prototype Member


  • I'm very picky about what I eat now. So I try to be as anal as possible. I find that I am personally more successful knowing EXACTLY what I am consuming than I am with guessing. I don't like to leave things up to chance. I would ask them what they put in it. If there is no way to know for sure, or if they won't tell…
  • I just went through a plateau period. Here is what I did to get through it. Hope it helps. 1. Sat down and had a serious conversation with myself about what is going on with ME. Why was I in the mindset that I was in at the time? Don't ignore your thoughts and feelings. Figure out what they are, what they are about... and…
  • I'm private about it. Only a few people close to me know. My mom doesn't even know. I don't need or want anyones negative input distracting me from what I am doing for ME. So all those who consistently put out negative energy... have been left out of the loop. I am not the chick to tell anyone how to do anything. I think…
  • I agree. I thought this would have gotten more love for sure!
  • OMG! I don't know what to say... I'm seriously crying tears of joy. I came in here to say how YOU are my inspiration. I was at a loss of words when I read this. I had to take a moment. Thank you so much Hovie! *hugs* You are my inspiration because you were so eager to share this with me. You didn't judge , you didn't push…
  • I don't reward myself for every five pounds. But I do give myself two treats each week. One breakfast treat and one dinner treat... but never on the same day. For mini goals that I set I am not sure what I plan to do. I really want to do something nice like buy a peice of real jewelry or get a massage. I am still deciding…
  • I don't use the oatmeal packets, I use the regular old fashioned oats and I measure out 1/2 cup DRY. It says to use 1 cup of milk or water... but I only use 1/2 cup because I don't like watery mushy oatmeal.
  • Congratulations! Great job! I'm so happy for you! I hope you continue to reach all of the goals you aspire to.
  • There are several meanings behind my user name. I work in IT by trade. I see myself and my efforts as the experimental model of what I want to be come. I plan to do this an make myself an example for others to emulate when I make progress because failure is simply not an option.
  • I weight myself daily, at the same time, every morning. I have a routine. I like to do this because I'm still at the point where I am paying attention to my body to LEARN how different changes affect my progress. I note days where I have more sodium or heavy exercise. The next day, I look at the scale result and take note…
  • This actually looks good. Let me know what you think. I might try it myself in a couple of weeks.
  • Thank you all so much! I really appreciate the feedback, the warm welcomes and the support! I believe in paying it forward... so I will definitely help where I can where I see a need I can fulfill. A little about me. I'm 34.5 years old. lol I'd say I've been overweight for at least 24 of those years. I'm not at my highest…