FINALLY worked up the nerve...before/after pics...31 lbs lat



  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    Wow! You look amazing!! Was there anything in particular you did that flattened your belly like that? My body resembles your before picture and I seem to be losing weight everywhere but my stomach. Way to go on your accomplishment!! :-)
    I was so bloated before! When I cut way back on my carb intake, my belly started to disappear! I don't have a 6-pack...yet! I can't wait to have some abs showing again, but I'm so glad that it's much smaller than before! I was tired of getting asked if I was pregnant! Cutting back on the carbs & doing some walking (which eventually led to running) did wonders for me!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    You look so great! I am also 5'4" and am trying to get down to about 115. So inspirational! One day I hope I'll be able to post before/afters that are as awesome as yours!
    You're so sweet! 115 sounds like such a small number to so many, but for us shorter's not! :happy: We should friend each other so we can help each other stay motivated & accountable!
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    You look great!! You have motivated me to take some before pics. I have been putting it off and dreading it but you have motivated me so I can track my results better! As far as the different opinions on weight I always see unhealthy overweight people telling me I don't need to lose any weight. I tell them a few years ago I was 15 pounds lighter and at a much healthier weight and they scoff. My healthy weight range for my height is a wide range...I am not petite or a small build and I have curves so i always aim for the middle of the range. But you know your body and if your doctor doesn't think its too much go for it girl!!!
    Thanks! I HIGHLY recommend the before & progression pictures. Although, you can tell just how thrilled I was in the before pictures! I have my husband to thank for that. He made me take them & I am SO glad he did! It's amazing to look back & see the progress & to stay motivated to NEVER go back to that!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    You look amazing Gina!! Keep up the good work!!
    You're such a great cheerleader & encourager! Thank you! You keep up your good work too, girl!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Oh Gina, you look FANTASTIC! I'm so happy for you. CONGRATS on your success thus far!

    By the way, I am an unhealthy obese "expert." :blushing: I completed my bachelors of science in dietetics (nutrition) in 2009 and completed my post graduate internship 8 months ago. Last September I felt accomplished academically but VERY nervous to enter the field. I was embarrassed to try and give nutritional advice at my size. I had to be honest with myself........I would have to suck it up and learn to walk the walk if I wanted to talk the talk. My husband gave me the green light to stay at home as a SAHM for a little while. So I took advantage of that opportunity and started working on ME so that soon I can help OTHERS. And I'll be able to say, "I've been where you are and look where I'm at now. I did it and I'll help you do it." At least this is a large part of my motivation right now. I'm almost at my half way mark! Whoop!

    I hope you don't mind that I shared a little bit of my story. :) But this is about YOU and how much you have accomplished so far. Keep plugging along. You have the right attitude and I am confident you will reach your goal. Keep up the good work! WAY TO GO! *\o/*

  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    We have very similar body types so I am very excited to see your progress! I am 5'4 and 160...I want to get down to 120. Lets see how this goes!
    If I can do it, I KNOW you can do it! :happy: We should friend each other on here to encourage one another since we're so similar!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    Oh Gina, you look FANTASTIC! I'm so happy for you. CONGRATS on your success thus far!

    By the way, I am an unhealthy obese "expert." :blushing: I completed my bachelors of science in dietetics (nutrition) in 2009 and completed my post graduate internship 8 months ago. Last September I felt accomplished academically but VERY nervous to enter the field. I was embarrassed to try and give nutritional advice at my size. I had to be honest with myself........I would have to suck it up and learn to walk the walk if I wanted to talk the talk. My husband gave me the green light to stay at home as a SAHM for a little while. So I took advantage of that opportunity and started working on ME so that soon I can help OTHERS. And I'll be able to say, "I've been where you are and look where I'm at now. I did it and I'll help you do it." At least this is a large part of my motivation right now. I'm almost at my half way mark! Whoop!

    I hope you don't mind that I shared a little bit of my story. :) But this is about YOU and how much you have accomplished so far. Keep plugging along. You have the right attitude and I am confident you will reach your goal. Keep up the good work! WAY TO GO! *\o/*

    Thank you! Congratulations to you & your success so far! That's AMAZING! At least you are a true expert...not just a random person sharing an opinion, but someone who has the smarts too. I think your impact on others will be SO much greater since you have not only the knowledge, but also the experience! I think it's goes a long way & automatically gives you some respect & takes away some of the barriers that might be between you & patients!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    You DO look fabulous!
  • TinaBina975
    You look amazing! Keep up the Great work! :happy:
  • nkaplosinit
    nkaplosinit Posts: 74 Member
    GREAT Job!! You look great! You are such an inspiration to me! I too am 5'4" and I currently weigh 157lbs. I am wanting to get down to 125-130lbs. I have just started this journey of becoming healthier. I can never seem to stick with any exercise/diet program. If you have any advice at all on how to keep going every day and being healthy I would love to hear from you!!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    GREAT Job!! You look great! You are such an inspiration to me! I too am 5'4" and I currently weigh 157lbs. I am wanting to get down to 125-130lbs. I have just started this journey of becoming healthier. I can never seem to stick with any exercise/diet program. If you have any advice at all on how to keep going every day and being healthy I would love to hear from you!!
    If I can do it then I KNOW you can! Just take each day at a time & celebrate the mini successes! Each 10 lbs I lost I celebrated (not with food, that's my weakness, but with something to treat myself like a pedicure, new purse, new shoes, etc) so that it motivated me to keep going. New clothes were quite the motivation too! We should friend each other so that we can encourage one another!
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    Great job Gina!!! You are doing terrific and don't let anyone tell you different. When I lost about 25-30 pounds I had people tell me that I may look like a drug addict if I did so. Those same people are overweighted themselves as you stated. We have our personal choices and everyones is not the same.....
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    You really do look great now... I don't know where you've hidden that 15 lbs you want to lose still!

    I had the same reaction, especially from older people at church, but now I've lost another 5 kg people are seeking me out to ask how I did it :laugh:

    The only possible danger to being below a bmi of 20 is that it can adversely affect fertility. I want to stay around 20 for the moment for that reason, but might see what lower is like if I decide my family is complete.
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    Great job Gina!!! You are doing terrific and don't let anyone tell you different. When I lost about 25-30 pounds I had people tell me that I may look like a drug addict if I did so. Those same people are overweighted themselves as you stated. We have our personal choices and everyones is not the same.....
    Wow! The nerve of some people! Thank you for your encouragement! Congratulations on your weight loss as well!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    You really do look great now... I don't know where you've hidden that 15 lbs you want to lose still!

    I had the same reaction, especially from older people at church, but now I've lost another 5 kg people are seeking me out to ask how I did it :laugh:

    The only possible danger to being below a bmi of 20 is that it can adversely affect fertility. I want to stay around 20 for the moment for that reason, but might see what lower is like if I decide my family is complete.
    Thanks! I'm trying to get fit so that when we start our family (sometime near the end of this year) I'll be in the best shape. My doctor so that it's great since I'll be not only supporting myself, but the life that'll be growing within me! Congratulations on your weight loss & good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    You're adoreable!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Beautiful!! :bigsmile:
  • LisaO2008
    YAY GO YOU! you look fanstastic!!!!
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member
    You look friggin awesome! Good for you. As for the others, misery loves company.
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