Insanity Buddies!

Hi all!
I'm starting Insanity this Friday and I'm looking for some friends that are starting it too or are currently doing Insanity! I'm hoping to lose a lot of inches. Feel free to friend request me or post pics of your results...thanks guys :)


  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    I just started today! Fit Test was challenging but short -- I was definitely out of breath! I did Jillian's Ripped in 30 last month (then vacation for a week), so I feel like I have a good base, but it is still challenging.
  • blhenn
    blhenn Posts: 10
    Hey there. There are several Insanity groups on myfitnesspal, so you should not have a problem finding buddies. I am on round 2 currently and about half way done with round 2. I started with a weight of 127 (ish) and I am currently 112.2 as of this morning. I had no muscle tone prior to insanity. Good luck and keep digging deep! Insanity is GREAT!!
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I am on day 15 and just finished my second fit test! Add me! Overall I can see results and especially today after my test! I did 46 more reps of the various exercises than the first time and shocked the heck outta myself! YOU CAN DO IT! I know that's cliche but there's only one way you CAN'T and that is if you tell yourself you're too weak/heavy/girly etc.... you have to simply refuse to let your mind overpower your body!! It's hard but WORTH IT!!!! Give 1000% effort (my hubby says he thinks I'm dying when he hears me work out.... I think it's because I occasionally yell - LOL)
  • BrittanyFordham
    hahahahaha Skeena4, thats so funny! my brothes say the same thing about me when I exercise! haha thanks for the advice and the encouragement! cant wait to do the fit test and see my progress! :) ill definitely send you a friend request!
  • BrittanyFordham
    I am on Day 3 of Insanity and I am loving it!! I also love how I feel ! :) Anybody else doing it feel free to add me!
  • klsrunner
    klsrunner Posts: 2
    I just started! I did the Fit Test yesterday and I'm about to go do the actual first workout. Anyone, feel free to add me!