

  • I love Zumba! It's so fun! I've just started taking it.:smile:
  • 1 pound per week. No problemo. Get out some graph paper and set out your goals for each day. This web site might help you get your mind around what you'll have to do to get there. I hope this helps. Good luck! Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Maybe try 6 or 7 almonds and a couple walnuts instead? {But I do agree that you shouldn't rely on diet advice from's like believing what you hear at cocktail parties about the law and taxes.} :tongue: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in Protein Comment by penguinlady July 2009
  • How about eggs. Love d'em eggs! Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Whenever I'm in a state where I feel like you do now, I listen to relaxation cds or weight loss meditation and hypnotic cds which get me out of the kitchen and not so stressed about my lack of motivation or uncontrolable cravings. You sound like you really want to just sleep. I think you should just listen to your body and…
  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I have a diet buddy at work. Her and I support each other whenever there's fattening foods lingering around the office. Also, we have a rule where we have to tell the other person we're going to eat the fattening food before we eat it...In the hopes that this will dissuade us from actually eating the item. And then if one…
  • I forgot about the sodium...Thanks. I'll go chug some watar ASAP. :flowerforyou: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • We always go to my boyfriend's Mom's house for dinner every Sunday. That's the day where I don't worry about calories. I don't stuff myself, but I just won't stress myself out. I think it's absolutely necessary to have a splurge day. Just as long as it's not a "binge day". Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • That's great! I think there are a lot of woman who want to try bellydancing but never had enough courage to start. Just remember, that if you take an intro to bellydance course, your class will be filled with wonderful women just like you. There is no reason not to take a course and see if you like it. Chances are, you'll…
  • Tee hee...Yes. But I'm talking 7 candies in a row. Like right after one another. Like at one sitting so that if someone were to call me I wouldn't be able to talk because my teeth would be all glued together with the toffee petroleum product that holds the candy together. :smile:
  • Yesterday I ate 7 Kerr's toffee candies. I find that if I don't eat any sugar or starch, then I never crave it...but as soon as I have 1 innocent little god damn candy, I can't stop myself and I eat 7 or more. :o) At least I know this about it helps to prevent myself from eating "just one". Created by…