p90x help??

So I started p90x....but I cant get through a whole workout without a break...I try, but I find that I make it through 35 minutes of it and the last 25 are nearly impossible....especially the push-ups and banana rolls. some things i just cant quite do. It is really hard to workout now because for the past 2 years I have let go of it....and i used to be pretty strong and now I just feel stiff and weak. any tips??


  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    MODIFY!! Being able to complete an entire workout will come with time. Just do your best.

    Good Luck!
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    Have you tried Power 90? It's the predecessor to P90X and might be a better place to start, depending on where you're at. Also, Tony Horton tells you it's OK to hit the pause button if you need to, so no need to feel bad about doing that. It gets easier as you move along, meaning that you'll eventually be able to do more pushups, rolls, etc. Be sure to record everything like they tell you to so you can see your progress. It'll help motivate you each week.
  • CrimsonScotty
    CrimsonScotty Posts: 47 Member
    just stick with it, "do your best, and forget the rest", you'll gradually get stronger and build more endurance and you'll start noticing you can do more and more, and eventually you'll be able to get through the whole thing....Good Luck and BRING IT!!
  • jybdrummer
    jybdrummer Posts: 13 Member
    P90x workouts are tough. I struggled with them too. So I did Slim-in-6 to help me get in shape before doing P90x. But a word of advice. If your goal is to lose weight, P90x may not be the solution. I did it for 2 years and didn't lose a pound. I joined MFP, started counting calories, doing cardio exercises mixed with light resistance training and I've lost over 30 lbs in 3 months!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    I'm following the lean plan....and mixing it up with regular cardio at the gym (treadmill/elliptical)...so hopefully I will gain muscle and lose weight...

    thanks guys for all the support...its just embarassing how out of shape I have gotten. I was never "bufff" or whatever, but I was always in pretty decent shape. Now I find myself struggling with the little things which is really upsetting!