

  • There is NO WAY that is least for me. It says I am like 23% body fat...LOL UM NO!
  • for me MFP calorie burn is WAY TOO HIGH! I am 5'1" tall and 112 lbs so it is way high because I am not "average". You should invest in a good HRM that you can program to YOUR body and it will track accurate calorie burn.
  • With all those issues I say you should walk, swim or elliptical AND invest in a good heart rate monitor to monitor your heart rate during exercise. Along with a good diet!
  • Hey there. There are several Insanity groups on myfitnesspal, so you should not have a problem finding buddies. I am on round 2 currently and about half way done with round 2. I started with a weight of 127 (ish) and I am currently 112.2 as of this morning. I had no muscle tone prior to insanity. Good luck and keep digging…
  • 98-105 lbs is still normal range for your height (if you have a small frame) I am in the same boat and people think I am crazy for being in the low 100's but I am short with a small frame so it's a healthy weight. Keep at it and dont let anyone discourage you to keep healthy. :smile:
  • Are you using a HR monitor that takes into account your height/weight/age and sex? If you are a smaller person then you will burn less even during intense workout. I have a resting HR of 54, I am 5 foot 1 inch tall female with a weight of 113 lbs. I do Insanity and wearing my HR monitor and my average HR is 165. I burn…
  • I am also a distance runner and Insanity fanatic. I do 3 runs a week (on lighter Insanity days). I usually do my run in the morning and Insanity before bed or during my sons nap time if I have recovered enough by late afternoon. And Insanity will for sure help your speed.
  • Insanity is GREAT. Just look at my abs! LOL I lost 15ish pounds and got those abs with 1 1/2 rounds of Insanity (I am currently 1/2 way done with my second round) It is a bit pricy and you may want to do phase 1 twice for sure before you move on to phase 2 if your not already is really good shape but it's amazing! I have…
    in Insanity Comment by blhenn June 2012
  • 5 foot 1 inch and trying to get back down to 105.