FINALLY worked up the nerve...before/after pics...31 lbs lat

GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
Here goes nothing...
:blushing: :embarassed:
I've lost just over 30 lbs so far. I feel the need to share because I have 15 more to lose & I've been stuck for the past couple of months. I haven't gained, but I haven't been able to lose.

When I see people that haven't seen me in a little while (month or two) they always tell me how great I look. Of course, I thank them. Then, they always tell me I shouldn't lose anymore & that I'm fine the way I am. It always frustrates me. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago for the first time in 1 1/2 years. It was a wellness visit so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Of course, she noticed the weight change & we talked about it. I told her how I was doing it & she told me that I was extremely healthy in the way I'm doing it. She also asked me if I wanted to lose more. I told her yes. She said that I'm healthy now, but that I'll also be healthy if I lose another 15 so she saw no problem with it. So, with my doctor's approval, I'm pressing on.

Isn't it funny how the "experts" who are so willing to share their unqualified opinion are usually overweight & unhealthy themselves. I was so relieved that I received the seal of approval from my doctor & planned to share her comments with people when they ask me about how much more I'm planning to lose. I have had the opportunity a couple of times, but they always choose to try & discredit the doctor & say that they don't always know what they're talking about. Really?! Really?! I think I'd rather go with my doctor's opinion than a jealous bystander any day...

I feel better now that I got that all out! Thanks for "listening" to me vent. I feel TONS better!

Now for the good part that is embarrassing... The pictures! :noway:



In 15 more pounds...I'll take more. This is it for now... I'll be sure to get better pictures then.


  • gljohnson
    gljohnson Posts: 10 Member
    You look fantastic!! Great job, keep it up.
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    you look beautiful! AMAZING JOB~Thank you for sharing
  • GoingMedium
    You look amazing! Keep up the good work ... I'm always looking for inspiration.
  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    well done u look awesome :D
  • canadianchick11
    WOW, you look so great! Good luck on losing your last pounds! :happy:
  • sweetlilgiggles
    sweetlilgiggles Posts: 23 Member
    Amazing! You're looking beautiful, girl!
  • agirlandhergame
    agirlandhergame Posts: 8 Member
    We have very similar body types so I am very excited to see your progress! I am 5'4 and 160...I want to get down to 120. Lets see how this goes!
  • amylouisewalker
    You look amazing! Well done x
  • HBean
    HBean Posts: 55
    you look great, what an achievement! I think you should always listen to your heart, and sometimes an expert :) when it comes to how you feel, I totally agree with the point that you made.
  • JoanCG
    JoanCG Posts: 22
    Wow! You look amazing!! Was there anything in particular you did that flattened your belly like that? My body resembles your before picture and I seem to be losing weight everywhere but my stomach. Way to go on your accomplishment!! :-)
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    you look amazing. keep up the great work. and to those who tell you that you shouldnt lose anymore, dont listen to them, you will know when to stop. but exercise should always be a routine of some kind so you will be able to maintain your weight.
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    You look really great and deserve congratulations for your success so far. I too have lost 30 pounds and have 20 more to lose. Family members keep telling me I don't "need" to lose any more, but like you, I asked my doctor who said the best weight for my height and age was losing 15 pounds more. . .so I'm still sticking to the 1200 calories per day and continuing with my exercise routine. Part of the reason my family members tell me I don't need to lose is that I've been overweight for a number of years, and they are having to get used to the "new me." But a couple of them are overweight too, and aren't doing anything about it but complaining. . .so that may be their motive. . .a little sabotage?? Just do what you need to, and ignore those who aren't supportive of you!
    Again, congratulations, and good luck reaching your goal.
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    you look amazing. keep up the great work. and to those who tell you that you shouldnt lose anymore, dont listen to them, you will know when to stop. but exercise should always be a routine of some kind so you will be able to maintain your weight.
    Thanks! I agree! My goal is to begin training to run a 5K, then 1/2 marathon, then a marathon! I want to be the athlete that I was before I let life keep me so busy! I didn't realize how much I missed running & playing sports until I discovered it again!
  • sweebeesmom
    Great job. So long as you are within your BMI I don't see why it would be unhealthy for you to lose more. They are right though you DO look great now too. :)
  • lildazey
    lildazey Posts: 86 Member
    You look amazing! Don't listen to others, do what makes you feel good! :)
  • jybdrummer
    jybdrummer Posts: 13 Member
    Great Job! You look fantastic!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    You look really great and deserve congratulations for your success so far. I too have lost 30 pounds and have 20 more to lose. Family members keep telling me I don't "need" to lose any more, but like you, I asked my doctor who said the best weight for my height and age was losing 15 pounds more. . .so I'm still sticking to the 1200 calories per day and continuing with my exercise routine. Part of the reason my family members tell me I don't need to lose is that I've been overweight for a number of years, and they are having to get used to the "new me." But a couple of them are overweight too, and aren't doing anything about it but complaining. . .so that may be their motive. . .a little sabotage?? Just do what you need to, and ignore those who aren't supportive of you!
    Again, congratulations, and good luck reaching your goal.
    Thanks! I KNEW I wasn't the only one hearing it! :smile: Congratulations to you on your success! Keep it up!
  • nikkiWIP
    nikkiWIP Posts: 14 Member
    You look amazing Gina!! Keep up the good work!!
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
    You look great!! You have motivated me to take some before pics. I have been putting it off and dreading it but you have motivated me so I can track my results better! As far as the different opinions on weight I always see unhealthy overweight people telling me I don't need to lose any weight. I tell them a few years ago I was 15 pounds lighter and at a much healthier weight and they scoff. My healthy weight range for my height is a wide range...I am not petite or a small build and I have curves so i always aim for the middle of the range. But you know your body and if your doctor doesn't think its too much go for it girl!!!
  • chris1132
    You look so great! I am also 5'4" and am trying to get down to about 115. So inspirational! One day I hope I'll be able to post before/afters that are as awesome as yours!
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