Brenda1636 Member


  • I just posted my Cedar Point story just before you did! Yeah, the Dragster was definitely one I wanted to go on and couldn't. Keep up the great work and get to your goal!
  • Some of these stories make me feel very sad for the people they happened to. Some people can be so cruel!! I was teased as a kid for being heavy and it sucked. As I grew up I put on more and more weight. I sat at a desk all day when I started working so I continued to gain weight. One year my boyfriend and I planned a trip…
  • For me, quitting smoking was all mental. I will occasionally have one once in a great while but that is finally not even happening often. So I don't know if I can say I quit cold turkey since the occasionally one does find its way to me...but that is maybe a handful of times a year. But it is the best thing I ever did. It…
  • I mostly work out during the week after work. In the winter I try to hit an early morning spin class once or twice a week (because I can't otherwise) but now since the weather is nice I ride outside in the evenings. I tend to usually take weekends off but I've been getting some workouts in. Weekend workouts are after a…
  • I started my journey alone. I love taking exercise classes because it makes you feel you aren't alone and you can make friends that way. The first gym I joined we were such a close group and I loved it! We would say "See you tomorrow!!" and all that. My boyfriend always went to a gym but we didn't have the same goals so we…
  • I was about to make these...without bacon...because I am one of those weird people who don't like bacon but as I was getting started I got derailed and tried something else. I stuffed the jalapeno with the cream cheese but used Mexican cheese instead of the colby or cheddar. I rolled the jalapeno up in the chicken and the…
  • I long as you aren't over doing it on the bad stuff, that it won't hurt you. However, I do notice a difference on the scale if I have a lot more of something that is bad for me even if I stick within my calories. But I think that is because bad stuff stays with you longer. It takes your body longer to get rid of…
  • Plus if I make it at home, my chicken fingers are oven baked instead of deep fried.
  • My favorite salad is a Buffalo Chicken Salad. Unfortunately with this salad I like ranch dressing but I get the light dressing to save a bit of the calories. I don't like the Fat Free Ranch unfortunately.
  • That's great! It is so hard to workout and workout well when you are injured. Keep it up!! We will both be 100% before we know it!
  • That's great! A little treat here or there won't hurt! Keep up the great work!
  • I have a friend who started her own because she wasn't able to participate in this one. If anyone is interested, it starts on March 31. Here is her link:
  • I was thinking about getting a few of Bob's videos. He always has them for cheap on his website. If anyone tries any, let me know.
  • I don't know if I've ever rewarded myself. My friend had a reward of going to the casino when she lost 10 pounds, which was she made and then we went so that was a good reward because it was fun. We are having a girl's weekend in June and going away for a night so I am working to lose weight for that. I'm going to do that…
    in Rewards Comment by Brenda1636 March 2013
  • I loved Turbo Jam!! It was one of my favorites. I'd love to do Insanity but I belong to a couple gyms (due to my living situation) so I couldn't justify the price to purchase it right now.
  • I figured that's how you posted it but wanted to make sure. Thank you for the info.
  • I have the first Zumba game for the xBox. I like it. It is fun. I have the Wii Fit too. I am going to try to incorporate that a little more just for something extra at night. We will see how it goes though. On youtube, I found a lady who does hour classes and posts weekly. In case you want to check her out, her name is Dr.…
  • How do you post pictures here?
  • Thanks for sharing! Yes, I read they take a cut off the top. They need to fund their website somehow.
  • Hello everyone!! My name is Brenda and I've been on a weight loss journey since 2007. I was always a little on the heavier side growing up. I was picked on and teased a lot on the bus rides to school or by a boy who lived down the street from me. I danced for a bit part of my life (tap and jazz). I always was one of the…
  • Thank you for creating this group! What a great idea!