jybdrummer Member


  • I believe a calorie is a calorie. The reason most people lose weight on Atkins is because it's essentially a low-calorie diet. You give up high-calorie carbohydrates and replace them with lower calorie protiens. But a balanced, low-calorie diet combined with daily exercise is the best way to lose weight.
  • I don't think you need to choose between strength training and cardio. Start with both. Go easy at first and build up to more strenuous workouts. I started out with a video workout called Slim-in-6. I chose this workout because it's starts slowly gets progressively harder. It also mixes cardio with light resistance…
  • I did Slim-in-6 and P90x for two years and didn't lose any weight. I joined MFP, started counting calories and I dropped 31lbs in 3 months. I wouldn't recommend P90x.
  • I did Slim-in-6 and P90x for two years and didn't lose any weight. I joined MFP, started counting calories and I lost 31 lbs in 3 months. P90x didn't work for me as a weigh loss program. MFP worked wonders!
  • I do all three back to back. No resting between sets. I don't do lower body. I do 30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical before doing the supersets. That works my lower body well enough. My total workout time, treadmill + supersets = 60 minutes. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any more questions.
  • Well, my original goal was to lose 20lbs but I ended up losing over 30lbs. So yes, our goals are similar...
  • I suggest doing "SUPERSETS". This is where you work opposing muscles with each exercise. This allows you to move quickly from one exercise to the other without rest. I do these right after I get off the treadmill. That way it works as an extension of my cardio routine AND it builds muscle tone. When I say "opposing…
  • P90x workouts are tough. I struggled with them too. So I did Slim-in-6 to help me get in shape before doing P90x. But a word of advice. If your goal is to lose weight, P90x may not be the solution. I did it for 2 years and didn't lose a pound. I joined MFP, started counting calories, doing cardio exercises mixed with light…
  • My doctor thinks I have hypothyroidism. We're doing blood tests to confirm his diagnosis. The problem I had was chronic fatigue which made daily exercise very difficult. In the meantime I started taking vitamins. I take a multi-vitamin, B-complex, iron and zinc. This helped relieve my chronic fatigue so I could continue my…
  • I did Slim-in-6 and P90x for two years and didn't lose any weight at all. It wasn't until I started counting my calories on MyFitnessPal that the weight started dropping off. I've lost over 31lbs with MyFitnessPal and the treadmill.
  • Tony Horton shows you how to do most of the exercises with resistance bands, so you don't really need a pull-up bar or weights.