I need your advice, please! What to do?



  • blhenn
    blhenn Posts: 10
    With all those issues I say you should walk, swim or elliptical AND invest in a good heart rate monitor to monitor your heart rate during exercise. Along with a good diet!
  • csewell88
    csewell88 Posts: 6
    I started out 3 years ago with HBP and 236 lbs. Down to 181 and in very good health. I started walking at first. Don't worry about pace. Just set a time limit like 20 minutes and walk 10 minutes away from your house and then back. At first that may feel difficult for you but you'll be surprised how quickly it will get easier. Exercise DVDs just exhausted me and I felt bad about myself because I couldn't do even the easy stuff. I discovered that I like to hit tennis balls so I'd go out and whack balls with my husband or son, just for fun, not really playing tennis, but just playing. Once you feel better and stronger, you could consult a trainer who works with people who want to be more functionally fit, not body builders, and see about sessions or just a plan if that's all you want. Also don't cut your calories too drastically. There are online calculators that will tell you roughly how many calories a day your body burns just to stay alive, add some activity calories on to that and then eat enough calories to give you about a 500 calorie deficit. I burn about 2200 a day and eat between 1500 and 1700. That allows me to lose around a pound a week. There's no guarantee for weight loss but if you stick with it, you will lose. I also use a BodyBugg to count my steps and activity and I love that gadget. Once i knew how many calories I burn, I was able to eat accordingly. I'd love to be friends if you need another. Good luck and let us know how you are doing.:flowerforyou:
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    What about trying a Leslie Sansone walking DVD? She encourages you to just do what you can, and it always seemed to me to be very low impact.

    See if you can find an example of her workouts on YouTube to see if it's something you think you can do.

    Best of luck to you! :)

    My thoughts exactly!
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    swimming will support your weight taking the pressure off your knee and back. Walking is good too, invest in some decent trainers that will cushion your steps and it shouldn't cause you too much trouble.

    If you sit on your backside and keep using your knee and back as an excuse they will never get better as the pressure from the weight will still be there.

    Speak to a trainer at a gym, ask them the best things to do to strengthen your back and knee and low impact cardio work.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    Well I got over a hundred pounds to lose my self, with hbp and a weak lower back and pinched nerve. I started walking. Tried walking dog around the block, but he pulled me so hard the entire way that I could barely stand afterwards. So I then took him to the off leash dog park. Now I get to go at my pace and he can do his thing and we are both happy.

    I saw you are afraid of water, that is a bummer, because water is excellent work out.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Well, I already found Leslie DVD on YouTube and did the first step, 1 mile, almost died but I did it! it's a beginning! and that is THANKS to YOU, guys!
    I will try to do another mile during the day...my hips hurt! Pain scared me, as I am harming myself...but pain is part of it, right? is OK to feel pain after working out, yes?
    Unfortunately I can't do pool because I am terrified of water and I don't know to swim.
    I will try to find others DVD also for the upper body, arms...

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!! As far as the pool, you don't have to try and swim. Stay in the shallow end. (3 feet or so) and just walk around. The water offers excellent resistance and will help you build strength and endurance.

    What kind of pain are you feeling? Muscle fatigue? That's expected. Anything other than that (sharp, burning, sudden) I think may be cause for alarm.

    YOU CAN DO THIS! Just don't over-exert yourself. Start slowly and build up at a pace that works for you. and S-T-R-E-T-C-H when you're done!!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    I am not a doctor but I had...HAD HBP....mine ran around 198/98 most of the times, I would pass out at times. When I started to make my life change (jan 2010) it was by doing 1 small thing. I walked down to the corner of my street and back...that's all I could do that day. The next day I couldn't hardly move. 2 days later I walked again and made myself go past the corner. I kept doing that until I walked around the block. I had tried 30 day shred, walk dvvd's etc but until I dropped some weight I just couldn't do them.
    It took me months but by Nov 2010 I walked/jogged a 5 k. I am still proud of my time of 47.18...only because I DID IT!!!!
    Between watching what you eat, and exercising you can do it.
    Place one foot in front of the other and just keep going......if this almost 300 lb person could have done it you can do it!

    I no longer have HBP and I am planning on running a 5 k on July 28, 2012!!!

    Good Luck!!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Good for you! I like that you already went out there and did it! Since you have already had your ticker checked, I would totally recommend swimming or water aerobics for a great low impact workout, in addition to walking!

    About pain...
    Yes, a little "pain" is normal. But you have to differentiate between "pain" and "discomfort"... "PAIN" is sharp, stabbing pains that feel hot or sharp like stabbing or poking. That is generally not good.

    "DISCOMFORT" is a burning sensation in your muscles or lungs, muscle soreness, tiredness, fatigue... muscles so sore it hurts to walk up the stairs or stand up from a sitting position... that's all part of the process.

    The discomfort is normal... if you're having PAIN I would see a doctor. :)

    Well, I already found Leslie DVD on YouTube and did the first step, 1 mile, almost died but I did it! it's a beginning! and that is THANKS to YOU, guys!
    I will try to do another mile during the day...my hips hurt! Pain scared me, as I am harming myself...but pain is part of it, right? is OK to feel pain after working out, yes?
    Unfortunately I can't do pool because I am terrified of water and I don't know to swim.
    I will try to find others DVD also for the upper body, arms...
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Here I am, asking for exercise, who would believe it???
    But I need ASAP some advices on how to start it slowly, I am 56 years old, weak, with a bad knee and HBP...I am always afraid I will have a heart attack if I exercise...but I don't have any strength, very bad, I also have terrible back pain, and I know it is because the weight.
    I was at the doctor, and I am going to a Nutritionist group.
    So, somebody with experience can advise me about a good DVD por people like me in my current physical situation?
    Thank you!!!
    Are you cleared for exercise? If you are then, just start off with just walking, then add in strength. It's not a race.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I quoted this gentleman because it appears he has the proper credentials to advise you and gave you sound advice. If you doctor has cleared you than you need to understand in what range your heart rate can be to exercise safely. You absolutely can have a heart attack, stroke or myriad of other help problems from very intense exercise; however, the instances of this happening are rare and are generally attributed to undiagnosed cardiac and or genetic conditions. If you have seen your doctor and he has told you what your current state of health is, than you should be safe to exercise moderately.
    A much bigger concern is for overuse injuries which is why walking or pool work is the best. Both are generally very low impact, but make sure you invest in a good pair of fitted shoes. Go to a local running store (very intimidating I know) and ask them to fit you for walking. Alternatively, if you have access to a pool that is by far the most low impact and you can make huge gains. They way I look at weight loss and the fear of death and pain is that if I do nothing, I am going to die for sure and most likely die a miserable obesity related death so if I happen to go out while improving myself than at least I went out on my terms. I do not take silly risks and I do consult doctors when I need to, but I also exercise now like I am living for tomorrow.