I am getting discouraged already

I am getting soo discouraged already because I am going over my calories and seem to still be hungry:explode:


  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    How long have you been on a (I don't like this word) diet? I like to say a healthier eating plan rather than diet :happy:
    Are you exercising? Are you eating your calories burned? Are you drinking water? Those are all important. Hang in there - you can do it.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey! It's a process!! It takes your brain and your body some time to adjust to a new way of doing things. But, it will adjust!

    Try and focus on eating things that you know will fill you. Soup, fruit, peanut butter, etc. All those things tend to fill me up. And drink a lot of water.

    Before long you will need a lot less to feel full.

    Don't give up. Just give yourself a break that this won't happen overnight!! :flowerforyou:

    And keep on, keepin on! :wink:
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    What types of things are you eating? I have shredded wheat or oatmeal for breakfast, I like big salads with a can of tuna and red wine vinegarette for lunch (only like 150-200 calories!) High fiber tortillas, brown rice, I eat snacks of Triscuits and hummus, strawberries, celery is good and filling for very few calories, dinner is chicken, beef or pork with a salad, broccoli, green beans, any kind of veggie.

    You can eat much more if the things you are eating are fresh, whole foods, high in protein, fiber, and all the other important nutrition. If you are eating things where you aren't getting that nutrition, your body likely is more hungry because it is craving them. Try to eat 5-6 small meals per day. This really helps because you dont have to overstuff yourself at lunch to make it til dinner (other reasons why it is good to eat small meals) knowing that you have a snack coming up it 2-3 hours will help you stop when you are satisfied, not when you are stuffed.

    Hope this helps some... I have kind of random thoughts and I am at work so can't really edit too much. lol :huh:
  • Laura817
    Laura817 Posts: 29
    :heart: Awww, you all are soo amazing!! I just started this and its all new to me! But, I been wanting to lose this weight for a long time and never did anything. It just seems like everytime i eat, I gain weight...lol...But, if anyone has suggestions on things to eat..I would love to know!! Trust me, I will keep posting so I can gain the encouragement...the only thing I hate is that my boyfriend is proud of me but said he doesn't care because he loves me the way I am...however, I don't feel that way because I feel like I am abusing my body!!! But thank you guys, you all are soo sweet:heart:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    You can do this, keep at it.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    How many calories are you eating and what types of foods?

    Why do you think you are abusing your body?

    I try to eat clean....meaning that I only eat fresh fruits and veggies, and whatever I cook...no preprocessed food as much as possible.

    MMMNNNnnnnn, triscuits and hummus!!!!!!! I just had those for a snack a little while ago!!!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    :heart: Awww, you all are soo amazing!! I just started this and its all new to me! But, I been wanting to lose this weight for a long time and never did anything. It just seems like everytime i eat, I gain weight...lol...But, if anyone has suggestions on things to eat..I would love to know!! Trust me, I will keep posting so I can gain the encouragement...the only thing I hate is that my boyfriend is proud of me but said he doesn't care because he loves me the way I am...however, I don't feel that way because I feel like I am abusing my body!!! But thank you guys, you all are soo sweet:heart:

    you can do this, don't give up! If your problem is you feel hungry all the time, you need to really start eating a lot of food- just low calorie foods. raw veggies like celery or cucumber are great because the bulk of them fills you up but they have very few calories. So, add them to your meals or snack on them between meals to avoid feeling so hungry. Make sure you start you day off with a breakfast high in protein. Fibre is good too. You'll stay full longer.

    It gets easier as you go, trust me. You'll learn which foods work well for you and which ones you need to limit.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    The best answer to what to eat so you don't feel hungry is to stick to clean eating. Stay with foods that are nutrition dense (lots of nutrition for the fewest calories). Stay away from processed foods, fast foods, stuff that adds calories without actually giving you something to eat.

    Log your food the night before so you can go over the plan and make changes to give you the most food and nutrition for the fewest calories.

    Get good exercise so you have some exercise calories to eat.

    And never, never, never give up:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lima33doc
    lima33doc Posts: 8
    I actually just joined this today...

    Anyway, I had actually tried doing weight watchers, but always felt like I was starving. I decided to pick up the Biggest Loser cookbooks, and used their method and it seems to actually work better as far as keeping me full. My diet diary is public, so you can actually see what I eat. Of course what works might not work for you, but it certainly doesn't hurt to check it out and get all the support you can.