jchizick Member


  • minimum for women is 1200
  • almonds, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, egg whites
  • Looks good, try it out for a week or 2. Drink lots of water it's a natural appetite suppressant, it will help with the food cravings. Eat clean foods and manage your macros. good luck
  • use a tasty protein powder and make your own =)
  • Yes coffee is fine it helps give you a boost in the gym and helps with fat loss. But once a week you should try to limit your intake so your tolerance can come back down.
  • Figure out how many calories you need based on your age, sex, weight, and body fat. You are not eating enough, basically the 10 pounds you lost came from fat and muscle. You don't want to lose muscle because the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. Also if you eat the same amount of calories every day your body…
  • Once a week you can have a treat but don't go all out like that every time lol. You wont notice much...maybe you felt full and high on sugar but that's all. Start working other parts of your body not just arms and abs, build some muscle. You can eat 2500-2850 calories a day for maintenance, remember the more calories you…
  • Motivates you to reach your goals!
  • You are doing well! One thing I noticed is you said you walk 40 min and then go to the mall for 3 hours...since you are trying to gain weight stop doing so much exercise or eat more. Every hour of walking you are burning roughly 100 calories which means you need to eat that much more to reach your daily calorie goal of…
  • If you are trying to lose fat then all you need to worry about is your diet. Unless your a serious athlete or on medication there is no reason for you to use a heart rate monitor. But at the end of the day you can do whatever you want.
  • Suck it up and drink as much water as you can. Once in a while as a treat add a flavour to your water. You seem to enjoy aspartame. If you are serious about getting healthy then don't use it. Oh and drink natural spring water, tap water is useless. Look at all the people that are saying its fine to drink flavoured water…
  • Stick to drinking water, eating too much gum on an empty stomach will activate digestive enzymes in your stomach and you don't want that. You have been on a 1200 calorie diet for some time now, try and zig-zag your calories. So, one day eat 1500 calories and the next 1100. Over a week your average daily calories will still…
    in starving Comment by jchizick July 2012