

  • Thank you all for the encourgment! It means alot to me!! So everyone knows, I am going to use patches....However, see that all of you have quit makes me feel better!! So i know I am not alone in this....Trust me I will keep you all posted on this and the weight....Thanks again! I am excited to be smoke free!! :):smooched:
  • Thank you all!!
  • You can do it!! I know you can =) Just keep your head high and know that others are trying as well.....Never get discouraged because it is ok to fall. Just get right back up!! I know I have!!:tongue:
    in HELP!!! Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • I am glad to hear encouraging words!!! It always helps :)
    in Guilt Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • I know!! Thank you very much!:heart:
    in Guilt Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • I just started this site a couple of days ago. It is amazing and people on here are very supportive!! So keep your head high and just know you can do it!! I will keep you all in mind and know I am not alone in this battle...:heart:
  • This is soo true! This is what I am going through now and I hate it. But, I know I need to stay with it because of my health! I feel silly for feeling guilty. But, I think once I get the hang of everything I will be ok....:indifferent:
    in Guilt Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • thanks!! I keep getting discouraged...but I will keep trying
    in Guilt Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • Me too! I totally understand....When I am at work, I have the tendency to eat. However, I brought healthy snacks with me :smooched:
  • :heart: Awww, you all are soo amazing!! I just started this and its all new to me! But, I been wanting to lose this weight for a long time and never did anything. It just seems like everytime i eat, I gain, if anyone has suggestions on things to eat..I would love to know!! Trust me, I will keep posting…
  • I will have have to try that
    in Question Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • Thank you sooo much!! This gives me a great start! :heart:
    in Question Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • Do I just tell you on here or do I need to send something? I am confused lol
  • Sooo, I am going to stop smoking on June 18th because that is when I am going to my stop smoking classes and will be getting patches!! Wish me luck and I will keep everyone posted:smokin:
    in Hello Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • Sooo, I am going to stop smoking on June 18th because that is when I am going to my stop smoking classes and will be getting patches!! Wish me luck and I will keep everyone posted:smokin:
    in Hello Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • I want to join the blue team lol:heart:
  • Soo...I am very nervous because I am going to quit smoking. I don't want to gain anymore weight! Any suggestions from anyone?
    in Hello Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • Thanks!!
    in Hello Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • Thank you to everyone for the warm hello!!! =)
    in Hello Comment by Laura817 June 2009
  • Yay you found I need to put a pic on here..
    in Hello Comment by Laura817 June 2009