure it's something I really and truly want. Recording everything is key! I really did not think that this would work when recommended. But it has and I would pass on the tip to anyone!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hey supporters :) Happy Wednesday!

    aspencer122, I just started p90x on monday with a bunch of other MFPers, and I LOVE it! Tonight is arms and abs, wish me luck :)

    This has been a great week for me, so far (despite the fact that it's 95 degrees outside right now in NOVEMBER. not fair! Those of you in the snow might think this sounds wonderful, but for a girl who's air conditioning is shoddy, it's pretty gross). But other than that! I'm an actor, and I had a paid gig this weekend (being paid for work is something of a luxury when you're not a household name), a fantastic film shoot this morning, and I'm opening a really wonderful play on Friday. Yay!

    Ever notice how it's easier to stay on track with health when the other elements of your life are good? Is that just me?

    To answer the Christmas questions, I grew up Jewish, but I LOVE the Christmas season! The stores smell so good, and the lights are so pretty, and people are generally kinder (until the stressful last days of shopping, when they get vicious, LOL). I don't decorate, but my favorite Christmas song is 'Santa Baby' ('You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch' is a close second!), favorite holiday movie might be 'Home Alone', although there are SO many good ones, and I'll go ahead and ask Santa for ten less pounds. Santa likes Jews, too, right? :)
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    You're an actress? How cool is that? What film are you working on?

    Since I'm just starting back with the gym I've been trying out different instructors for different classes to see who I enjoy and who I don't. Well it's amazing the difference an instructor makes. I've been doing the Zumba classes this week. Don't get me wrong, the instructor on Monday was great ... but the one last night??? Holy Moly ... high energy nonstop for the full hour!! I loved it!! I can't wait to see what the instructor is like on Saturday.

  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    It is cool, thanks :) The shoot yesterday was just a favor I was doing for a director friend who got a very fancy schmancy new camera and wanted to get some practice with it. We shot a few monologues, and it rocked :)

    How's everybody today? Happy Thursday!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good day good day. How are we all doing? So, I've decided to weigh in on Fridays now and this morning I showed a 1/2 lb. loss. I'll take it, a loss is a loss. I've had this uncontrollable hunger the past couple of nights and last night I gave into it. Ate sooo much more then I should have and still went to bed hungry. I'm thinking PMS ... at my age my cycle is all over the place so I'm not sure, but I'm emotional and famished ... sounds like PMS to me :cry:

  • debidoodle
    Hi everyone :)

    I am so freaking glad it is Friday I can't even express it in words. This has been the longest week ever.

    My husband - without my asking too, wow! - took the rest of the halloween candy to work with him so now it is not haunting me anymore. Yay for him! and for me!

    Tomorrow I'm going to hang out with my bestie and I'm so excited about it. We haven't had a lot of good hanging out time lately and I can really tell. We are going to a funky arts & crafts show, it is a super fun and good one. I can't wait.

    I was up a couple of pounds from all the halloween candy, but am slowly coming back down now that it is gone. I sure hope this doesn't wreck my goal of getting to 180 by Dec 1st.

    Y'all don't forget about daylight savings time ending this weekend. I sure wish I lived in one of those places that didn't observe it ... wouldn't that be nice?! :)

    I feel like I'm being all grumpy gus today - so I apologize if it is coming off that way. I'll be better once I can leave work and start my weekend!!!! woooo hoooo!!!

    Have a great rest of the day everyone!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Have a good weekend everyone! I had a pretty good week. Good report from the doctor...blood work very good, and weight coming off slowly. I'd like to pick up the pace on that! I also got another class to teach for next semester, so that takes a lot of pressure off. I love it, as well.
    The ups and downs of weight loss.....why is it such a roller coaster? I actually have a friend who is too thin and tries to gain weight. Imagine that! The best to all of you!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    You're all doing so well. It almost makes me embarrassed to report yesterday’s activities. :blushing: Although I did do some walking, it clearly didn't make up for the timbits, pizza, beer and wine I got into. I'm not sure when exactly I lost control ... maybe it was after the effects of a few beer. Well, today’s a new day and I'll have to keep in mind that the past is over and done with. Now I'll move on. Again, way to go to all of you. Keep up the good work.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hi supporters! Happy Saturday!

    I had an opening night of a show I'm in last night, and we rocked it! Great response. I'm still riding that high, so I thought I'd pass it along and try to share some of the good vibes! :tongue:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well, I must say that today was way way way better then the last couple of days. I stuck with healthy food choices, drank my water, and as a bonus I spent the day Geocaching with my BFF. We walked sooooo much for hours on end. What a fun filled time. And we both have tomorrow off too ... the weather in the Niagara, Ontario area has a wonderful forcast for the day ... so we're off to do more Geocaching again ... Woo Hoo!!!

  • LinWin
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this program as of this AM. I ate terrible today and didn't drink much water either! A great start!!!
    But tomorrow is sa new day (and a new week) so changes I shall make! My biggest challenge is exercise (that doesn't hurt!!). I've been reading about Zumba classes on this blog and I even tried a few but they almost killed me. I have had 4 back surgeries and have arthritis everywhere (shoulders, neck, knees and obviously-back!) so most exercise hurts!
    I started walking at lunch at work for 20 minutes (but some days even that hurts!). I was going to a gym but stopped when I couldn't do much there anymore (couldn't use the machines anymore b/c of a shoulder injury, etc). I think I may have found a Pilates video I can do at home-I'm going to try it this week.
    I feel I need a lot of support too, but I don't know if this is the right blog for me b/c I can't do a lot of the things that "normal" people can do.
    Thanks for listening!
  • debidoodle
    Morning friends!!

    Maggs - what is a "timbit"? I'm not familiar!

    LinWin - welcome :) I can imagine that after having back surgery that zumba might present a challenge. i'm proud of you for trying it though!!! and who is to say what is 'normal' anyway. i think that normal is whatever you can do that makes you feel better. keep on keeping on trying to find something that works for you!

    McJabber - congrats on the great opening night! yahooooo for you!

    Jan - What is with those people who need to gain weight?! I don't understand them :) But I'm sure they don't understand us either, hahahaha!

    I had a pretty good weekend. Saturday I hung out with my BFF all day! We went to a craft show and then a quilt store and then a bead store. We walked it up good and had so much fun in the mean time. Then Sunday I spent time with the hubby. He was in a bit of a mood, so it wasn't a fantastic day but not bad either.

    Do we have any tea drinkers here? I am currently enjoying a cup of Earl Grey Creme from Teavana (http://www.teavana.com check it out!) What's your favorite cold weather beverage???

    Make it a great day!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!

    magglett--I have wanted to try geocaching since I heard a podcast about it many months ago (the 'Stuff You Should Know' podcast from howstuffworks.com--it's a great podcast!). So I'm totally jealous of your weekend :)

    Debi--I love Teavana stuff. My most recent find is a pumpkin spice tea from Bigelow, I think it's a new seasonal product, it had a big fancy display at the store and was totally an impulse buy. If something says pumpkin spice, I pretty much want to try it :) I really like it!

    I just installed an ergonomic keyboard, and I am now embarking on a deeply emotional love affair with my computer. This thing is AWESOME! My wrists are so comfy!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Maggs - what is a "timbit"? I'm not familiar!

    What is a timbit? Really? Well, timbits are the holes of the donuts ... I think that's the best way to describe them. Imagine that a donut has no hole in the middle but they want a hole so they make a little ball out of the centre of it and rather then wasting the dough they make a timbit out of it. Small donut ... big calories.

  • debidoodle
    Ah ... we just call those donut holes :)
  • alisha310
    alisha310 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone. I just thought I would jump on this board really quick. I have had the lapband as well and Debi and I know each other. I got in trouble last night because I haven't been signing onto myfitnesspal. It's all about accountability, right? So here I am checking out Debi's board. :) I had my surgery January 29th of this year and have lost a total of 62 lbs. I am pretty proud of myself but still have a few more to go. These last couple months have been very slow for me but I have had a lot of crap going on. Hoping that getting back on the board and website will help me out with what I am eating and plus I need to get out and start exercising again. I just picked up a part time job to go along with my full time job so not sure exactly when the exercise will fit in but I am going to try my hardest. Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome, Alisha!

    I got off to a frustrating start today :grumble: I've gained a few lbs the past week or so. I'm on Day 9 of P90X, so it could be that my body is trying to adjust to the massive amounts of exercise I've been doing, but it's still really disheartening.

    But I'm gonna stick to this mantra: Do your best and forget the rest. (Tony Horton, the trainer on the p90x dvds, says this all the time)