
Hello to all, I am new here. My friend Rachel just introduced me to this website! I am very excited and hope to lose the weight that I been wanting too!!:love:


  • onfleur
    onfleur Posts: 159 Member
    You'll do it I have faith in you, besides your here arent you? Welcome to mfp! My second week is Friday this week and I lost 6 pounds in my first week so I know you can do it!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is great, it is so supportive, helpful, motivational, and easy to use. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    Welcome Laura. Lets kick some *kitten* and loose some weight!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yaaaay I'm so glad you're here!!!!

  • Laura817
    Laura817 Posts: 29
    Yay you found me..now I need to put a pic on here..
  • Laura817
    Laura817 Posts: 29
    Thank you to everyone for the warm hello!!! =)
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Welcome Laura! :flowerforyou:
  • carlafreeman
    Welcome to MFP!! You're gonna love this site!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay you found me..now I need to put a pic on here..

    Awww sooo pretty!!
  • Laura817
    Laura817 Posts: 29
  • Laura817
    Laura817 Posts: 29
    Soo...I am very nervous because I am going to quit smoking. I don't want to gain anymore weight! Any suggestions from anyone?
  • lovedbyGod2
    this is the best place to do it!
  • Laura817
    Laura817 Posts: 29
    Sooo, I am going to stop smoking on June 18th because that is when I am going to my stop smoking classes and will be getting patches!! Wish me luck and I will keep everyone posted:smokin:
  • Laura817
    Laura817 Posts: 29
    Sooo, I am going to stop smoking on June 18th because that is when I am going to my stop smoking classes and will be getting patches!! Wish me luck and I will keep everyone posted:smokin:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Sooo, I am going to stop smoking on June 18th because that is when I am going to my stop smoking classes and will be getting patches!! Wish me luck and I will keep everyone posted:smokin:

    I'm so proud of you!! :flowerforyou:
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    Welcome! This is a great site - you'll love it - and having a friend to make the journey with will make it that much better. I suggest logging all your food *before* you eat it - that will give you a chance to reconsider if something isn't so good for you. Also, find a Stop Smoking ticker that will calculate each day you're smoke free and the money you've saved. I've seen several and I'm amazed at how they add up! I suggest that you start Stop Smoking NOW - there's no time like the present - patches or not! good luck! :flowerforyou: