

  • Afternoon ladies, Hope everyone is doing well. In reading the last two days worth of posts, it sounds like everyone has their hands full! Hope things get done/calm down soon! My cleaning and chores are done for the day :) Going to call my brother here in a bit (he got a new job!), scrap for a couple hours and make some…
  • Busy morning and afternoon here - cleaning, running errands and went with DH to the ortho doc to see about his shoulder. Inflamed joint from clavicle to shoulder, needs PT 3x a week for a month and then goes back for a follow-up visit. Had a good breakfast - went to Red Robin for lunch, had a cheeseburger and iced tea.…
  • Afternoon - been a busy morning, worked on laundry and cleaned the upstairs, vacuumed the stairwell, Spot Botted some areas of the carpet from the kitties and their hairballs (blah!) and went to the grocery. Worked up a nice sweat for two hours of work :wink: Tomorrow I'll be cleaning the bathrooms and Wednesday the…
  • Good Morning, Slow start to my day - I piddle around Sunday mornings reading the paper, clipping coupons, coffee, water and then strip the bed and start my laundry. DH likes to read the paper, watch old movies and play guitar on Sundays. We might go to the pool later or I'll just stay inside and scrapbook. I'm a huge…
  • Hi - my name is Becky and I'm fairly new to FP. Thought I would check out the message boards to see if I could find a group over 50 and I did! I'm 53 and I need to lose 100-140lbs. I have battled weight issues my entire life, even when I technically wasn't fat but was bigger than girls my age. I'm 5"8 and between the ages…
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