taosan Member


  • Well if it's in it's in, doesn't matter if you had to chew on it :)
  • Well of course it should go in your diary. On a side-note though, you may find it interesting that Flaxseed and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are actually not the types of fat that make you fat, quite the opposite, they play vital roles in how stored fat is being metabolized, so these actually help you to lose weight…
  • Why would anyone look different at you? Weight loss is never an easy journey, especially if you've gone overweight 30, 40, 50 or more pounds and have been like that for who knows how long. Gastric bypass is just yet another tool to accomplish a desired outcome, and as you have stated, if the determination isn't there, you…
  • The number of calories in a meal isn't even half the picture. If you'd bring glycemic load, saturated fats and whatnot into the equation the difference between a Subway meal and McD meals is day and night. Nothing spikes your insulin like a good jolt of salt, fat and sugars like McD serves them up. In turn causing a rapid…
  • Tbh, sleeping 7 to 8 hours and still having dark circles under your eyes sounds like time to see a doctor about it. Not meaning to be demoralizing, but you might be wasting plenty of your workouts (as in your body not doing what it's supposed to) depending on what causes your grogginess. Good luck and hoping for the best...
  • Well done :)
  • I know the feeling but skipping lunch was a bad idea. Rather have a super-healthy raw veggies lunch, it'll level you out a bit and you won't have at the ribs all starved out. A healthy measure of fiber will also slow down fat absorption in your intestines. So next rib night I'd consider filling up on carrots, peppers and…
  • Just a tip: If you use Firefox and get the free AdblockPlus plugin you won't see one single ad. Squeaky clean white and blue :) Firefox > Tools > AddOns
    in Annoyed Comment by taosan September 2010